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Last active September 14, 2023 20:48
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use gdalcubes to subset and rescale single rasters on the fly (gdalwarp)
url <- "/vsicurl/"
india <- spData::world |> dplyr::filter(name_long=="India")
# subset by bounding box, reproject coordinates, rescale dx/dy
gdal_read <- function(x, box = NULL, crs = NULL, dx= NULL, dy = NULL) {
# We can use the native box, crs, and/or scale if not provided.
# Though if all are null, we might be better with read_stars...
proxy <- stars::read_stars(x)
# dx,dy can't be non-NULL if crs is not given
if( (!is.null(dx) || !is.null(dy)) && is.null(crs)) {
stop("if dx/dy values are given, a crs must be specified!")
# guess crs and dx/dy
if(is.null(crs)) {
crs <- st_crs(proxy)
id <- gsub('.*ID\\["EPSG",(\\d{4})\\]\\]$', "\\1", crs$wkt)
crs <- paste0("EPSG:", id)
## dx
dim <- st_dimensions(proxy)
dx <- dim$x$delta
dy <- abs(dim$y$delta)
# if crs is given but dx/dy aren't, the native CRS could be different.
# in principle we could transform ourselves, but lazy ask user to do it.
if( (is.null(dx) || is.null(dy)) && !is.null(crs)) {
stop(paste("please specify the dx/dy values in CRS", crs))
## bounding box can also be a polygon. Handles re-projecting it too.
if(is.null(box)) {
box <- st_bbox(proxy)
} else {
box <- sf::st_bbox(box) |>
st_as_sfc() |>
sf::st_transform(st_crs(crs)) |>
# NOTE: temporal domain is dummy var here
view <- cube_view(srs = crs,
extent = list(t0 = "2010-01-01", t1 = "2010-01-01",
left = box[1], right = box[3],
top = box[4], bottom = box[2]),
dx = dx, dy=dy, dt = "P1Y")
img <- gdalcubes::create_image_collection(x, date_time = "2010-01-01")
raster_cube(img, view)
# Read in a raster url with polygon subset & CRS transform into meters
z <- gdal_read(url, india, "EPSG:24378", 10000, 10000)
# Subset but don't downscale:
z <- gdal_read(url, india)
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here's using the new by_util in terra

url <- "/vsicurl/"

india <- spData::world |> dplyr::filter(name_long=="India")

library(terra)  ## we need >= 	1.7-46 for by_util
## has yucky extent 
target <- project(rast(india), "EPSG:24378")
res(target) <- c(10000, 10000)
## a bit convoluted, but if we want nice clean alignment to the resolution (I have the logic in vaster but I still have to think hard)
##target <- rast(align(ext(project(rast(india), "EPSG:24378")), 10000), crs = "EPSG:24378", res = 10000)

## we've set to the polygon extent/crs and set a resolution
project(rast(url), target, by_util = TRUE)

## crop(rast(url), india) on its own is probably as fast as this anyway
## subset but don't downscale (rast twice so we only have the grid specification)
project(rast(url), crop(rast(rast(url)), india), by_util = TRUE)

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