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#!/usr/bin/env ruby
search_dir = ARGV[0] || "."
files = Dir.glob("#{search_dir}/**/*.{h,m,swift}")
if files.length > 0
puts "Found the following header or implementation files in '#{search_dir}':"
files.each do |filepath|
puts filepath
chrrasmussen / gist:2838845
Created May 30, 2012 20:46
A simple log macro
#define NSLogCmd() NSLog(@"<%@: 0x%x> %@", [self class], (unsigned int)self, NSStringFromSelector(_cmd))
chrrasmussen /
Created July 13, 2011 15:16 — forked from sumchattering/
Script to be used within xcode as a build phase to generate documentation with appledoc
# Script to be used within xcode to generate documentation through appledoc
# Prior to the execution of this script the appledoc executable and templates should have been copied
# to the appledoc folder in the project root directory
# Created by Sumeru Chatterjee the night the earth stood still
#Company Name the only variable that I cant seem to grab from the environment_variables