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Created March 29, 2022 14:37
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YARD Doc Cheatsheet

Documenting With YARD

This document is a condensed version of this page:

YARD is compatible with all RDoc sytax. YARD's power comes from its meta-data syntax, "tags".


Full tag list here:

Common Example

# Converts the object into textual markup given a specific format.
# @param format [Symbol] the format type, `:text` or `:html`
# @return [String] the object converted into the expected format.
def to_format(format = :html)
  # format the object


Indent on the next line to multi-line a tag.

# @tagname This is
#   indented tag data
# but this is not

Types Specifier List

A types specifier list is a comma separated list of types, most often classes or modules, but occasionally literals. For example, the following @return tag lists a set of types returned by a method:

# Finds an object or list of objects in the db using a query
# @return [String, Array<String>, nil] the object or objects to
#   find in the database. Can be nil.
def find(query) finder_code_here end

The types list can contain any of these:

  • Class or Module Types (including the Ruby-non-existant Boolean)
  • Parametrized Types Type<SubType, OtherSubType, ...>
    • Array<String> is an array of strings
    • Array<String, Fixnum> can contain any amount of Strings or Fixnums, in any order.
  • Duck Types
    • are identified by method names beginning with the "#" prefix
    • # @param io [#read] the input object to read from
  • Hashes
    • parametrized type form: Hash<KeyType, ValueType>
    • hash specific syntax: Hash{KeyTypes=>ValueTypes}
  • Order-Dependent Lists
    • a set of types surrounded by "()" and separated by commas
    • must contain exactly those types in exactly the order specified
    • Array<(String, Fixnum, Hash)> would be an array with three elements: string, fixnum, and hash, in exactly that order
  • Literals
    • true, false, nil — used when a method returns these explicit literal values. Note that if your method returns both true or false, you should use the Boolean conventional type instead.
    • self — has the same meaning as Ruby's "self" keyword in the context of parameters or return types. Recommended mostly for @return tags that are chainable.
    • void — indicates that the type for this tag is explicitly undefined. Mostly used to specify @return tags that do not care about their return value.

Reference Tags

If a tag's data begins with (see OBJECT) it is considered a "reference tag". A reference tag literally copies the tag data by the given tag name from the specified OBJECT. For instance, a method may copy all @param tags from a given object using the reference tag syntax:

# @param user [String] the username for the operation
# @param host [String] the host that this user is associated with
# @param time [Time] the time that this operation took place
def clean(user, host, time = end

# @param (see #clean)
def activate(user, host, time = end

Running YARD

yard server Documentation Server

The yard server command serves documentation for a local project or all installed RubyGems. To serve documentation for a project you are working on, simply run:

yard server --reload

And the project inside the current directory will be parsed (if the source has not yet been scanned by YARD) and served at http://localhost:8808.

The --reload flag allows the serving of documentation on a project while you document it so that you can preview the results by refreshing the page in your browser.

yard doc

Aliased as yardoc, generates the docs. There are a lot of options for including / excluding files, cache control, etc. use --help to see all options.

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