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Last active December 28, 2015 22:49
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Setting up an iPad 1 to be an Ansible Node

Setting up an iPad 1 to be an Ansible Node

  1. Update the iPad (v5.1.1?) to the latest iOS and make a backup using iTunes
  2. Install the sshpass program on your laptop. Ansible will need this to connect over ssh using a password.
  3. Jailbreak the iPad using redsn0w -- you now have Cydia
  4. Use Cydia to install "MobileTerminal", "OpenSSH", "Python", and "Setup Tools"
  5. Follow the "MobileTerminal" instructions in Cydia for changing the default passwords
  6. Locate your iPad's IP address by looking in > Wi-Fi and clicking your connected networks detail ">" arrow
  7. SSH into your iPad and make sure you add IP address to list of known hosts
  8. Place IP address into an Ansible hosts file
  9. Run the playbook in this gist using the given command
# test ssh command
# say yes to add IP address to list of known hosts
ssh mobile@<iPad-IP-address>
# playbook command
ansible-playbook <playbook-file-name> -i <hosts-file-name> -k
- name: ipad setup
hosts: all
gather_facts: no
user: root
- name: install simplejson
easy_install: name=simplejson
- name: test
pause: seconds=1
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