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Created May 1, 2017 19:22
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Danger with gometalinter

Using gometalinter with Danger

Run your gometalinter command in CI with the --json command save output to a file e.g. lint.json

	go list -f '{{.Dir}}' ./... | grep -v 'vendor' | xargs gometalinter --vendored-linters --json > lint.json

Add the following to Dangerfile

# Show lint errors
lint_file = "./lint.json" # file from previous step
slug = "myprojectname/" # slug used to find and remove fully qualified file path
if File.exist?(lint_file)
  lint =
  lint_errors = JSON.parse(lint)
  lint_errors.each do |lint_error|
    linter = lint_error["linter"]
    path = lint_error["path"]
    # from /Users/curtis_allen/src/src/
    # to cmd/myprojectname/main.go
    file = path[path.index(slug)+slug.length..-1]
    line = lint_error["line"]
    message = lint_error["message"]
    fail("#{github.html_link("#{file}#L#{line}")} #{linter}: #{message}", file: file, line: line)
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