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Created July 9, 2022 15:16
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UNTESTED: One of many possible bitset implementations.
private typealias Word = UInt
/// Returns the offset at which the `i`th bit can be found in an array of
/// `Word`s.
private func wordOffset(ofBit i: Int) -> Int {
precondition(i >= 0)
return i / Word.bitWidth
/// Returns a mask that isolates the `i`th bit within its `Word` in an array of
/// `Word`s.
private func wordMask(ofBit i: Int) -> Word {
precondition(i >= 0)
return (1 as Word) << (i % Word.bitWidth)
struct Bits<Base: Sequence>: Sequence
where Base.Element: FixedWidthInteger
public var base: Base
typealias Element = Bool
func makeIterator() -> Iterator { Iterator(base: base.makeIterator()) }
struct Iterator: IteratorProtocol {
typealias Element = Bool
var base: Base.Iterator
var buffer: Base.Element.Magnitude = 0
mutating func next() -> Bool? {
let r = buffer & 0x1 != 0
buffer >>= 1
if buffer != 0 { return r }
guard let b = else { return nil }
let r1 = b & 0x1 != 0
buffer = Base.Element.Magnitude(truncatingIfNeeded: b)
buffer >>= 1
buffer |= 1 << (Base.Element.bitWidth - 1)
return r1
extension Bits: Equatable where Base: Equatable {}
extension Bits: Hashable where Base: Hashable {}
extension Bits: RandomAccessCollection, BidirectionalCollection, Collection
where Base: RandomAccessCollection
typealias Index = Int
var startIndex: Index { return 0 }
var endIndex: Index { return base.count * Base.Element.bitWidth }
/// Returns the offset at which the `i`th bit can be found in Base.
func baseOffset(ofBit i: Int) -> Int {
precondition(i >= 0)
return i / Base.Element.bitWidth
/// Returns a mask that isolates the `i`th bit within its element in Base.
func baseMask(ofBit i: Int) -> Base.Element {
precondition(i >= 0)
return (1 as Base.Element) &<< i
fileprivate func baseIndex(_ i: Index) -> Base.Index {
base.index(base.startIndex, offsetBy: baseOffset(ofBit: i))
subscript(i: Index) -> Bool {
base[baseIndex(i)] & ((1 as Base.Element) << (i % Base.Element.bitWidth)) != 0
extension Bits: MutableCollection
where Base: RandomAccessCollection & MutableCollection
subscript(i: Int) -> Bool {
get {
base[baseIndex(i)] & baseMask(ofBit: i) != 0
set {
if newValue {
base[baseIndex(i)] |= baseMask(ofBit: i)
else {
base[baseIndex(i)] &= ~baseMask(ofBit: i)
struct BitSet: SetAlgebra, Hashable {
typealias Element = Int
typealias ArrayLiteralElement = Int
/// Creates an empty set.
init() {
storage = []
/// Creates an empty set with storage preallocated to accomodate elements in
/// `0...maxElementEstimate`
init(elementMax maxElementEstimate: Int) {
storage = []
if maxElementEstimate > 0 {
storage.reserveCapacity(storageCapacity(maxElement: maxElementEstimate))
/// The number of storage words required to accomodate elements in `0...maxElement`.
private func storageCapacity(maxElement: Int) -> Int {
(maxElement + Word.bitWidth) / Word.bitWidth
/// Creates an instance using `storage` as its underlying storage.
private init(storage: [Word]) { = storage
/// Returns `true` if `n` is a element of `self`.
func contains<N: BinaryInteger>(_ n: N) -> Bool {
n >= 0 && n < bits.count && bits[Int(n)]
/// Returns the set of elements in either `self` or `other` (or both).
func union(_ other: Self) -> Self {
if self.isSuperset(of: other) { return self }
if self.isSubset(of: other) { return other }
storage.withUnsafeBufferPointer{ b0 in { b1 in
storage: (0..<max(b0.count, b1.count)).map { i in
i < b0.count ? i < b1.count ? b0[i] | b1[i] : b0[i] : b1[i]
/// Inserts the elements of `other` that are not already in `self`.
mutating func formUnion(_ other: Self) {
if self.isSuperset(of: other) { return }
let overlap = min(storage.count, { b1 in
storage.withUnsafeMutableBufferPointer{ b0 in
for i in 0..<overlap {
b0[i] |= b1[i]
} b1.dropFirst(overlap))
/// Returns the set of elements of `self` that are also in `other`.
func intersection(_ other: Self) -> Self {
if self.isSuperset(of: other) { return other }
if self.isSubset(of: other) { return self }
storage.withUnsafeBufferPointer{ b0 in { b1 in
let newContents = (0..<min(b0.count, b1.count)) { i in b0[i] & b1[i] }
.dropLast { w in w == 0 }
return Self(storage: Array(newContents))
/// Removes any elements of `self` that are not in `other`.
mutating func formIntersection(_ other: Self) {
if self.isSubset(of: other) { return }
var newCount: Int = min(storage.count,
storage.withUnsafeMutableBufferPointer{ b0 in { b1 in
for i in 0..<newCount {
b0[i] &= b1[i]
newCount = b0[..<newCount].dropLast { w in w == 0 }.count
/// Returns the set of elements that are in `self` or `other`, but not both.
func symmetricDifference(_ other: Self) -> Self {
storage.withUnsafeBufferPointer{ b0 in { b1 in
let indices = 0..<max(b0.count, b1.count)
let newContents = { i in
i < b0.count ? i < b1.count ? b0[i] ^ b1[i] : b0[i] : b1[i]
return Self(storage: Array(newContents.dropLast { w in w == 0 }))
/// Replaces `self` with `self.symmetricDifference(other)`.
mutating func formSymmetricDifference(_ other: Self) {
let overlap = min(storage.count, { b1 in
storage.withUnsafeMutableBufferPointer{ b0 in
for i in 0..<overlap {
b0[i] ^= b1[i]
if b1.count > storage.count {
storage.append(contentsOf: b1.dropFirst(overlap))
else if b1.count == storage.count { trim() }
/// Inserts newElement if it was not already present, returing `true` and `newElement` if so, and
/// returning `false` and `newElement` otherwise.
mutating func insert<I: BinaryInteger>(_ newElement: I) -> (inserted: Bool, memberAfterInsert: I)
precondition(newElement >= 0, "BitSet can't store negative value \(newElement)")
if newElement < bits.count {
let r = (bits[Int(newElement)], newElement)
bits[Int(newElement)] = true
return r
let newCapacity = storageCapacity(maxElement: Int(newElement))
storage.append(contentsOf: repeatElement(0, count: max(0, newCapacity - storage.count - 1)))
storage.append(bits.baseMask(ofBit: Int(newElement)))
return (true, newElement)
/// Removes `element` if it is a element of `self`, returning `element` if so, and `nil`
/// otherwise.
mutating func remove<I: BinaryInteger>(_ element: I) -> I?
if element < 0 || element >= bits.count || !bits[Int(element)] { return nil }
bits[Int(element)] = false
if bits.baseOffset(ofBit: Int(element)) + 1 == storage.count { trim() }
return element
/// Inserts `newElement` if it was not already present, returing `nil` if so, and `newElement`
/// otherwise.
mutating func update<I: BinaryInteger>(with newElement: I) -> I? {
self.insert(newElement).inserted ? newElement : nil
/// Returns `true` iff every element of `self` is in `other`.
func isSubset(of other: Self) -> Bool {
if storage.count > { return false }
return storage.withUnsafeBufferPointer { b0 in { b1 in
zip(b0, b1).allSatisfy { x0, x1 in x0 & x1 == x0 }
/// Returns `true` iff no element of `self` is in `other`.
func isDisjoint(with other: Self) -> Bool {
storage.withUnsafeBufferPointer { b0 in { b1 in
zip(b0, b1).allSatisfy { x0, x1 in x0 & x1 == 0 }
/// Returns the elements of `self` that are not in `other`.
public func subtracting(_ other: Self) -> Self {
storage.withUnsafeBufferPointer{ b0 in { b1 in
let newContents = { i in i < b1.count ? b0[i] & ~b1[i] : b0[i] }
return Self(storage: Array(newContents.dropLast { w in w == 0 }))
/// Removes the elements of `other` from `self`
mutating func subtract(_ other: Self) {
storage.withUnsafeMutableBufferPointer{ b0 in { b1 in
for i in 0..<min(b0.count, b1.count) {
b0[i] &= ~b1[i]
if storage.count == { trim() }
/// True iff `self` has no elements.
var isEmpty: Bool { storage.allSatisfy { x in x == 0 } }
/// Returns the number of elements.
func count() -> Int {\.nonzeroBitCount).reduce(0, +)
/// A projection of the bits of `self` as a collection of `Bool`.
private var bits: Bits<[Word]> {
get { Bits(base: storage) }
set { storage = newValue.base }
_modify {
var tmp: Bits<[Word]> = Bits(base: [])
swap(&tmp.base, &storage)
defer { swap(&tmp.base, &storage) }
yield &tmp
/// Removes any stored zeros at the end.
private mutating func trim() {
let nonZeroEnd = storage.withUnsafeBufferPointer { b in
b.dropLast { w in w == 0 }.endIndex
/// Storage for (at least) one `Bool` per element of `self`, packed into words.
private var storage: [Word]
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