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Last active April 5, 2021 00:00
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Copy-on-write big-O efficiency tester
/// Example of a recursive sum type representing a tree.
/// The compiler uses copy-on-write under the covers to give instances value
/// semantics.
indirect enum Tree<Body> {
case o(_ body: Body, _ left: Tree?, _ right: Tree?)
extension Tree : Equatable where Body: Equatable {}
// Interface improvements (single-case enums are slightly awkward).
extension Tree {
/// Creates a tree with `body` stored at the root node, `left` as its left
/// subtree, and `right` as its right subtree.
init(_ body: Body, _ left: Tree? = nil, _ right: Tree? = nil) {
self = .o(body, left, right)
/// Accesses the value stored at the root node of `self`.
public var body: Body {
get {
switch self { case let .o(v, _, _): return v }
set {
switch self { case let .o(_, l, r): self = .o(newValue, l, r) }
/// Accesses the left subtree of `self`.
public var left: Tree? {
get {
switch self { case let .o(_, l, _): return l }
set {
switch self { case let .o(v, _, r): self = .o(v, newValue, r) }
/// Accesses the right subtree of `self`.
public var right: Tree? {
get {
switch self { case let .o(_, _, r): return r }
set {
switch self { case let .o(v, l, _): self = .o(v, l, newValue) }
// InstrumentedTree implementation
/// Global operation counters
var stats = (
boxCreations: 0,
boxDestructions: 0,
bodyReads: 0,
bodyWrites: 0,
bodyModifys: 0,
childReads: 0,
childWrites: 0,
childModifys: 0
/// Resets all operation counts to zero.
/// When you want to measure the cost of one operation, call this first, then
/// `print(stats)`.
func resetStats() {
stats = (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
/// A version of Tree that does all the copy-on-write by hand and counts the
/// operations, so you can measure efficiency of the paradigm.
/// Semantics are identical to Tree<Body>.
struct InstrumentedTree<Body> {
private var box: Box
/// Accesses the value stored at the root node of `self`.
public var body: Body {
get {
stats.bodyReads += 1
return box.body
set {
stats.bodyWrites += 1
if isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&box) { box.body = newValue }
else { box = Box(newValue, box.left, box.right)}
_modify {
if !isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&box) { box = box.clone() }
stats.bodyModifys += 1
yield &box.body
/// Accesses the left subtree of `self`.
public var left: Self? {
get {
stats.childReads += 1
return box.left
set {
stats.childWrites += 1
if isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&box) { box.left = newValue }
else { box = Box(box.body, newValue, box.right)}
_modify {
if !isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&box) { box = box.clone() }
stats.childModifys += 1
yield &box.left
/// Accesses the right subtree of `self`.
public var right: Self? {
get {
stats.childReads += 1
return box.right
set {
stats.childWrites += 1
if isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&box) { box.right = newValue }
else { box = Box(box.body, box.left, newValue)}
_modify {
if !isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&box) { box = box.clone() }
stats.childModifys += 1
yield &box.right
/// Creates a tree with `body` stored at the root node, `left` as its left
/// subtree, and `right` as its right subtree.
public init(_ body: Body, _ leftChild: Self? = nil, _ rightChild: Self? = nil) {
box = Box(body, leftChild, rightChild)
/// Indirect storage to support type recursion and instrumentation.
private class Box {
fileprivate var
body: Body, left: InstrumentedTree?, right: InstrumentedTree?
init(_ body: Body, _ left: InstrumentedTree?, _ right: InstrumentedTree?) {
stats.boxCreations += 1
self.body = body
self.left = left
self.right = right
func clone() -> Box {
return Box(body, left, right)
deinit {
stats.boxDestructions += 1
extension InstrumentedTree : Equatable where Body: Equatable {
/// Returns true iff `l` is identical to `r`.
static func ==(l: Self, r: Self) -> Bool {
// Uncomment to optimize. I'm not sure whether the compiler does this
// optimization, but in principle, it could:
// === ||
l.body == r.body && l.left == r.left && l.right == r.right
extension InstrumentedTree: CustomStringConvertible {
// Note: for diagnostic purposes only; does not contribute to operation count.
var description: String {
"(\(box.body), \( ?? "ε")"
+ ", \( ?? "ε"))"
extension Tree: CustomStringConvertible {
var description: String {
"(\(body), \( ?? "ε")"
+ ", \( ?? "ε"))"
extension Tree {
func duplicated() -> Self {
return Self(body, Self(body, left?.duplicated(), right?.duplicated()), nil)
mutating func duplicate() {
self = Self(body, self)
extension InstrumentedTree {
func duplicated() -> Self {
return Self(body, Self(body, left?.duplicated(), right?.duplicated()), nil)
mutating func duplicate() {
self = Self(body, self)
func demo() {
print("------------- demo -----------")
typealias T = InstrumentedTree<Int>
let ε: T? = nil
var x = T(1, T(2, ε, T(3, T(4), T(5))), T(6, T(7, T(8))))
// Start mutating
x.left!.body += 7
let y = x
x.right!.body += 7
// If y isn't used, its lifetime ends right away and we won't observe any box
// allocations, so print it here. Also show that we have value semantics by
// demonstrating that it hasn't changed.
assert(x != y)
var x1 = T(1, T(2, ε, T(3, T(4), T(5))), T(6, T(7, T(8))))
let y1 = x1.duplicated()
// This merely shows we have the same API on both types. Feel free to
// ignore/comment out the call.
func demo1() {
print("------------- demo1 -----------")
typealias T = Tree<Int>
let ε: T? = nil
var x = T(1, T(2, ε, T(3, T(4), T(5))), T(6, T(7, T(8))))
x.left!.body += 7
let y = x
x.right!.body += 7
assert(x != y)
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