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Last active July 26, 2023 03:12
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Value semantic memoization in Swift
// Just to give a sense of reality.
struct AST {}
/// The wrapper over a dictionary that maps keys onto non-optional
/// values, expecting them to have already been computed.
struct ImmutablePropertyMap<Key: Hashable, Value> {
let storage: Dictionary<Key, Value>
subscript(k: Key) -> Value { storage[k]! }
/// The wrapper over a type checker and property map storage ID that
/// maps keys onto values, lazily updating the property map storage in
/// the type checker.
struct MemoizedPropertyMap<Key: Hashable, Value> {
var typeChecker: TypeChecker
let mapID: WritableKeyPath<TypedProgram.State, [Key: Value]>
let compute: (inout TypeChecker, Key) -> Value
subscript(k: Key) -> Value {
mutating get {
// FIXME: there's a more efficient way to do this with subscript default values
if let r = typeChecker.program.state[keyPath: mapID][k] { return r }
let r = compute(&typeChecker, k)
typeChecker.program.state[keyPath: mapID][k] = r
return r
struct TypedProgram {
let ast: AST
/// The storage of property maps that need to be built as the program is typechecked.
var state: State = State()
/// The storage of property maps that need to be built as the program is typechecked.
struct State {
/// Maps an integer onto its square.
var square: [Int: Int] = [:]
/// Maps an integer onto its name.
var name: [Int: String] = [:]
/// Accesses the property map corresponding to the storage indicated by mapID.
subscript<K, V>(dynamicMember mapID: KeyPath<State, [K:V]>) -> ImmutablePropertyMap<K,V> {
.init(storage: state[keyPath: mapID])
/// Type erasure for `Computer` (below).
protocol AnyComputer {
var key: PartialKeyPath<TypedProgram.State> { get }
var computation: Any { get }
/// Notionally, a
struct Computer<Key: Hashable, Value>: AnyComputer {
init(_ mapID: KeyPath<TypedProgram.State, [Key: Value]>, _ f: @escaping (inout TypeChecker, Key)->Value) {
self.mapID = mapID
self.f = f
let mapID: KeyPath<TypedProgram.State, [Key: Value]>
let f: (inout TypeChecker, Key)->Value
var key: PartialKeyPath<TypedProgram.State> { mapID }
var computation: Any { f }
let emptyTypeChecker = TypeChecker(program: TypedProgram(ast: AST()))
struct TypeChecker {
var program: TypedProgram
let computers: [PartialKeyPath<TypedProgram.State>: AnyComputer]
= Dictionary(
uniqueKeysWithValues: ([
Computer(\.square) { t, i in i * i },
Computer(\.name) { t, i in t.computeName(i) }
] as [AnyComputer]).map { ($0.key, $0) })
var counter = 0
mutating func computeName(_ i: Int) -> String {
counter += 1
switch i {
case 0: return "zero"
case 1: return "one"
case 2: return "two"
default: return "<some-number>"
subscript<K,V>(dynamicMember mapID: WritableKeyPath<TypedProgram.State, [K:V]>) -> MemoizedPropertyMap<K,V> {
mutating get {
fatalError("unreachable") // _modify will always be chosen *because* the getter is a mutating operation!
_modify {
var y = MemoizedPropertyMap<K, V>(
typeChecker: self, mapID: mapID, compute: computers[mapID]!.computation as! (inout TypeChecker, K)->V)
self = emptyTypeChecker
yield &y
self = y.typeChecker
func main() {
var t = TypeChecker(program: TypedProgram(ast: AST()))
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