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Created July 28, 2023 21:33
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Mock-up of program transformation with value semantics and memoization
// This file demonstrates how memoization might work in the transformation of a `ScopedProgram` into
// a `TypedProgram`, which additionally represents type information.
public struct TypedProgram {
/// The prior representation of the program, without analysis of types.
public let base: ScopedProgram
/// A type.
public struct Type_: Hashable {
let id: Int
/// The types.
public private(set) var types: Set<Type_>
/// The type of each declaration.
public private(set) var type: Memo<AST.Declaration, Type_>
/// The supertype, if any, of each type.
public private(set) var supertype: Memo<Type_, Type_?>
/// Creates a partially-formed instance with empty `type` and `supertype` memos in preparation for
/// type checking.
private init(partiallyFormedFrom base: ScopedProgram) {
self.base = base
self.type = Memo()
self.types = Set()
self.supertype = Memo()
/// Creates a well-formed, typechecked representation of `base`, or returns `nil` indicating
/// typechecking failed.
/// In real source we would throw diagnostics.
public init?(_ base: ScopedProgram) {
var checker = TypeChecker(checking: base)
guard let s = checker() else { return nil }
self = s
/// Returns `true` iff `d`'s type is `t` or a subtype thereof.
/// An example of how an algorithm that requires potential memo updating during typechecking can
/// be re-used after typechecking is complete.
public mutating func type(of d: AST.Declaration, isOrInherits t: Type_) -> Bool {
// Create a mutable type-checker with the same memos as self so that the algorithm could in
// principle write new memos. Because a well-formed `TypedProgram` contains complete memos,
// no actual mutation will occur, but this satisfies Swift.
var c = TypeChecker(asAlgorithmContextFor: self)
// Delegate the computation to the mutable context, which is then discarded.
return c.type(of: d, isOrInherits: t)
/// The transformation from a ScopedProgram into either a TypedProgram or a type-checking
/// diagnostic.
private struct TypeChecker {
/// The representation under construction.
/// Note: this may be partially-formed.
var program: TypedProgram
/// Local state of the typechecker.
/// This exists to demonstrate that the approach supports local typechecker state that is not
/// part of the `program` under construction. Note however that if the algorithm strategy of
/// `type(_:isOrInherits:)` (below) is used, one must take care with respect to how this state
/// is relied upon. The safest kind of local state is just another Memo.
var localState = 0
/// Creates an instance that checks `programToCheck`.
init(checking programToCheck: ScopedProgram) {
program = .init(partiallyFormedFrom: programToCheck)
/// Creates an instance as a mutable context for algorithms on `p`, whose memos are already
/// complete.
init(asAlgorithmContextFor p: TypedProgram) {
program = p
/// Returns the program passed to the initializer, fully typechecked, or `nil` to indicate
/// type-checking failed.
mutating func callAsFunction() -> TypedProgram? {
// Compute/record types of declarations
for d in program.base.base.declarations { _ = type(d) }
// Compute/record supertypes of types.
for t in program.types { _ = supertype(t) }
return program
/// Returns `true` iff `d`'s type is `t` or a subtype thereof, memoizing this and other
/// computations along the way.
mutating func type(of d: AST.Declaration, isOrInherits t: Type_) -> Bool {
var r = type(d)
while r != t {
guard let s = supertype(r) else { return false }
r = s
return true
/// Returns the type of `d`, memoizing this and other computations along the way.
mutating func type(_ d: AST.Declaration) -> Type_ {
let r = program.type(d) { Type_(id: }
// Record supertype relationships for as-yet-unseen types.
// Note the slightly awkward code arrangement. We can't do this inside of the closure above
// because it would create overlapping mutable accesses.
// Given that construction has a supertype recording pass, this code is, strictly speaking,
// needless; it was added to demonstrate the awkwardness, which could be overcome if `Memo`
// had a more flexible, granular API.
let t = Type_(id:
if program.types.insert(t).inserted {
_ = supertype(t)
return r
/// Returns the supertype of `t`, if any.
mutating func supertype(_ t: Type_) -> Type_? {
return program.supertype(t) {
localState += 1
return % 2 == 0 ? nil : Type_(id: - 1)
/// A property map from `Key` to `Value`.
public struct Memo<Key: Hashable, Value> {
private var storage: [Key: Value] = [:]
subscript(k: Key) -> Value {
/// If `k` is in `self`, returns its value; otherwise returns `compute()`, storing it as the value
/// for `k`.
mutating func callAsFunction(_ k: Key, compute: ()->Value) -> Value {
{ (x: inout Value) in x }(&storage[k, default: compute()])
// Here follows a mockup of the two representations that precede `TypedProgram`
/// An abstract syntax tree for a program.
public struct AST {
/// A declaration in an AST.
public struct Declaration: Hashable {
/// The identity of this declaration
let id: Int
/// A scope in an AST
public struct Scope: Hashable { let id: Int }
/// Creates an instance with `declCount` declarations
init(declCount: Int) {
declarations = (0..<declCount).map(Declaration.init)
scopes = [Scope(id: 0)]
/// The declarations in this program.
let declarations: [Declaration]
let scopes: [Scope]
/// An AST where every declaration has been assigned to a scope.
public struct ScopedProgram {
/// The representation sans scope resolution
public let base: AST
/// Creates an instance assigning a scope to each declaration in `base`.
init(_ base: AST) {
self.base = base
self.scope = .init(uniqueKeysWithValues: base.declarations.enumerated().map { ($1, base.scopes[0])})
/// Scope resolution results
let scope: [AST.Declaration: AST.Scope]
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