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Last active January 24, 2024 19:48
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Avoiding Recursive Constraints
// Everything but the slicing-related requirements of Collection
protocol CollectionCore {
associatedtype Element
associatedtype Index
func startIndex() -> Index
func endIndex() -> Index
func index(after i: Index) -> Index
subscript(_ i: Index) -> Element { get }
// A type that is wrapped to get the result of slicing
associatedtype SliceCore
= DefaultSliceCore<Self> // Default makes new Collections easier to define.
// Not for user consumption; provides the implementation of slicing
subscript(sliceCore start: Index, _ end: Index) -> SliceCore { get }
// Adds slicing support requirements to CollectionCore.
protocol Collection: CollectionCore
where SliceCore: CollectionCore,
SliceCore.SliceCore == SliceCore,
SliceCore.Element == Self.Element,
SliceCore.Index == Self.Index
// Provide the user-consumed slicing operation.
extension Collection {
typealias SubSequence = Slice<SliceCore>
subscript(_ start: Index, _ end: Index) -> SubSequence {
_read {
yield SubSequence(core: self[sliceCore: start, end])
// Turns Base's SliceCore into a full Collection.
struct Slice<Core: CollectionCore>: Collection
where Core.SliceCore == Core
var core: Core
// Prevents buildup of Slice<...> nesting.
typealias SliceCore = Core
// Forward CollectionCore requirements to core
typealias Element = SliceCore.Element
typealias Index = SliceCore.Index
func startIndex() -> Index { core.startIndex() }
func endIndex() -> Index { core.endIndex() }
func index(after i: Index) -> Index { core.index(after: i) }
subscript(_ i: Index) -> Element { _read { yield core[i] } }
subscript(sliceCore start: Index, _ end: Index) -> SliceCore {
_read { yield core[sliceCore: start, end] }
extension Slice: Equatable where Core: Equatable {}
// Conveniences so new Collections don't need to define their own slicing support.
extension Collection where SliceCore == DefaultSliceCore<Self> {
subscript(sliceCore start: Index, _ end: Index) -> SliceCore {
_read {
yield DefaultSliceCore(base: self, start: start, end: end)
struct DefaultSliceCore<Base: CollectionCore>: CollectionCore {
let base: Base
var start: Index
var end: Index
typealias Element = Base.Element
typealias Index = Base.Index
func startIndex() -> Index { start }
func endIndex() -> Index { end }
func index(after i: Index) -> Index { base.index(after: i) }
subscript(_ i: Index) -> Element { _read { yield base[i] } }
subscript(sliceCore start: Index, _ end: Index) -> Self {
_read { yield Self(base: self.base, start: start, end: end) }
extension DefaultSliceCore: Equatable where Base: Equatable, Index: Equatable {}
// ========= Demonstrations ============
// A simple collection using default slicing
struct Basic: Collection, Equatable {
typealias Element = String
typealias Index = Int
func startIndex() -> Index { 0 }
func endIndex() -> Index { 10 }
func index(after i: Index) -> Index { i + 1 }
subscript(_ i: Index) -> Element { String(i) }
let basic = Basic()
basic[3, 5] ==
core: DefaultSliceCore(base: basic, start: 3, end: 5)))
assert(basic[3, 5][3, 5] == basic[3, 5])
// A collection with a custom slice representation.
struct CustomSliced: Collection, Equatable {
typealias Element = UInt8
typealias Index = Int
func startIndex() -> Index { 0 }
func endIndex() -> Index { 10 }
func index(after i: Index) -> Index { i + 1 }
subscript(_ i: Index) -> Element { UInt8(i) }
subscript(sliceCore start: Index, _ end: Index) -> SliceCore {
SliceCore(start: start, end: end)
struct SliceCore: Collection, Equatable {
typealias SliceCore = Self
typealias Element = UInt8
typealias Index = Int
var start, end: Int
func startIndex() -> Index { start }
func endIndex() -> Index { end }
func index(after i: Index) -> Index { i + 1 }
subscript(_ i: Index) -> Element { UInt8(i) }
subscript(sliceCore start: Index, _ end: Index) -> SliceCore {
Self(start: start, end: end)
let customSliced = CustomSliced()
customSliced[3, 5] ==
CustomSliced.SubSequence(core: .init(start: 3, end: 5)))
assert(customSliced[3, 5][3, 5] == customSliced[3, 5])
// Very similar to the above, but in that version, `Slice<T>` was parameterized on some
// `SliceCore` type which would often be something like `DefaultSliceCore<SomeCollection>`, so
// slicing an `Array<Int>` would give you `Slice<DefaultSliceCore<Array<Int>>>`. In this
// version we get `Slice<Array<Int>>` which is more manageable for users.
// Everything but the slicing-related requirements of Collection
protocol CollectionCore {
associatedtype Element
associatedtype Index
func startIndex() -> Index
func endIndex() -> Index
func index(after i: Index) -> Index
subscript(_ i: Index) -> Element { get }
// A type that is wrapped to get the result of slicing
associatedtype SliceCore
= DefaultSliceCore<Self> // Default makes new Collections easier to define.
// Not for user consumption; provides the implementation of slicing
subscript(sliceCore start: Index, _ end: Index) -> SliceCore { get }
// Adds slicing support requirements to CollectionCore.
protocol Collection: CollectionCore
where SliceCore: CollectionCore,
SliceCore.SliceCore == SliceCore
// `Whole`: `Self == `Slice<W> ? W : Self`
associatedtype Whole: CollectionCore = Self
where Whole.SliceCore == SliceCore,
Whole.Element == SliceCore.Element,
Whole.Index == SliceCore.Index
// Provide the user-consumed slicing operation.
extension Collection {
subscript(_ start: Index, _ end: Index) -> Slice<Whole> {
_read {
yield Slice(core: self[sliceCore: start, end])
// Wraps W's SliceCore into as a full Collection.
struct Slice<W: CollectionCore>: Collection
where W.SliceCore: CollectionCore,
W.SliceCore.SliceCore == W.SliceCore,
W.SliceCore.Index == W.Index,
W.SliceCore.Element == W.Element
typealias Whole = W
var core: SliceCore
// Prevents buildup of Slice<...> nesting.
typealias SliceCore = Whole.SliceCore
// Forward CollectionCore requirements to core
typealias Element = SliceCore.Element
typealias Index = SliceCore.Index
func startIndex() -> Index { core.startIndex() }
func endIndex() -> Index { core.endIndex() }
func index(after i: Index) -> Index { core.index(after: i) }
subscript(_ i: Index) -> Element { _read { yield core[i] } }
subscript(sliceCore start: Index, _ end: Index) -> SliceCore {
_read { yield core[sliceCore: start, end] }
extension Slice: Equatable where Whole.SliceCore: Equatable {}
// Conveniences so new Collections don't need to define their own slicing support.
extension Collection where SliceCore == DefaultSliceCore<Self> {
subscript(sliceCore start: Index, _ end: Index) -> SliceCore {
_read {
yield DefaultSliceCore(base: self, start: start, end: end)
struct DefaultSliceCore<Base: CollectionCore>: CollectionCore {
let base: Base
var start: Index
var end: Index
typealias Element = Base.Element
typealias Index = Base.Index
func startIndex() -> Index { start }
func endIndex() -> Index { end }
func index(after i: Index) -> Index { base.index(after: i) }
subscript(_ i: Index) -> Element { _read { yield base[i] } }
subscript(sliceCore start: Index, _ end: Index) -> Self {
_read { yield Self(base: self.base, start: start, end: end) }
extension DefaultSliceCore: Equatable where Base: Equatable, Index: Equatable {}
// ========= Demonstrations ============
// A simple collection using default slicing
struct Basic: Collection, Equatable {
typealias Element = String
typealias Index = Int
func startIndex() -> Index { 0 }
func endIndex() -> Index { 10 }
func index(after i: Index) -> Index { i + 1 }
subscript(_ i: Index) -> Element { String(i) }
let basic = Basic()
basic[3, 5] ==
core: DefaultSliceCore(base: basic, start: 3, end: 5)))
assert(basic[3, 5][3, 5] == basic[3, 5])
// A collection with a custom slice representation.
struct CustomSliced: Collection, Equatable {
typealias Element = UInt8
typealias Index = Int
func startIndex() -> Index { 0 }
func endIndex() -> Index { 10 }
func index(after i: Index) -> Index { i + 1 }
subscript(_ i: Index) -> Element { UInt8(i) }
subscript(sliceCore start: Index, _ end: Index) -> SliceCore {
SliceCore(start: start, end: end)
struct SliceCore: Collection, Equatable {
typealias SliceCore = Self
typealias Element = UInt8
typealias Index = Int
var start, end: Int
func startIndex() -> Index { start }
func endIndex() -> Index { end }
func index(after i: Index) -> Index { i + 1 }
subscript(_ i: Index) -> Element { UInt8(i) }
subscript(sliceCore start: Index, _ end: Index) -> SliceCore {
Self(start: start, end: end)
let customSliced = CustomSliced()
customSliced[3, 5] ==
Slice<CustomSliced>(core: .init(start: 3, end: 5)))
assert(customSliced[3, 5][3, 5] == customSliced[3, 5])
// Very similar to the above, but adheres to the rule (not currently
// implemented in Swift) that:
// A typealias satisfying an associated type requirement X is cannot
// be defined in terms of a type where Self is generically
// constrained to include an associated type requirement X.
// This rule prevents a class of errors where specific instances of
// generic types can have unexpectedly recursive definitions that
// should make them illegal, for example:
// protocol S {
// associatedtype I
// }
// struct I0<S0: S> {
// var x: S0.I
// }
// struct S1: S {
// typealias I = I0<Self> // I contains a stored property of type I
// }
// Everything but the slicing-related requirements of Collection
protocol CollectionCoreBase {
associatedtype Element
associatedtype Index
func startIndex() -> Index
func endIndex() -> Index
func index(after i: Index) -> Index
subscript(_ i: Index) -> Element { get }
// Everything but the publicly-consumed slicing-related requirements of Collection
protocol CollectionCore: CollectionCoreBase {
// A type that is wrapped to get the result of slicing
associatedtype SliceCore
= DefaultSliceCore<Self> // Default makes new Collections easier to define.
// Not for user consumption; provides the implementation of slicing
subscript(sliceCore start: Index, _ end: Index) -> SliceCore { get }
// Adds slicing support requirements to CollectionCore.
protocol Collection: CollectionCore
where SliceCore: CollectionCore,
SliceCore.SliceCore == SliceCore
// `Whole`: `Self == `Slice<W> ? W : Self`
associatedtype Whole: CollectionCore = Self
where Whole.SliceCore == SliceCore,
Whole.Element == SliceCore.Element,
Whole.Index == SliceCore.Index
// Provide the user-consumed slicing operation.
extension Collection {
subscript(_ start: Index, _ end: Index) -> Slice<Whole> {
_read {
yield Slice(core: self[sliceCore: start, end])
// Wraps W's SliceCore into as a full Collection.
struct Slice<W: CollectionCore>: Collection
where W.SliceCore: CollectionCore,
W.SliceCore.SliceCore == W.SliceCore,
W.SliceCore.Index == W.Index,
W.SliceCore.Element == W.Element
typealias Whole = W
var core: SliceCore
// Prevents buildup of Slice<...> nesting.
typealias SliceCore = Whole.SliceCore
// Forward CollectionCore requirements to core
typealias Element = SliceCore.Element
typealias Index = SliceCore.Index
func startIndex() -> Index { core.startIndex() }
func endIndex() -> Index { core.endIndex() }
func index(after i: Index) -> Index { core.index(after: i) }
subscript(_ i: Index) -> Element { _read { yield core[i] } }
subscript(sliceCore start: Index, _ end: Index) -> SliceCore {
_read { yield core[sliceCore: start, end] }
extension Slice: Equatable where Whole.SliceCore: Equatable {}
// Conveniences so new Collections don't need to define their own slicing support.
extension Collection where SliceCore == DefaultSliceCore<Self> {
subscript(sliceCore start: Index, _ end: Index) -> SliceCore {
_read {
yield DefaultSliceCore(base: self, start: start, end: end)
struct DefaultSliceCore<Base: CollectionCoreBase>: CollectionCore {
let base: Base
var start: Index
var end: Index
typealias Element = Base.Element
typealias Index = Base.Index
func startIndex() -> Index { start }
func endIndex() -> Index { end }
func index(after i: Index) -> Index { base.index(after: i) }
subscript(_ i: Index) -> Element { _read { yield base[i] } }
subscript(sliceCore start: Index, _ end: Index) -> Self {
_read { yield Self(base: self.base, start: start, end: end) }
extension DefaultSliceCore: Equatable where Base: Equatable, Index: Equatable {}
// ========= Demonstrations ============
// A simple collection using default slicing
struct Basic: Collection, Equatable {
typealias Element = String
typealias Index = Int
func startIndex() -> Index { 0 }
func endIndex() -> Index { 10 }
func index(after i: Index) -> Index { i + 1 }
subscript(_ i: Index) -> Element { String(i) }
let basic = Basic()
basic[3, 5] ==
core: DefaultSliceCore(base: basic, start: 3, end: 5)))
assert(basic[3, 5][3, 5] == basic[3, 5])
// A collection with a custom slice representation.
struct CustomSliced: Collection, Equatable {
typealias Element = UInt8
typealias Index = Int
func startIndex() -> Index { 0 }
func endIndex() -> Index { 10 }
func index(after i: Index) -> Index { i + 1 }
subscript(_ i: Index) -> Element { UInt8(i) }
subscript(sliceCore start: Index, _ end: Index) -> SliceCore {
SliceCore(start: start, end: end)
struct SliceCore: Collection, Equatable {
typealias SliceCore = Self
typealias Element = UInt8
typealias Index = Int
var start, end: Int
func startIndex() -> Index { start }
func endIndex() -> Index { end }
func index(after i: Index) -> Index { i + 1 }
subscript(_ i: Index) -> Element { UInt8(i) }
subscript(sliceCore start: Index, _ end: Index) -> SliceCore {
Self(start: start, end: end)
let customSliced = CustomSliced()
customSliced[3, 5] ==
Slice<CustomSliced>(core: .init(start: 3, end: 5)))
assert(customSliced[3, 5][3, 5] == customSliced[3, 5])
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