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Created November 27, 2022 01:33
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Cross product collection adapter.
struct CrossProduct2<Base0: Collection, Base1: Collection>: Collection {
public private(set) var base0: Base0
public private(set) var base1: Base1
init(_ base0: Base0, _ base1: Base1) {
self.base0 = base0
self.base1 = base1
struct Index: Comparable {
public fileprivate(set) var base0: Base0.Index
public fileprivate(set) var base1: Base1.Index
public static func < (a: Self, b: Self) -> Bool { (a.base0, a.base1) < (b.base0, b.base1) }
var startIndex: Index {
.init(base0: base0.startIndex, base1: base1.startIndex)
var endIndex: Index {
base0.isEmpty || base1.isEmpty ? startIndex : .init(base0: base0.endIndex, base1: base1.endIndex)
func formIndex(after i: inout Index) {
base0.formIndex(after: &i.base0)
if i.base0 != base0.endIndex { return }
base1.formIndex(after: &i.base1)
if i.base1 != base1.endIndex { i.base0 = base0.startIndex }
func index(after i: Index) -> Index {
var j = i
formIndex(after: &j)
return j
subscript(i: Index) -> (Base0.Element, Base1.Element) {
(base0[i.base0], base1[i.base1])
extension CrossProduct2: BidirectionalCollection
where Base0: BidirectionalCollection, Base1: BidirectionalCollection
func formIndex(before i: inout Index) {
if i.base0 == base0.startIndex || i.base1 == base1.endIndex {
base1.formIndex(before: &i.base1)
i.base0 = base0.endIndex
base0.formIndex(before: &i.base0)
func index(before i: Index) -> Index {
var j = i
formIndex(before: &j)
return j
extension CrossProduct2: RandomAccessCollection
where Base0: RandomAccessCollection, Base1: RandomAccessCollection
private func offset(of i: Index) -> Int {
base0.distance(from: base0.startIndex, to: i.base0)
+ base1.distance(from: base1.startIndex, to: i.base1) * base0.count
func index(_ i: Index, offsetBy n: Int) -> Index {
if n == 0 { return i } // Handle the case where one base collection is empty
let d = offset(of: i) + n
return .init(
base0: base0.index(base0.startIndex, offsetBy: d % base0.count),
base1: base1.index(base1.startIndex, offsetBy: d / base0.count))
func distance(from a: Index, to b: Index) -> Int {
return offset(of: b) - offset(of: a)
print(Array(CrossProduct2(0..<4, EmptyCollection<Int>())))
print(Array(CrossProduct2(0..<4, (6..<9).map(String.init))))
print(Array(CrossProduct2(0..<4, EmptyCollection<Int>().reversed())))
print(Array(Array(CrossProduct2(0..<4, (6..<9).map(String.init)).reversed()).reversed()))
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