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Created October 1, 2014 15:28
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// ****************************************************************************
// <copyright file="Extensions.cs" company="GalaSoft Laurent Bugnion">
// Copyright © GalaSoft Laurent Bugnion 2009-2014
// </copyright>
// ****************************************************************************
// <author>Laurent Bugnion</author>
// <email></email>
// <date>18.03.2014</date>
// <project>GalaSoft.MvvmLight</project>
// <web></web>
// <license>
// See license.txt in this solution or
// </license>
// ****************************************************************************
using System;
using System.Linq.Expressions;
using GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Command;
namespace GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Helpers
// TODO Do we also need AddCommand<TEventArgs>?
/// <summary>
/// Defines extension methods used to add data bindings and commands between Xamarin
/// Android and iOS elements.
/// </summary>
public static class Extensions
/// <summary>
/// Adds a data binding between two properties. If the source implements INotifyPropertyChanged, the source property raises the PropertyChanged event
/// and the BindingMode is OneWay or TwoWay, the target property will be synchronized with the source property. If
/// the target implements INotifyPropertyChanged, the target property raises the PropertyChanged event and the BindingMode is
/// TwoWay, the source property will also be synchronized with the target property.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T">The type of the property that is being databound.</typeparam>
/// <param name="target">The target of the binding. If this object implements INotifyPropertyChanged and the
/// BindingMode is TwoWay, the source will be notified of changes to the source property.</param>
/// <param name="targetPropertyExpression">An expression pointing to the target property. It can be
/// a simple expression "() => [target].MyProperty" or a composed expression "() => [target].SomeObject.SomeOtherObject.SomeProperty".</param>
/// <param name="source">The source of the binding. If this object implements INotifyPropertyChanged and the
/// BindingMode is OneWay or TwoWay, the target will be notified of changes to the target property.</param>
/// <param name="sourcePropertyExpression">An expression pointing to the source property. It can be
/// a simple expression "() => [source].MyProperty" or a composed expression "() => [source].SomeObject.SomeOtherObject.SomeProperty".</param>
/// <param name="mode">The mode of the binding. OneTime means that the target property will be set once (when the binding is
/// created) but that subsequent changes will be ignored. OneWay means that the target property will be set, and
/// if the PropertyChanged event is raised by the source, the target property will be updated. TwoWay means that the source
/// property will also be updated if the target raises the PropertyChanged event. Default means OneWay if only the source
/// implements INPC, and TwoWay if both the source and the target implement INPC.</param>
/// <returns>The new Binding instance.</returns>
public static Binding<T> AddBinding<T>(
this object source,
Expression<Func<T>> sourcePropertyExpression,
object target,
Expression<Func<T>> targetPropertyExpression,
BindingMode mode = BindingMode.Default)
return new Binding<T>(
/// <summary>
/// Adds a data binding between two properties of the same object. If the source implements INotifyPropertyChanged, has observable properties
/// and the BindingMode is OneWay or TwoWay, the target property will be notified of changes to the source property. If
/// the target implements INotifyPropertyChanged, has observable properties and the BindingMode is
/// TwoWay, the source will also be notified of changes to the target's properties.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T">The type of the property that is being databound.</typeparam>
/// <param name="target">The target of the binding. If this object implements INotifyPropertyChanged and the
/// BindingMode is TwoWay, the source will be notified of changes to the source property.</param>
/// <param name="targetPropertyExpression">An expression pointing to the target property. It can be
/// a simple expression "() => [target].MyProperty" or a composed expression "() => [target].SomeObject.SomeOtherObject.SomeProperty".</param>
/// <param name="source">The source of the binding. If this object implements INotifyPropertyChanged and the
/// BindingMode is OneWay or TwoWay, the target will be notified of changes to the target property.</param>
/// <param name="sourcePropertyExpression">An expression pointing to the source property. It can be
/// a simple expression "() => [source].MyProperty" or a composed expression "() => [source].SomeObject.SomeOtherObject.SomeProperty".</param>
/// <param name="mode">The mode of the binding. OneTime means that the target property will be set once (when the binding is
/// created) but that subsequent changes will be ignored. OneWay means that the target property will be set, and
/// if the PropertyChanged event is raised by the source, the target property will be updated. TwoWay means that the source
/// property will also be updated if the target raises the PropertyChanged event. Default means OneWay if only the source
/// implements INPC, and TwoWay if both the source and the target implement INPC.</param>
/// <returns>The new Binding instance.</returns>
public static Binding<T> AddBinding<T>(
this object source,
Expression<Func<T>> sourcePropertyExpression,
Expression<Func<T>> targetPropertyExpression,
BindingMode mode = BindingMode.Default)
return new Binding<T>(
/// <summary>
/// Adds a data binding between two properties. If the source implements INotifyPropertyChanged, the source property raises the PropertyChanged event
/// and the BindingMode is OneWay or TwoWay, the target property will be synchronized with the source property. If
/// the target implements INotifyPropertyChanged, the target property raises the PropertyChanged event and the BindingMode is
/// TwoWay, the source property will also be synchronized with the target property.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T">The type of the property that is being databound.</typeparam>
/// <param name="target">The target of the binding. If this object implements INotifyPropertyChanged and the
/// BindingMode is TwoWay, the source will be notified of changes to the source property.</param>
/// <param name="targetPropertyName">The name of the target property. This must be a simple name, without dots.</param>
/// <param name="source">The source of the binding. If this object implements INotifyPropertyChanged and the
/// BindingMode is OneWay or TwoWay, the target will be notified of changes to the target property.</param>
/// <param name="sourcePropertyName">The name of the source property. This must be a simple name, without dots.</param>
/// <param name="mode">The mode of the binding. OneTime means that the target property will be set once (when the binding is
/// created) but that subsequent changes will be ignored. OneWay means that the target property will be set, and
/// if the PropertyChanged event is raised by the source, the target property will be updated. TwoWay means that the source
/// property will also be updated if the target raises the PropertyChanged event. Default means OneWay if only the source
/// implements INPC, and TwoWay if both the source and the target implement INPC.</param>
/// <returns>The new Binding instance.</returns>
public static Binding<T> AddBinding<T>(
this object source,
string sourcePropertyName,
object target,
string targetPropertyName,
BindingMode mode = BindingMode.Default)
return new Binding<T>(
/// <summary>
/// Adds a data binding between two properties of the same object. If the source implements INotifyPropertyChanged, has observable properties
/// and the BindingMode is OneWay or TwoWay, the target property will be notified of changes to the source property. If
/// the target implements INotifyPropertyChanged, has observable properties and the BindingMode is
/// TwoWay, the source will also be notified of changes to the target's properties.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T">The type of the property that is being databound.</typeparam>
/// <param name="target">The target of the binding. If this object implements INotifyPropertyChanged and the
/// BindingMode is TwoWay, the source will be notified of changes to the source property.</param>
/// <param name="targetPropertyName">The name of the target property. This must be a simple name, without dots.</param>
/// <param name="source">The source of the binding. If this object implements INotifyPropertyChanged and the
/// BindingMode is OneWay or TwoWay, the target will be notified of changes to the target property.</param>
/// <param name="sourcePropertyName">The name of the source property. This must be a simple name, without dots.</param>
/// <param name="mode">The mode of the binding. OneTime means that the target property will be set once (when the binding is
/// created) but that subsequent changes will be ignored. OneWay means that the target property will be set, and
/// if the PropertyChanged event is raised by the source, the target property will be updated. TwoWay means that the source
/// property will also be updated if the target raises the PropertyChanged event. Default means OneWay if only the source
/// implements INPC, and TwoWay if both the source and the target implement INPC.</param>
/// <returns>The new Binding instance.</returns>
public static Binding<T> AddBinding<T>(
this object source,
string sourcePropertyName,
string targetPropertyName,
BindingMode mode = BindingMode.Default)
return new Binding<T>(
/// <summary>
/// Adds a generic RelayCommand to an object and actuate the command when a specific event is raised. This method
/// should be used when the event uses an EventHandler&lt;TEventArgs&gt;.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T">The type of the CommandParameter that will be passed to the RelayCommand.</typeparam>
/// <typeparam name="TEventArgs">The type of the event's arguments.</typeparam>
/// <param name="element">The element to which the command is added.</param>
/// <param name="eventName">The name of the event that will be subscribed to to actuate the command.</param>
/// <param name="command">The command that must be added to the element.</param>
/// <param name="commandParameterBinding">A <see cref="Binding&lt;T&gt;">Binding</see> instance subscribed to
/// the CommandParameter that will passed to the RelayCommand. Depending on the Binding, the CommandParameter
/// will be observed and changes will be passed to the command, for example to update the CanExecute.</param>
public static void AddCommand<T, TEventArgs>(
this object element,
string eventName,
RelayCommand<T> command,
Binding<T> commandParameterBinding = null)
var t = element.GetType();
var e = t.GetEvent(eventName);
if (e == null)
throw new ArgumentException("Event not found: " + eventName, "eventName");
EventHandler<TEventArgs> handler = (s, args) =>
var param = commandParameterBinding == null ? default(T) : commandParameterBinding.Value;
if (command.CanExecute(param))
if (commandParameterBinding == null)
var enabledProperty = t.GetProperty("Enabled");
if (enabledProperty != null)
enabledProperty.SetValue(element, command.CanExecute(commandParameterBinding.Value));
commandParameterBinding.ValueChanged += (s, args) => enabledProperty.SetValue(
command.CanExecuteChanged += (s, args) => enabledProperty.SetValue(
/// <summary>
/// Adds a generic RelayCommand to an object and actuate the command when a specific event is raised. This method
/// can only be used when the event uses a standard EventHandler.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T">The type of the CommandParameter that will be passed to the RelayCommand.</typeparam>
/// <param name="element">The element to which the command is added.</param>
/// <param name="eventName">The name of the event that will be subscribed to to actuate the command.</param>
/// <param name="command">The command that must be added to the element.</param>
/// <param name="commandParameterBinding">A <see cref="Binding&lt;T&gt;">Binding</see> instance subscribed to
/// the CommandParameter that will passed to the RelayCommand. Depending on the Binding, the CommandParameter
/// will be observed and changes will be passed to the command, for example to update the CanExecute.</param>
public static void AddCommand<T>(
this object element,
string eventName,
RelayCommand<T> command,
Binding<T> commandParameterBinding = null)
var t = element.GetType();
var e = t.GetEvent(eventName);
if (e == null)
throw new ArgumentException("Event not found: " + eventName, "eventName");
EventHandler handler = (s, args) =>
var param = commandParameterBinding == null ? default(T) : commandParameterBinding.Value;
if (command.CanExecute(param))
if (commandParameterBinding == null)
var enabledProperty = t.GetProperty("Enabled");
if (enabledProperty != null)
enabledProperty.SetValue(element, command.CanExecute(commandParameterBinding.Value));
commandParameterBinding.ValueChanged += (s, args) => enabledProperty.SetValue(
command.CanExecuteChanged += (s, args) => enabledProperty.SetValue(
/// <summary>
/// Adds a non-generic RelayCommand to an object and actuate the command when a specific event is raised. This method
/// can only be used when the event uses a standard EventHandler.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="element">The element to which the command is added.</param>
/// <param name="eventName">The name of the event that will be subscribed to to actuate the command.</param>
/// <param name="command">The command that must be added to the element.</param>
public static void AddCommand(
this object element,
string eventName,
RelayCommand command)
var t = element.GetType();
var e = t.GetEvent(eventName);
if (e == null)
throw new ArgumentException("Event not found: " + eventName, "eventName");
EventHandler handler = (s, args) =>
if (command.CanExecute(null))
var enabledProperty = t.GetProperty("Enabled");
if (enabledProperty != null)
enabledProperty.SetValue(element, command.CanExecute(null));
command.CanExecuteChanged += (s, args) =>
if (enabledProperty != null)
enabledProperty.SetValue(element, command.CanExecute(null));
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