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Created October 12, 2013 23:22
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(defn chainable?
((complement not-any?) #(chainable? % (clojure.set/difference words %)) words))
([word others]
(letfn [(levenshtein [str1 str2]
(cond (empty? str1) (count str2)
(empty? str2) (count str1)
(let [cost (if (= (first str1) (first str2)) 0 1)]
(min (inc (levenshtein (rest str1) str2))
(inc (levenshtein str1 (rest str2)))
(+ cost (levenshtein (rest str1) (rest str2)))))))]
(let [candidates (set (filter #(= 1 (levenshtein word %)) others))]
(cond (empty? others) true
(empty? candidates) false
(some #(chainable? % (clojure.set/difference others #{%})) candidates))))))
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Wow. I can't quite read this but I look forward to you explaining it to me someday. I'm impressed you cracked it!

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