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Last active April 21, 2024 20:08
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Laravel Envoyer hook to run migrations in a sane manner
# Application base directory
site= ""
# Navigate to the release being deployed.
cd {{ release }}
# Number of migrations in the new release
releaseMigrations= ls database/migrations | wc -l
# Number of migrations in the current production app
currentMigrations= ls ${site}/current/database/migrations | wc -l
# If there are more migrations in the new release than on production
if [ ${releaseMigrations} -gt ${currentMigrations} ]; then
# Exit on error
set -e
# Function to be run in trap before exit
# So that production comes back up on migration errors
function beforeExit {
(cd ${site}/current && php artisan up)
# Lock down the production app instance before making DB changes
(cd ${site}/current && php artisan down)
# Run the migrations
php artisan migrate --force
# Bring production back online
(cd ${site}/current && php artisan up)
# Keep track of the last command executed
trap 'lastCommand=$thisCommand; thisCommand=$BASH_COMMAND' DEBUG
# If any command exits with a non-zero status
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
# echo error then run beforeExit to bring production back up before exit
trap 'echo "\"${lastCommand}\" command failed with exit code $?." && beforeExit' EXIT
echo 'New migrations completed successfully'
echo "No migrations detected"
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You may use the existing project hook variable to replace site.

Documentation on Hook Variables

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