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Created April 3, 2010 06:44
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(ns walton.core
(def *sandbox* (stringify-sandbox (new-sandbox-compiler :timeout 100)))
(def *sexps* (ref {}))
(def *project-root* (System/getProperty "user.dir"))
(def *walton-docs* (str *project-root* "/walton-docs/"))
(def logfiles (rest (file-seq ( (str *project-root* "/logs/")))))
(defhtml application [text body]
[:title text]]
[:h3 text]
(defhtml code-list [body]
[:ul body])
(defhtml code-block [[code result]]
[:li [:pre code] [:pre ";; =&gt " result]])
(defn extract-expressions
"Extracts sexps."
(reduce (fn [[exp exps state cnt] c]
(= state :escape)
[(.append exp c) exps :string cnt]
(= state :string) (cond
(= c \")
[(.append exp c) exps :code cnt]
(= c \\)
[(.append exp c) exps :escape cnt]
(= c \\)
[(.append exp c) exps :escape cnt]
[(.append exp c) exps :string cnt])
(and (= cnt 1) (= c \)))
[(java.lang.StringBuilder.) (cons (str (.append exp c)) exps) :text 0]
(= c \()
[(.append exp c) exps :code (inc cnt)]
(and (> cnt 1) (= c \)))
[(.append exp c) exps :code (dec cnt)]
(and (> cnt 0) (= c \"))
[(.append exp c) exps :string cnt]
(> cnt 0)
[(.append exp c) exps :code cnt]
:else [exp exps state cnt]))
[(java.lang.StringBuilder.) '() :text 0]
(defn collect-expressions-in-file
"Collects all sexps in a single file."
(with-open [rdr (reader file)]
(doall (flatten
(map extract-expressions
(line-seq rdr))))))
(defn all-expressions
"Collects all sexps in all files into a single sequence."
#(collect-expressions-in-file %) files)))
(defn find-lines-in-file
"Opens a file and extracts the relevant lines from it."
[#^String text file]
(with-open [rdr (reader file)]
(filter (fn [#^String line]
(< 0 (.indexOf line text)))
(flatten (map extract-expressions (line-seq rdr)))))))
(defn find-lines
"Search for the string [text] in [files], where files is the result of file-seq."
[#^String text files]
(partial find-lines-in-file text)
(defn extract-working-code
"Extract working code by running the code text in a try/catch."
[#^String text files]
(map (fn [code]
(let [r ((*sandbox* code) {})]
[code (pr-str r)])
(catch Exception e
[code nil])))
(find-lines text files)))
(defn add-sexp
"Adds sexps to a ref after trying them in a try/catch."
(binding [*out* nil
*err* nil]
(let [r ((*sandbox* sexp) {'*out* nil '*err* nil})]
(alter *sexps* update-in [:good]
conj [sexp (pr-str r)])))
(catch java.lang.Throwable t
(dosync (alter *sexps* update-in [:bad]
conj sexp))))))
(defn categorize-sexps
"Runs the expressions in a try/catch and categorizes them as :good or :bad."
([sexps cats]
(reduce (fn [result, code]
(let [r ((*sandbox* code) {})]
(update-in result [:good]
conj [code (pr-str r)]))
(catch java.lang.Throwable t
(update-in result [:bad]
conj code))))
([sexps] (categorize-sexps sexps {})))
(defn categorize-all
"Categorizes all expressions."
(categorize-sexps (all-expressions logfiles)))
(defn background-init-walton
"Categorizes all of the sexps in the background so you can search immediately."
(.start (Thread. (fn [] (dorun (map add-sexp (all-expressions logfiles)))))))
(defn init-walton
"Categorizes all of the sexps up front."
(ref-set *sexps* (categorize-all)))
(defn walton-doc
"Returns a sequence of all sexps with the tag :good which match the input string. If no :good sexps are found, it returns the sexps which are tagged as :bad."
[#^String s]
(let [g (filter
(fn [[#^String c r]] (< 0 (.indexOf c s)))
(:good @*sexps*))]
(if (not (empty? g))
(fn [#^String c] (< 0 (.indexOf c s)))
(:bad @*sexps*)))))
(defn truncate
"A one off truncation function which takes a coll in the form of \"[:a, :b]\". Provided a [t]runcation length (in characters), it will truncate :a or :b and supply a new \"[\":a...\", \":b...\"]\"."
[coll t]
(let [c coll
ct (first c)
rt (second c)]
[(if (>= (count ct) t)
(apply str (take t ct) "...")
(if (>= (count rt) t)
(apply str (take t rt) "...")
(defn walton
"Returns a single random result where the the length of code, and the length of result are both limited to 497 characters each: [code, result]."
[#^String s]
(let [result (walton-doc s)
random-result (nth result (rand-int (count result)))]
(truncate 497 random-result)))
(defn walton*
"A more flexible version of walton which allows you to specify [s]:a string to search for, [t]:the number of characters to truncate at, and [m?]:the number of docs you'd like as output."
[#^String s t m?]
(let [result (walton-doc s)]
(if (>= m? 0)
(map #(truncate % t) result)
(if (>= m? 1)
(take m? (map #(truncate % t) result))
(let [random-result (nth result (rand-int (count result)))]
(truncate random-result t))))))
(defn walton-html
"Outputs the walton-doc results in HTML format for moustache, wrapped in a ring response handler."
[#^String text]
(let [results (walton* text 497 0)
code-text (map first results)
result-text (map second results)]
(code-list (map code-block
(defn walton-html*
"Takes a string and then searches for all working expressions and outputs them as an html file into project-root/walton-docs/[text].html. If there are no working results for the string, it will output the non-working examples which were found for [text]."
(let [results (extract-working-code text logfiles)
good-results (filter second results)
file-loc (str *project-root* "walton-docs/" text ".html")]
(spit ( file-loc)
(application text
(map code-block
(if (not (empty? good-results))
(defn -main
[& args]
(let [search-term (first args)]
(println "Now generating" search-term ".html")
(walton-html* search-term)
(println "Now opening" search-term "in a browser.")
(str *walton-docs* search-term ".html")))))
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