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Created October 3, 2018 19:14
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Play an implementation of a guessing game with the computer.
import logging
import random
ENTER_HIGHEST_VALUE = "What would you like the highest value to be?"
NUMBER_NOT_VALID = "That is not a number. :("
NUMBER_NOT_IN_RANGE = "I don't know how to play with negative numbers. Sorry... :("
NUMBER_CANNOT_BE_HIGHER_THAN = "Sorry, but the guess cannot be higher than the highest number:"
ENTER_GUESS = "Guess the number. :)"
TRY_AGAIN = "Try again."
HIGHER = "My number is higher!"
LOWER = "My number is lower!"
YOU_WIN = "That is my number! You win!"
PLAY_AGAIN = "Would you like to play again?"
DID_NOT_UNDERSTAND = "I did not understand. :("
GOODBYE = "Thanks for playing."
def play():
game_active = True
game = new_game()
# Main game loop.
while game_active:
# Ask for guess.
while not game.is_over():
guess = get_validated_number_input(ENTER_GUESS, game.get_upper_bound())
# Main game logic.
if not game.check_answer(guess):
if game.rate_guess_approxiamtion(guess) == 0:
logger.log_message("{} {}".format(HIGHER, TRY_AGAIN))
logger.log_message("{} {}".format(LOWER, TRY_AGAIN))
# Ask if player wants to play again
remake = input("{}\n".format(PLAY_AGAIN))
if remake.lower() in ["y", "yes", "t", "true"]:
game = new_game()
game_active = False
def new_game():
"""Creates a new GuessingGame instance with the initialization."""
highest_value = get_validated_number_input(ENTER_HIGHEST_VALUE)
return GuessingGame(highest_value)
def get_validated_number_input(get_value_message: str = "Enter a number.", max_value: int = None):
"""Prompts the user input with a message and checks that the value is valid number.
If needed it can validate if the number is within a range.
:param get_value_message: Message to display when prompting for input.
:param max_value: An optional max value that may limit the user input.
:return: The validated number as integer.
while True:
value = int(input("{}\n".format(get_value_message)))
except ValueError:
if value >= 0:
if max_value and max_value < value:
logger.log_message("{} {}".format(NUMBER_CANNOT_BE_HIGHER_THAN, max_value))
return value
class Logger:
def __init__(self):
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format="")
self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def log_message(self, message: str):
"""Logs a message into the screen.
:param message: The message to display.
class GuessingGame:
def __init__(self, upper_bound: int):
self.upper_bound = upper_bound
self.cpu_number = random.randint(1, int(upper_bound))
self.game_over = False
def get_upper_bound(self):
"""Returns the instance upper bound."""
return self.upper_bound
def get_cpu_number(self):
"""Returns the guess number."""
return self.cpu_number
def check_answer(self, guess: int) -> bool:
"""Checks if a given guess is correct.
:param guess: The guessed number to check against the computer.
:return: A boolean that states if the answer is correct or not.
if self.cpu_number == guess:
self.game_over = True
return True
return False
def rate_guess_approxiamtion(self, guess: int) -> int:
"""Given a wrong guess, it rates the approximation.
:param guess: The guessed number to check against the computer.
:return: An integer of 1 if the guess is greater than the computer number,
0 if it is lower.
return 1 if guess > self.cpu_number else 0
def is_over(self):
"""Tells wether the game is over.
:return: The game status.
return self.game_over == True
if __name__ == "__main__":
logger = Logger()
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