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Created May 5, 2017 09:08
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import jto.validation._
sealed trait Color
object Color {
case object Red extends Color
case object Orange extends Color
case object Green extends Color
val colorR : Rule[String, Color] = Rule.fromMapping {
case "Red" => Valid(Red)
case "Orange" => Valid(Orange)
case "Green" => Valid(Green)
case other => Invalid(Seq(ValidationError("unhandled.value", other)))
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It's work with this version :

package validation

import scala.meta._
import collection.immutable.Seq

object Hierarchy {
  def inherits(superType: Type.Name)(cls: Defn.Object): Boolean =
    cls.templ.parents.headOption.exists {
      case q"$parent()" => parent.syntax == superType.syntax
      case _ => false
  def isSealed(mods: Seq[Mod]): Boolean = mods.exists(_.syntax == "sealed")


class Reader extends scala.annotation.StaticAnnotation {

  inline def apply(defn: Any): Any = meta {
    defn match {
      case Term.Block(Seq(t@ClassOrTrait(mods, name), companion: Defn.Object)) if Hierarchy.isSealed(mods) =>

        val oldTemplStats = companion.templ.stats.getOrElse(Nil)

        val cases = oldTemplStats.collect{
          case t: Defn.Object =>
            val name =
            val term = q"""${}) """
            p"""case ${Lit.String(name)} => $term  """

        val plus =
          q"""implicit val rule : jto.validation.Rule[String,$name] = jto.validation.Rule.fromMapping {

        val updatedCompanion = companion.copy(templ = companion.templ.copy(stats = Some(oldTemplStats:+plus)))

        val resul = Term.Block(Seq(t, updatedCompanion))
      case _ => abort("Reader must annotate sealed trait")

object ClassOrTrait {
  def unapply(any: Defn): Option[(Seq[Mod], Type.Name)] = any match {
    case t: Defn.Class => Some((t.mods,
    case t: Defn.Trait => Some((t.mods,
    case _ => None

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jeantil commented May 9, 2017

ça vaudrait le coup de regarder dans contrib si il y a pas des trucs a réutiliser plutôt que de les redéfinir je pense en particulier a Class Or Trait ou a Hierarchy

genre pour hierarchy .. ?

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dgouyette commented May 10, 2017

Bonne idée. Maintenant que cela fonctionne, je vais essayer de simplifier mon code.
Merci pour l'info

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