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Created May 15, 2010 00:43
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import Control.Applicative
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import Control.Monad.ST
import Data.STRef
import Control.Monad
import Data.Array.ST
addOne :: B.ByteString -> B.ByteString
addOne xs =
let fix ('a':rest) = '1':'0':rest
fix x = x
l = B.length xs
in B.pack . fix . runST $
do arr <- newListArray (1, l) (B.unpack xs) :: ST s (STArray s Int Char)
-- arr <- newArray_ (1, l) :: ST s (STArray s Int Char)
-- forM_ [1..l] (\idx -> writeArray arr idx (xs `B.index` (idx - 1)))
let loop 0 = writeArray arr 1 'a'
loop idx = do
value <- readArray arr idx
case value of
'9' -> writeArray arr idx '0' >> loop (idx - 1)
x -> writeArray arr idx (succ x)
loop l
getElems arr
biggerOrEquals :: B.ByteString -> B.ByteString -> Bool
biggerOrEquals x y =
let (lx, ly) = (B.length x, B.length y)
in case compare lx ly of
GT -> True
LT -> False
EQ -> case dropWhile (==EQ) $ B.zipWith compare x y of
[] -> True
(GT:_) -> True
_ -> False
-- addOne :: B.ByteString -> B.ByteString
-- addOne = B.reverse . inc . B.reverse
-- where inc x | B.length x == 0 = B.singleton '1'
-- | B.head x == '9' = '0' `B.cons` (inc $ B.tail x)
-- | otherwise = (succ $ B.head x) `B.cons` (B.tail x)
-- addOne :: B.ByteString -> B.ByteString
-- addOne = B.reverse . B.pack . inc . B.unpack . B.reverse
-- where inc x | length x == 0 = ['1']
-- | head x == '9' = '0' : (inc $ tail x)
-- | otherwise = (succ $ head x) : (tail x)
solve :: B.ByteString -> B.ByteString
solve x | B.length x == 0 = error "empty list"
| B.length x == 1 = x
| even $ B.length x =
let half = B.length x `div` 2
(l, rs) = B.splitAt half x
rl = B.reverse l
in if even $ B.length x then
if rl `biggerOrEquals` rs
then l `B.append` rl
else solve $ (addOne l) `B.append` (B.replicate half '0')
else let (fr,r) = (B.head rs, B.tail rs)
in if rl `biggerOrEquals` r
then l `B.append` (fr `B.cons` rl)
else solve $ (addOne (l `B.snoc` fr)) `B.append` (B.replicate half '0')
output :: B.ByteString -> IO ()
output = B.putStrLn
main :: IO ()
main = do
n:ls <- B.lines <$> B.getContents
-- B.interact (B.unlines . map (solve . addOne) . tail . (B.lines))
mapM_ (output . solve . addOne) $ take (read $ B.unpack n) ls
return ()
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