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Created May 16, 2013 15:32
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factory_girl benchmark
config.before(:suite) do
$factory_girl_results = {}
$factory_girl_total_times = {}
$factory_girl_total_time = 0
ActiveSupport::Notifications.subscribe("factory_girl.run_factory") do |name, start, finish, id, payload|
factory_name = payload[:name]
strategy_name = payload[:strategy]
$factory_girl_results[factory_name] ||= {}
$factory_girl_results[factory_name][strategy_name] ||= 0
$factory_girl_results[factory_name][strategy_name] += 1
execution_time_in_seconds = finish - start
$factory_girl_total_time += execution_time_in_seconds
$factory_girl_total_times[factory_name] ||= 0
$factory_girl_total_times[factory_name] += execution_time_in_seconds
config.after(:suite) do
puts "FactoryGirl — Performance"
factory_names_sorted_by_time = $factory_girl_total_times.sort_by { |_, time| time }.map(&:first).reverse[0..9]
factory_names_sorted_by_time.each do |factory_name|
strategies = $factory_girl_results[factory_name]
total_time_in_seconds = $factory_girl_total_times[factory_name]
minutes = (total_time_in_seconds / 60.0).to_i
seconds = (total_time_in_seconds % 60).to_i
time_string = "#{(minutes.to_s + 'm ') if minutes != 0}#{seconds}s"
puts "#{factory_name.upcase} — #{time_string}"
strategies.each do |strategy_name, strategy_calls|
puts " #{strategy_name}: #{strategy_calls}"
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