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Created October 13, 2023 00:15
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  • Save dound/593e4a9aef6ddf9021dc065e5f4b6b04 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Hide certain file paths in a GitHub PR
function markMatchingFilesAsViewed() {
// hide files with GeneratedCode in their path, or ending with .meta or .asset
const regex = /(GeneratedCode)|(.meta$)|(.asset$)/
const fileDivs = document.getElementsByClassName('file-header');
let numMatches = 0;
let numClicks = 0;
for (const fileDiv of fileDivs) {
const filePath = fileDiv.getElementsByClassName('Truncate')[0]?.children[0]?.getAttribute('title') ?? ''
if (filePath.match(regex)) {
numMatches += 1;
const checkbox = fileDiv.getElementsByClassName('js-reviewed-checkbox')[0];
if (!checkbox.checked) {;
numClicks += 1;
console.log(`${numMatches} of ${files.length} files matched; toggled ${numClicks} from unviewed to viewed`);
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