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Created July 20, 2014 22:16
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script to parse results from
// Quick and dirty script for fetching and parsing results from
// Intended to be run from the Chrome console
// load jquery
var jq = document.createElement('script');
jq.src = "";
// Parses a page of results from the results-container
var parseResultsPage = function(body) {
// second table has the individual results
var tables = $(body).find('table');
var rows = $(tables[1]).find('tr');
var ret = [];
for (var i=1; i<rows.length; i++) { // skip header row
var cols = $(rows[i]).find('td');
var place = parseInt($(cols[0]).text(), 10);
var sexPlace = parseInt($(cols[8]).text(), 10);
var sexAndAge = $(cols[7]).text().split("-");
var sex = sexAndAge[0];
var age = parseInt(sexAndAge[1], 10);
var netTimePieces = $(cols[4]).text().split(":");
var netSecs = parseInt(netTimePieces[0], 10) * 3600 + parseInt(netTimePieces[1], 10) * 60 + parseInt(netTimePieces[2], 10);
"place": place,
"gender": sex,
"age": age,
"netSecs": netSecs
return ret;
// parse all results from all pages of a particular event and race (e.g., SFM's 5K)
var parseAllResults = function(eventID, raceID, numPages) {
var allResults = [];
var done = 0;
for (var i=0; i<numPages; i++) {
(function () { // closure so success() func refers to the right page #
var page = i + 1;
var startNum = 1 + i * 100;
var url = '' + eventID + '&RCID=' + raceID + '&SROW=' + startNum + '&TYPE=overall';
$.get(url).success(function (data) {
var results = parseResultsPage(data);
console.log("got results for page " + page + " (" + results.length + ") for race " + eventID + "/" + raceID);
for (var i=0; i < results.length; i++) {
done += 1;
if (done === numPages) {
console.log("done with race " + eventID + "/" + raceID);
return allResults;
// give jQuery a chance to load
setTimeout(function () {
// fetch and parse results for SFM 2013 1st half marathon (RCID==2==1st halfm)
SF1stHalfResults2013 = parseAllResults('RCLF2013', '2', 61);
// fetch and parse results for SFM 2013 full marathon
SFMResults2013 = parseAllResults('RCLF2013', '1', 59);
}, 1000);
// to use the results elsewhere, consider doing: copy(JSON.stringify(SFMResults2013))
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