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Created October 11, 2010 21:06
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#!/usr/bin/php -q
// ---- NOTICE ----
// The script is now maintained at
$txt = new Textile;
print $txt->TextileThis(file_get_contents($argv[1]));
// it's textile! see for what would normally be here.
// define these before including this file to override the standard glyphs
@define('txt_quote_single_open', '&#8216;');
@define('txt_quote_single_close', '&#8217;');
@define('txt_quote_double_open', '&#8220;');
@define('txt_quote_double_close', '&#8221;');
@define('txt_apostrophe', '&#8217;');
@define('txt_prime', '&#8242;');
@define('txt_prime_double', '&#8243;');
@define('txt_ellipsis', '&#8230;');
@define('txt_emdash', '&#8212;');
@define('txt_endash', '&#8211;');
@define('txt_dimension', '&#215;');
@define('txt_trademark', '&#8482;');
@define('txt_registered', '&#174;');
@define('txt_copyright', '&#169;');
@define('txt_half', '&#189;');
@define('txt_quarter', '&#188;');
@define('txt_threequarters', '&#190;');
@define('txt_degrees', '&#176;');
@define('txt_plusminus', '&#177;');
@define('txt_has_unicode', @preg_match('/\pL/u', 'a')); // Detect if Unicode is compiled into PCRE
class Textile
var $hlgn;
var $vlgn;
var $clas;
var $lnge;
var $styl;
var $cspn;
var $rspn;
var $a;
var $s;
var $c;
var $pnct;
var $rel;
var $fn;
var $shelf = array();
var $restricted = false;
var $noimage = false;
var $lite = false;
var $url_schemes = array();
var $glyph = array();
var $hu = '';
var $max_span_depth = 5;
var $ver = '2.2.0';
var $rev = '$Rev$';
var $doc_root;
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function Textile()
$this->hlgn = "(?:\<(?!>)|(?<!<)\>|\<\>|\=|[()]+(?! ))";
$this->vlgn = "[\-^~]";
$this->clas = "(?:\([^)\n]+\))"; # Don't allow classes/ids/languages/styles to span across newlines
$this->lnge = "(?:\[[^]\n]+\])";
$this->styl = "(?:\{[^}\n]+\})";
$this->cspn = "(?:\\\\\d+)";
$this->rspn = "(?:\/\d+)";
$this->a = "(?:{$this->hlgn}|{$this->vlgn})*";
$this->s = "(?:{$this->cspn}|{$this->rspn})*";
$this->c = "(?:{$this->clas}|{$this->styl}|{$this->lnge}|{$this->hlgn})*";
$this->lc = "(?:{$this->clas}|{$this->styl}|{$this->lnge})*";
$this->pnct = '[\!"#\$%&\'()\*\+,\-\./:;<=>\?@\[\\\]\^_`{\|}\~]';
$this->urlch = '[\w"$\-_.+!*\'(),";\/?:@=&%#{}|\\^~\[\]`]';
$pnc = '[[:punct:]]';
$this->url_schemes = array('http','https','ftp','mailto');
$this->btag = array('bq', 'bc', 'notextile', 'pre', 'h[1-6]', 'fn\d+', 'p', '###' );
if (txt_has_unicode) {
$this->regex_snippets = array(
'acr' => '\p{Lu}\p{Nd}',
'abr' => '\p{Lu}',
'nab' => '\p{Ll}',
'wrd' => '(?:\p{L}|\p{M}|\p{N}|\p{Pc})',
'mod' => 'u', # Make sure to mark the unicode patterns as such, Some servers seem to need this.
} else {
$this->regex_snippets = array(
'acr' => 'A-Z0-9',
'abr' => 'A-Z',
'nab' => 'a-z',
'wrd' => '\w',
'mod' => '',
extract( $this->regex_snippets );
$this->glyph_search = array(
'/('.$wrd.')\'('.$wrd.')/'.$mod, // I'm an apostrophe
'/(\s)\'(\d+'.$wrd.'?)\b(?![.]?['.$wrd.']*?\')/'.$mod, // back in '88/the '90s but not in his '90s', '1', '1.' '10m' or '5.png'
'/(\S)\'(?=\s|'.$pnc.'|<|$)/', // single closing
'/\'/', // single opening
'/(\S)\"(?=\s|'.$pnc.'|<|$)/', // double closing
'/"/', // double opening
'/\b(['.$abr.']['.$acr.']{2,})\b(?:[(]([^)]*)[)])/'.$mod, // 3+ uppercase acronym
'/(?<=\s|^|[>(;-])(['.$abr.']{3,})(['.$nab.']*)(?=\s|'.$pnc.'|<|$)(?=[^">]*?(<|$))/'.$mod, // 3+ uppercase
'/([^.]?)\.{3}/', // ellipsis
'/(\s?)--(\s?)/', // em dash
'/\s-(?:\s|$)/', // en dash
'/(\d+)( ?)x( ?)(?=\d+)/', // dimension sign
'/(\b ?|\s|^)[([]TM[])]/i', // trademark
'/(\b ?|\s|^)[([]R[])]/i', // registered
'/(\b ?|\s|^)[([]C[])]/i', // copyright
'/[([]1\/4[])]/', // 1/4
'/[([]1\/2[])]/', // 1/2
'/[([]3\/4[])]/', // 3/4
'/[([]o[])]/', // degrees -- that's a small 'oh'
'/[([]\+\/-[])]/', // plus minus
$this->glyph_replace = array(
'$1'.txt_apostrophe.'$2', // I'm an apostrophe
'$1'.txt_apostrophe.'$2', // back in '88
'$1'.txt_quote_single_close, // single closing
txt_quote_single_open, // single opening
'$1'.txt_quote_double_close, // double closing
txt_quote_double_open, // double opening
'<acronym title="$2">$1</acronym>', // 3+ uppercase acronym
'<span class="caps">glyph:$1</span>$2', // 3+ uppercase
'$1'.txt_ellipsis, // ellipsis
'$1'.txt_emdash.'$2', // em dash
' '.txt_endash.' ', // en dash
'$1$2'.txt_dimension.'$3', // dimension sign
'$1'.txt_trademark, // trademark
'$1'.txt_registered, // registered
'$1'.txt_copyright, // copyright
txt_quarter, // 1/4
txt_half, // 1/2
txt_threequarters, // 3/4
txt_degrees, // degrees
txt_plusminus, // plus minus
if (defined('hu'))
$this->hu = hu;
$this->ds = constant('DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR');
$this->ds = '/';
$this->doc_root = @$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'];
if (!$this->doc_root)
$this->doc_root = @$_SERVER['PATH_TRANSLATED']; // IIS
$this->doc_root = rtrim($this->doc_root, $this->ds).$this->ds;
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function TextileThis($text, $lite = '', $encode = '', $noimage = '', $strict = '', $rel = '')
$this->span_depth = 0;
$this->tag_index = 1;
$this->notes = $this->unreferencedNotes = $this->notelist_cache = array();
$this->note_index = 1;
$this->rel = ($rel) ? ' rel="'.$rel.'"' : '';
$this->lite = $lite;
$this->noimage = $noimage;
if ($encode)
$text = $this->incomingEntities($text);
$text = str_replace("x%x%", "&amp;", $text);
return $text;
} else {
if(!$strict) {
$text = $this->cleanWhiteSpace($text);
if(!$lite) {
$text = $this->block($text);
$text = $this->placeNoteLists($text);
$text = $this->retrieve($text);
$text = $this->replaceGlyphs($text);
$text = $this->retrieveTags($text);
$text = $this->retrieveURLs($text);
$this->span_depth = 0;
// just to be tidy
$text = str_replace("<br />", "<br />\n", $text);
return $text;
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function TextileRestricted($text, $lite = 1, $noimage = 1, $rel = 'nofollow')
$this->restricted = true;
$this->lite = $lite;
$this->noimage = $noimage;
$this->span_depth = 0;
$this->tag_index = 1;
$this->notes = $this->unreferencedNotes = $this->notelist_cache = array();
$this->note_index = 1;
$this->rel = ($rel) ? ' rel="'.$rel.'"' : '';
// escape any raw html
$text = $this->encode_html($text, 0);
$text = $this->cleanWhiteSpace($text);
if($lite) {
$text = $this->blockLite($text);
} else {
$text = $this->block($text);
$text = $this->placeNoteLists($text);
$text = $this->retrieve($text);
$text = $this->replaceGlyphs($text);
$text = $this->retrieveTags($text);
$text = $this->retrieveURLs($text);
$this->span_depth = 0;
// just to be tidy
$text = str_replace("<br />", "<br />\n", $text);
return $text;
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function pba($in, $element = "", $include_id = 1) // "parse block attributes"
$style = '';
$class = '';
$lang = '';
$colspan = '';
$rowspan = '';
$span = '';
$width = '';
$id = '';
$atts = '';
if (!empty($in)) {
$matched = $in;
if ($element == 'td') {
if (preg_match("/\\\\(\d+)/", $matched, $csp)) $colspan = $csp[1];
if (preg_match("/\/(\d+)/", $matched, $rsp)) $rowspan = $rsp[1];
if ($element == 'td' or $element == 'tr') {
if (preg_match("/($this->vlgn)/", $matched, $vert))
$style[] = "vertical-align:" . $this->vAlign($vert[1]);
if (preg_match("/\{([^}]*)\}/", $matched, $sty)) {
$style[] = rtrim($sty[1], ';');
$matched = str_replace($sty[0], '', $matched);
if (preg_match("/\[([^]]+)\]/U", $matched, $lng)) {
$lang = $lng[1];
$matched = str_replace($lng[0], '', $matched);
if (preg_match("/\(([^()]+)\)/U", $matched, $cls)) {
$class = $cls[1];
$matched = str_replace($cls[0], '', $matched);
if (preg_match("/([(]+)/", $matched, $pl)) {
$style[] = "padding-left:" . strlen($pl[1]) . "em";
$matched = str_replace($pl[0], '', $matched);
if (preg_match("/([)]+)/", $matched, $pr)) {
$style[] = "padding-right:" . strlen($pr[1]) . "em";
$matched = str_replace($pr[0], '', $matched);
if (preg_match("/($this->hlgn)/", $matched, $horiz))
$style[] = "text-align:" . $this->hAlign($horiz[1]);
if (preg_match("/^(.*)#(.*)$/", $class, $ids)) {
$id = $ids[2];
$class = $ids[1];
if ($element == 'col') {
if (preg_match("/(?:\\\\(\d+))?\s*(\d+)?/", $matched, $csp)) {
$span = isset($csp[1]) ? $csp[1] : '';
$width = isset($csp[2]) ? $csp[2] : '';
if ($this->restricted)
return ($lang) ? ' lang="' . $lang . '"':'';
$o = '';
if( $style ) {
foreach($style as $s) {
$parts = split(';', $s);
foreach( $parts as $p ) {
$p = trim($p, '; ');
if( !empty( $p ) )
$o .= $p.'; ';
$style = trim( strtr($o, array("\n"=>'',';;'=>';')) );
return join('',array(
($style) ? ' style="' . $style .'"':'',
($class) ? ' class="' . $class .'"':'',
($lang) ? ' lang="' . $lang .'"':'',
($id and $include_id) ? ' id="' . $id .'"':'',
($colspan) ? ' colspan="' . $colspan .'"':'',
($rowspan) ? ' rowspan="' . $rowspan .'"':'',
($span) ? ' span="' . $span .'"':'',
($width) ? ' width="' . $width .'"':'',
return '';
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function hasRawText($text)
// checks whether the text has text not already enclosed by a block tag
$r = trim(preg_replace('@<(p|blockquote|div|form|table|ul|ol|dl|pre|h\d)[^>]*?>.*</\1>@s', '', trim($text)));
$r = trim(preg_replace('@<(hr|br)[^>]*?/>@', '', $r));
return '' != $r;
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function table($text)
$text = $text . "\n\n";
return preg_replace_callback("/^(?:table(_?{$this->s}{$this->a}{$this->c})\.(.*)?\n)?^({$this->a}{$this->c}\.? ?\|.*\|)[\s]*\n\n/smU",
array(&$this, "fTable"), $text);
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function fTable($matches)
$tatts = $this->pba($matches[1], 'table');
$sum = trim($matches[2]) ? ' summary="'.htmlspecialchars(trim($matches[2])).'"' : '';
$cap = '';
$colgrp = $last_rgrp = '';
foreach(preg_split("/\|\s*?$/m", $matches[3], -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY) as $row) {
// Caption
if (preg_match("/^\|\=($this->s$this->a$this->c)\. ([^\|\n]*)(.*)/s", ltrim($row), $cmtch)) {
$capts = $this->pba($cmtch[1]);
$cap = "\t<caption".$capts.">".trim($cmtch[2])."</caption>\n";
$row = $cmtch[3];
// Colgroup
if (preg_match("/^\|:($this->s$this->a$this->c\. .*)/m", ltrim($row), $gmtch)) {
foreach (explode('|', str_replace('.', '', $gmtch[1])) as $col) {
$gatts = $this->pba(trim($col), 'col');
$colgrp .= "\t<col".(($idx==0) ? "group".$gatts.">" : $gatts." />")."\n";
$colgrp .= "\t</colgroup>\n";
preg_match("/(:?^\|($this->vlgn)($this->s$this->a$this->c)\.\s*$\n)?^(.*)/sm", ltrim($row), $grpmatch);
// Row group
$rgrp = isset($grpmatch[2]) ? (($grpmatch[2] == '^') ? 'head' : ( ($grpmatch[2] == '~') ? 'foot' : (($grpmatch[2] == '-') ? 'body' : '' ) ) ) : '';
$rgrpatts = isset($grpmatch[3]) ? $this->pba($grpmatch[3]) : '';
$row = $grpmatch[4];
if (preg_match("/^($this->a$this->c\. )(.*)/m", ltrim($row), $rmtch)) {
$ratts = $this->pba($rmtch[1], 'tr');
$row = $rmtch[2];
} else $ratts = '';
$cells = array();
$cellctr = 0;
foreach(explode("|", $row) as $cell) {
$ctyp = "d";
if (preg_match("/^_/", $cell)) $ctyp = "h";
if (preg_match("/^(_?$this->s$this->a$this->c\. )(.*)/", $cell, $cmtch)) {
$catts = $this->pba($cmtch[1], 'td');
$cell = $cmtch[2];
} else $catts = '';
$cell = $this->graf($cell);
if ($cellctr>0) // Ignore first 'cell': it precedes the opening pipe
$cells[] = $this->doTagBr("t$ctyp", "\t\t\t<t$ctyp$catts>$cell</t$ctyp>");
$grp = (($rgrp && $last_rgrp) ? "\t</t".$last_rgrp.">\n" : '') . (($rgrp) ? "\t<t".$rgrp.$rgrpatts.">\n" : '');
$last_rgrp = ($rgrp) ? $rgrp : $last_rgrp;
$rows[] = $grp."\t\t<tr$ratts>\n" . join("\n", $cells) . ($cells ? "\n" : "") . "\t\t</tr>";
unset($cells, $catts);
return "\t<table{$tatts}{$sum}>\n" .$cap. $colgrp. join("\n", $rows) . "\n".(($last_rgrp) ? "\t</t".$last_rgrp.">\n" : '')."\t</table>\n\n";
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function lists($text)
return preg_replace_callback("/^([#*;:]+$this->lc[ .].*)$(?![^#*;:])/smU", array(&$this, "fList"), $text);
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function fList($m)
$text = preg_split('/\n(?=[*#;:])/m', $m[0]);
$pt = '';
foreach($text as $nr => $line) {
$nextline = isset($text[$nr+1]) ? $text[$nr+1] : false;
if (preg_match("/^([#*;:]+)($this->lc)[ .](.*)$/s", $line, $m)) {
list(, $tl, $atts, $content) = $m;
$content = trim($content);
$nl = '';
$ltype = $this->lT($tl);
$litem = (strpos($tl, ';') !== false) ? 'dt' : ((strpos($tl, ':') !== false) ? 'dd' : 'li');
$showitem = (strlen($content) > 0);
if (preg_match("/^([#*;:]+)($this->lc)[ .].*/", $nextline, $nm))
$nl = $nm[1];
if ((strpos($pt, ';') !== false) && (strpos($tl, ':') !== false)) {
$lists[$tl] = 2; // We're already in a <dl> so flag not to start another
$atts = $this->pba($atts);
if (!isset($lists[$tl])) {
$lists[$tl] = 1;
$line = "\t<" . $ltype . "l$atts>" . (($showitem) ? "\n\t\t<$litem>" . $content : '');
} else {
$line = ($showitem) ? "\t\t<$litem$atts>" . $content : '';
if((strlen($nl) <= strlen($tl))) $line .= (($showitem) ? "</$litem>" : '');
foreach(array_reverse($lists) as $k => $v) {
if(strlen($k) > strlen($nl)) {
$line .= ($v==2) ? '' : "\n\t</" . $this->lT($k) . "l>";
if((strlen($k) > 1) && ($v != 2))
$line .= "</".$litem.">";
$pt = $tl; // Remember the current Textile tag
else {
$line .= "\n";
$out[] = $line;
return $this->doTagBr($litem, join("\n", $out));
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function lT($in)
return preg_match("/^#+/", $in) ? 'o' : ((preg_match("/^\*+/", $in)) ? 'u' : 'd');
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function doTagBr($tag, $in)
return preg_replace_callback('@<('.preg_quote($tag).')([^>]*?)>(.*)(</\1>)@s', array(&$this, 'fBr'), $in);
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function doPBr($in)
return preg_replace_callback('@<(p)([^>]*?)>(.*)(</\1>)@s', array(&$this, 'fPBr'), $in);
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function fPBr($m)
# Less restrictive version of fBr() ... used only in paragraphs where the next
# row may start with a smiley or perhaps something like '#8 bolt...' or '*** stars...'
$content = preg_replace("@(.+)(?<!<br>|<br />)\n(?![\s|])@", '$1<br />', $m[3]);
return '<'.$m[1].$m[2].'>'.$content.$m[4];
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function fBr($m)
$content = preg_replace("@(.+)(?<!<br>|<br />)\n(?![#*;:\s|])@", '$1<br />', $m[3]);
return '<'.$m[1].$m[2].'>'.$content.$m[4];
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function block($text)
$find = $this->btag;
$tre = join('|', $find);
$text = explode("\n\n", $text);
$tag = 'p';
$atts = $cite = $graf = $ext = '';
$eat = false;
$out = array();
foreach($text as $line) {
$anon = 0;
if (preg_match("/^($tre)($this->a$this->c)\.(\.?)(?::(\S+))? (.*)$/s", $line, $m)) {
// last block was extended, so close it
if ($ext)
$out[count($out)-1] .= $c1;
// new block
list(,$tag,$atts,$ext,$cite,$graf) = $m;
list($o1, $o2, $content, $c2, $c1, $eat) = $this->fBlock(array(0,$tag,$atts,$ext,$cite,$graf));
// leave off c1 if this block is extended, we'll close it at the start of the next block
if ($ext)
$line = $o1.$o2.$content.$c2;
$line = $o1.$o2.$content.$c2.$c1;
else {
// anonymous block
$anon = 1;
if ($ext or !preg_match('/^ /', $line)) {
list($o1, $o2, $content, $c2, $c1, $eat) = $this->fBlock(array(0,$tag,$atts,$ext,$cite,$line));
// skip $o1/$c1 because this is part of a continuing extended block
if ($tag == 'p' and !$this->hasRawText($content)) {
$line = $content;
else {
$line = $o2.$content.$c2;
else {
$line = $this->graf($line);
$line = $this->doPBr($line);
$line = preg_replace('/<br>/', '<br />', $line);
if ($ext and $anon)
$out[count($out)-1] .= "\n".$line;
$out[] = $line;
if (!$ext) {
$tag = 'p';
$atts = '';
$cite = '';
$graf = '';
$eat = false;
if ($ext) $out[count($out)-1] .= $c1;
return join("\n\n", $out);
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function fBlock($m)
list(, $tag, $att, $ext, $cite, $content) = $m;
$atts = $this->pba($att);
$o1 = $o2 = $c2 = $c1 = '';
$eat = false;
if( $tag === 'p' ) {
# Is this an anonymous block with a note definition?
$notedef = preg_replace_callback("/
^note\# # start of note def marker
([$wrd:-]+) # !label
([*!^]?) # !link
({$this->c}) # !att
\.[\s]+ # end of def marker
(.*)$ # !content
/x$mod", array(&$this, "fParseNoteDefs"), $content);
if( empty($notedef) ) # It will be empty if the regex matched and ate it.
return array($o1, $o2, $notedef, $c2, $c1, true);
if (preg_match("/fn(\d+)/", $tag, $fns)) {
$tag = 'p';
$fnid = empty($this->fn[$fns[1]]) ? $fns[1] : $this->fn[$fns[1]];
# If there is an author-specified ID goes on the wrapper & the auto-id gets pushed to the <sup>
$supp_id = '';
if (strpos($atts, ' id=') === false)
$atts .= ' id="fn' . $fnid . '"';
$supp_id = ' id="fn' . $fnid . '"';
if (strpos($atts, 'class=') === false)
$atts .= ' class="footnote"';
$backlink = (strpos($att, '^') === false) ? $fns[1] : '<a href="#fnrev' . $fnid . '">'.$fns[1].'</a>';
$sup = "<sup$supp_id>$backlink</sup>";
$content = $sup . ' ' . $content;
if ($tag == "bq") {
$cite = $this->shelveURL($cite);
$cite = ($cite != '') ? ' cite="' . $cite . '"' : '';
$o1 = "\t<blockquote$cite$atts>\n";
$o2 = "\t\t<p".$this->pba($att, '', 0).">";
$c2 = "</p>";
$c1 = "\n\t</blockquote>";
elseif ($tag == 'bc') {
$o1 = "<pre$atts>";
$o2 = "<code".$this->pba($att, '', 0).">";
$c2 = "</code>";
$c1 = "</pre>";
$content = $this->shelve($this->r_encode_html(rtrim($content, "\n")."\n"));
elseif ($tag == 'notextile') {
$content = $this->shelve($content);
$o1 = $o2 = '';
$c1 = $c2 = '';
elseif ($tag == 'pre') {
$content = $this->shelve($this->r_encode_html(rtrim($content, "\n")."\n"));
$o1 = "<pre$atts>";
$o2 = $c2 = '';
$c1 = "</pre>";
elseif ($tag == '###') {
$eat = true;
else {
$o2 = "\t<$tag$atts>";
$c2 = "</$tag>";
$content = (!$eat) ? $this->graf($content) : '';
return array($o1, $o2, $content, $c2, $c1, $eat);
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function graf($text)
// handle normal paragraph text
if (!$this->lite) {
$text = $this->noTextile($text);
$text = $this->code($text);
$text = $this->getRefs($text);
$text = $this->links($text);
if (!$this->noimage)
$text = $this->image($text);
if (!$this->lite) {
$text = $this->table($text);
$text = $this->lists($text);
$text = $this->span($text);
$text = $this->footnoteRef($text);
$text = $this->noteRef($text);
$text = $this->glyphs($text);
return rtrim($text, "\n");
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function span($text)
$qtags = array('\*\*','\*','\?\?','-','__','_','%','\+','~','\^');
$pnct = ".,\"'?!;:";
if( $this->span_depth <= $this->max_span_depth )
foreach($qtags as $f)
$text = preg_replace_callback("/
(^|(?<=[\s>$pnct\(])|[{[]) # pre
($f)(?!$f) # tag
({$this->c}) # atts
(?::(\S+))? # cite
([^\s$f]+|\S.*?[^\s$f\n]) # content
([$pnct]*) # end
($|[\]}]|(?=[[:punct:]]{1,2}|\s|\))) # tail
/x", array(&$this, "fSpan"), $text);
return $text;
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function fSpan($m)
$qtags = array(
'*' => 'strong',
'**' => 'b',
'??' => 'cite',
'_' => 'em',
'__' => 'i',
'-' => 'del',
'%' => 'span',
'+' => 'ins',
'~' => 'sub',
'^' => 'sup',
list(, $pre, $tag, $atts, $cite, $content, $end, $tail) = $m;
$tag = $qtags[$tag];
$atts = $this->pba($atts);
$atts .= ($cite != '') ? 'cite="' . $cite . '"' : '';
$content = $this->span($content);
$opentag = '<'.$tag.$atts.'>';
$closetag = '</'.$tag.'>';
$tags = $this->storeTags($opentag, $closetag);
$out = "{$tags['open']}{$content}{$end}{$tags['close']}";
if (($pre and !$tail) or ($tail and !$pre))
$out = $pre.$out.$tail;
return $out;
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function storeTags($opentag,$closetag='')
$key = ($this->tag_index++);
$key = str_pad( (string)$key, 10, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT ); # $key must be of fixed length to allow proper matching in retrieveTags
$this->tagCache[$key] = array('open'=>$opentag, 'close'=>$closetag);
$tags = array(
'open' => "textileopentag{$key} ",
'close' => " textileclosetag{$key}",
return $tags;
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function retrieveTags($text)
$text = preg_replace_callback('/textileopentag([\d]{10}) /' , array(&$this, 'fRetrieveOpenTags'), $text);
$text = preg_replace_callback('/ textileclosetag([\d]{10})/', array(&$this, 'fRetrieveCloseTags'), $text);
return $text;
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function fRetrieveOpenTags($m)
list(, $key ) = $m;
return $this->tagCache[$key]['open'];
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function fRetrieveCloseTags($m)
list(, $key ) = $m;
return $this->tagCache[$key]['close'];
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function placeNoteLists($text)
# Sequence all referenced definitions...
if( !empty($this->notes) ) {
$o = array();
foreach( $this->notes as $label=>$info ) {
$i = @$info['seq'];
if( !empty($i) ) {
$info['seq'] = $label;
$o[$i] = $info;
} else {
$this->unreferencedNotes[] = $info; # unreferenced definitions go here for possible future use.
if( !empty($o) ) ksort($o);
$this->notes = $o;
# Replace list markers...
$text = preg_replace_callback("@<p>notelist({$this->c})(?:\:($wrd))?([\^!]?)(\+?)\.[\s]*</p>@U$mod", array(&$this, "fNoteLists"), $text );
return $text;
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function fParseNoteDefs($m)
list(, $label, $link, $att, $content) = $m;
# Assign an id if the note reference parse hasn't found the label yet.
$id = @$this->notes[$label]['id'];
if( !$id )
$this->notes[$label]['id'] = uniqid(rand());
if( empty($this->notes[$label]['def']) ) # Ignores subsequent defs using the same label
$this->notes[$label]['def'] = array(
'atts' => $this->pba($att),
'content' => $this->graf($content),
'link' => $link,
return '';
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function noteRef($text)
$text = preg_replace_callback("/
\[ # start
({$this->c}) # !atts
([^\]!]+?) # !label
([!]?) # !nolink
/Ux", array(&$this, "fParseNoteRefs"), $text);
return $text;
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function fParseNoteRefs($m)
# By the time this function is called, all the defs will have been processed
# into the notes array. So now we can resolve the link numbers in the order
# we process the refs...
list(, $atts, $label, $nolink) = $m;
$atts = $this->pba($atts);
$nolink = ($nolink === '!');
# Assign a sequence number to this reference if there isn't one already...
$num = @$this->notes[$label]['seq'];
if( !$num )
$num = $this->notes[$label]['seq'] = ($this->note_index++);
# Make our anchor point & stash it for possible use in backlinks when the
# note list is generated later...
$this->notes[$label]['refids'][] = $refid = uniqid(rand());
# If we are referencing a note that hasn't had the definition parsed yet, then assign it an ID...
$id = @$this->notes[$label]['id'];
if( !$id )
$id = $this->notes[$label]['id'] = uniqid(rand());
# Build the link (if any)...
$_ = '<span id="noteref'.$refid.'">'.$num.'</span>';
if( !$nolink )
$_ = '<a href="#note'.$id.'">'.$_.'</a>';
# Build the reference...
$_ = '<sup'.$atts.'>'.$_.'</sup>';
return $_;
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function fNoteLists($m)
list(, $att, $start_char, $g_links, $extras) = $m;
if( !$start_char ) $start_char = 'a';
$index = $g_links.$extras.$start_char;
if( empty($this->notelist_cache[$index]) ) { # If not in cache, build the entry...
$o = array();
if( !empty($this->notes)) {
foreach($this->notes as $seq=>$info) {
$links = $this->makeBackrefLink($info, $g_links, $start_char );
if( !empty($info['def'])) {
$id = $info['id'];
$o[] = "\t".'<li'.$atts.'>'.$links.'<span id="note'.$id.'"> </span>'.$content.'</li>';
} else {
$o[] = "\t".'<li'.$atts.'>'.$links.' Undefined Note [#'.$info['seq'].'].</li>';
if( '+' == $extras && !empty($this->unreferencedNotes) ) {
foreach($this->unreferencedNotes as $seq=>$info) {
if( !empty($info['def'])) {
$o[] = "\t".'<li'.$atts.'>'.$content.'</li>';
$this->notelist_cache[$index] = join("\n",$o);
$_ = ($this->notelist_cache[$index]) ? $this->notelist_cache[$index] : '';
if( !empty($_) ) {
$list_atts = $this->pba($att);
$_ = "<ol$list_atts>\n$_\n</ol>";
return $_;
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function makeBackrefLink( &$info, $g_links, $i )
$atts = $content = $id = $link = '';
@extract( $info['def'] );
$backlink_type = ($link) ? $link : $g_links;
$i_ = strtr( $this->encode_high($i) , array('&'=>'', ';'=>'', '#'=>''));
$decode = (strlen($i) !== strlen($i_));
if( $backlink_type === '!' )
return '';
elseif( $backlink_type === '^' )
return '<a href="#noteref'.$info['refids'][0].'"><sup>'.$i.'</sup></a>';
else {
$_ = array();
foreach( $info['refids'] as $id ) {
$_[] = '<a href="#noteref'.$id.'"><sup>'. ( ($decode) ? $this->decode_high('&#'.$i_.';') : $i_ ) .'</sup></a>';
$_ = join( ' ', $_ );
return $_;
return '';
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function links($text)
return preg_replace_callback('/
(^|(?<=[\s>.\(])|[{[]) # $pre
" # start
(' . $this->c . ') # $atts
([^"]+?) # $text
(?:\(([^)]+?)\)(?="))? # $title
('.$this->urlch.'+?) # $url
(\/)? # $slash
([^\w\/;]*?) # $post
/x', array(&$this, "fLink"), $text);
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function fLink($m)
list(, $pre, $atts, $text, $title, $url, $slash, $post, $tail) = $m;
if( '$' === $text ) $text = $url;
$atts = $this->pba($atts);
$atts .= ($title != '') ? ' title="' . $this->encode_html($title) . '"' : '';
if (!$this->noimage)
$text = $this->image($text);
$text = $this->span($text);
$text = $this->glyphs($text);
$url = $this->shelveURL($url.$slash);
$opentag = '<a href="' . $url . '"' . $atts . $this->rel . '>';
$closetag = '</a>';
$tags = $this->storeTags($opentag, $closetag);
$out = $tags['open'].trim($text).$tags['close'];
if (($pre and !$tail) or ($tail and !$pre))
$out = $pre.$out.$post.$tail;
$post = '';
return $this->shelve($out).$post;
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function getRefs($text)
return preg_replace_callback("/^\[(.+)\]((?:http:\/\/|\/)\S+)(?=\s|$)/Um",
array(&$this, "refs"), $text);
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function refs($m)
list(, $flag, $url) = $m;
$this->urlrefs[$flag] = $url;
return '';
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function shelveURL($text)
if (!$text) return '';
$ref = md5($text);
$this->urlshelf[$ref] = $text;
return 'urlref:'.$ref;
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function retrieveURLs($text)
return preg_replace_callback('/urlref:(\w{32})/',
array(&$this, "retrieveURL"), $text);
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function retrieveURL($m)
$ref = $m[1];
if (!isset($this->urlshelf[$ref]))
return $ref;
$url = $this->urlshelf[$ref];
if (isset($this->urlrefs[$url]))
$url = $this->urlrefs[$url];
return $this->r_encode_html($this->relURL($url));
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function relURL($url)
$parts = @parse_url(urldecode($url));
if ((empty($parts['scheme']) or @$parts['scheme'] == 'http') and
empty($parts['host']) and
preg_match('/^\w/', @$parts['path']))
$url = $this->hu.$url;
if ($this->restricted and !empty($parts['scheme']) and
!in_array($parts['scheme'], $this->url_schemes))
return '#';
return $url;
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function isRelURL($url)
$parts = @parse_url($url);
return (empty($parts['scheme']) and empty($parts['host']));
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function image($text)
return preg_replace_callback("/
(?:[[{])? # pre
\! # opening !
(\<|\=|\>)? # optional alignment atts
($this->c) # optional style,class atts
(?:\. )? # optional dot-space
([^\s(!]+) # presume this is the src
\s? # optional space
(?:\(([^\)]+)\))? # optional title
\! # closing
(?::(\S+))? # optional href
(?:[\]}]|(?=\s|$|\))) # lookahead: space or end of string
/x", array(&$this, "fImage"), $text);
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function fImage($m)
list(, $algn, $atts, $url) = $m;
$atts = $this->pba($atts);
$atts .= ($algn != '') ? ' align="' . $this->iAlign($algn) . '"' : '';
$atts .= (isset($m[4])) ? ' title="' . $m[4] . '"' : '';
$atts .= (isset($m[4])) ? ' alt="' . $m[4] . '"' : ' alt=""';
$size = false;
if ($this->isRelUrl($url))
$size = @getimagesize(realpath($this->doc_root.ltrim($url, $this->ds)));
if ($size) $atts .= " $size[3]";
$href = (isset($m[5])) ? $this->shelveURL($m[5]) : '';
$url = $this->shelveURL($url);
$out = array(
($href) ? '<a href="' . $href . '">' : '',
'<img src="' . $url . '"' . $atts . ' />',
($href) ? '</a>' : ''
return $this->shelve(join('',$out));
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function code($text)
$text = $this->doSpecial($text, '<code>', '</code>', 'fCode');
$text = $this->doSpecial($text, '@', '@', 'fCode');
$text = $this->doSpecial($text, '<pre>', '</pre>', 'fPre');
return $text;
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function fCode($m)
@list(, $before, $text, $after) = $m;
return $before.$this->shelve('<code>'.$this->r_encode_html($text).'</code>').$after;
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function fPre($m)
@list(, $before, $text, $after) = $m;
return $before.'<pre>'.$this->shelve($this->r_encode_html($text)).'</pre>'.$after;
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function shelve($val)
$i = uniqid(rand());
$this->shelf[$i] = $val;
return $i;
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function retrieve($text)
if (is_array($this->shelf))
do {
$old = $text;
$text = strtr($text, $this->shelf);
} while ($text != $old);
return $text;
// -------------------------------------------------------------
// NOTE: deprecated
function incomingEntities($text)
return preg_replace("/&(?![#a-z0-9]+;)/i", "x%x%", $text);
// -------------------------------------------------------------
// NOTE: deprecated
function encodeEntities($text)
return (function_exists('mb_encode_numericentity'))
? $this->encode_high($text)
: htmlentities($text, ENT_NOQUOTES, "utf-8");
// -------------------------------------------------------------
// NOTE: deprecated
function fixEntities($text)
/* de-entify any remaining angle brackets or ampersands */
return str_replace(array("&gt;", "&lt;", "&amp;"),
array(">", "<", "&"), $text);
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function cleanWhiteSpace($text)
$out = preg_replace("/^\xEF\xBB\xBF|\x1A/", '', $text); # Byte order mark (if present)
$out = preg_replace("/\r\n?/", "\n", $out); # DOS and MAC line endings to *NIX style endings
$out = preg_replace("/^[ \t]*\n/m", "\n", $out); # lines containing only whitespace
$out = preg_replace("/\n{3,}/", "\n\n", $out); # 3 or more line ends
$out = preg_replace("/^\n*/", "", $out); # leading blank lines
return $out;
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function doSpecial($text, $start, $end, $method='fSpecial')
return preg_replace_callback('/(^|\s|[[({>])'.preg_quote($start, '/').'(.*?)'.preg_quote($end, '/').'(\s|$|[\])}])?/ms',
array(&$this, $method), $text);
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function fSpecial($m)
// A special block like notextile or code
@list(, $before, $text, $after) = $m;
return $before.$this->shelve($this->encode_html($text)).$after;
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function noTextile($text)
$text = $this->doSpecial($text, '<notextile>', '</notextile>', 'fTextile');
return $this->doSpecial($text, '==', '==', 'fTextile');
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function fTextile($m)
@list(, $before, $notextile, $after) = $m;
#$notextile = str_replace(array_keys($modifiers), array_values($modifiers), $notextile);
return $before.$this->shelve($notextile).$after;
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function footnoteRef($text)
return preg_replace('/(?<=\S)\[([0-9]+)([\!]?)\](\s)?/Ue',
'$this->footnoteID(\'\1\',\'\2\',\'\3\')', $text);
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function footnoteID($id, $nolink, $t)
$backref = '';
if (empty($this->fn[$id])) {
$this->fn[$id] = $a = uniqid(rand());
$backref = 'id="fnrev'.$a.'" ';
$fnid = $this->fn[$id];
$footref = ( '!' == $nolink ) ? $id : '<a href="#fn'.$fnid.'">'.$id.'</a>';
$footref = '<sup '.$backref.'class="footnote">'.$footref.'</sup>';
return $footref;
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function glyphs($text)
// fix: hackish -- adds a space if final char of text is a double quote.
$text = preg_replace('/"\z/', "\" ", $text);
$text = preg_split("@(<[\w/!?].*>)@Us", $text, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
$i = 0;
foreach($text as $line) {
// text tag text tag text ...
if (++$i % 2) {
// raw < > & chars are already entity encoded in restricted mode
if (!$this->restricted) {
$line = $this->encode_raw_amp($line);
$line = $this->encode_lt_gt($line);
$line = preg_replace($this->glyph_search, $this->glyph_replace, $line);
$glyph_out[] = $line;
return join('', $glyph_out);
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function replaceGlyphs($text)
return preg_replace('/glyph:([^<]+)/','$1',$text);
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function iAlign($in)
$vals = array(
'<' => 'left',
'=' => 'center',
'>' => 'right');
return (isset($vals[$in])) ? $vals[$in] : '';
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function hAlign($in)
$vals = array(
'<' => 'left',
'=' => 'center',
'>' => 'right',
'<>' => 'justify');
return (isset($vals[$in])) ? $vals[$in] : '';
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function vAlign($in)
$vals = array(
'^' => 'top',
'-' => 'middle',
'~' => 'bottom');
return (isset($vals[$in])) ? $vals[$in] : '';
// -------------------------------------------------------------
// NOTE: used in notelists
function encode_high($text, $charset = "UTF-8")
return mb_encode_numericentity($text, $this->cmap(), $charset);
// -------------------------------------------------------------
// NOTE: used in notelists
function decode_high($text, $charset = "UTF-8")
return mb_decode_numericentity($text, $this->cmap(), $charset);
// -------------------------------------------------------------
// NOTE: deprecated
function cmap()
$f = 0xffff;
$cmap = array(
0x0080, 0xffff, 0, $f);
return $cmap;
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function encode_raw_amp($text)
return preg_replace('/&(?!#?[a-z0-9]+;)/i', '&amp;', $text);
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function encode_lt_gt($text)
return strtr($text, array('<' => '&lt;', '>' => '&gt;'));
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function encode_html($str, $quotes=1)
$a = array(
'&' => '&amp;',
'<' => '&lt;',
'>' => '&gt;',
if ($quotes) $a = $a + array(
"'" => '&#39;', // numeric, as in htmlspecialchars
'"' => '&quot;',
return strtr($str, $a);
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function r_encode_html($str, $quotes=1)
// in restricted mode, input has already been escaped
if ($this->restricted)
return $str;
return $this->encode_html($str, $quotes);
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function textile_popup_help($name, $helpvar, $windowW, $windowH)
return ' <a target="_blank" href="' . $helpvar . '" onclick=", \'popupwindow\', \'width=' . $windowW . ',height=' . $windowH . ',scrollbars,resizable\'); return false;">' . $name . '</a><br />';
return $out;
// -------------------------------------------------------------
// NOTE: deprecated
function txtgps($thing)
if (isset($_POST[$thing])) {
if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
return stripslashes($_POST[$thing]);
else {
return $_POST[$thing];
else {
return '';
// -------------------------------------------------------------
// NOTE: deprecated
function dump()
static $bool = array( 0=>'false', 1=>'true' );
foreach (func_get_args() as $a)
echo "\n<pre>",(is_array($a)) ? print_r($a) : ((is_bool($a)) ? $bool[(int)$a] : $a), "</pre>\n";
return $this;
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function blockLite($text)
$this->btag = array('bq', 'p');
return $this->block($text."\n\n");
} // end class
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Hello David,

this piece of code would work nicely with some Mac text editors (BBEdit, TextWrangler).

  1. However the constants are defined after it's executed, so the special chars are replaced with constant names instead of the actual replacements.
  2. We also need an option to turn off this conversion.

I created a tweaked version which would fix these bugs. Let me know and we can put it here as a revision.


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dpk commented Nov 8, 2011

I'm no longer maintaining this at all, as I rarely use Textile any more. You're right about the glyph bugs, though — I don't know how I missed that!

I saw your fork and I'll add note in the header comment explaining that yours is now the canonical version. Thanks!

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Hi David,

Thanks for cleaning up the original code. It seems to be working well now. I'm using Textile all the time:


Have a good evening.

Making the web work for you, Alec

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