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Last active April 8, 2020 00:14
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Get spawns from pogom.db & make spawns.json
# place in PokemonGo-Map directory to use with
from import Pogom
from pogom import models
import json
from pogom.models import Pokemon, init_database
import os.path
import sys
outputFile = 'spawns.json'
app = Pogom(__name__)
db = init_database(app)
# southwest latitude and longitude, north east latitude and longitude
# @TODO - use args
swLat = None
swLng = None
neLat = None
neLng = None
query =, Pokemon.longitude, Pokemon.disappear_time, Pokemon.spawnpoint_id)
if None not in (swLat, swLng, neLat, neLng):
query = (query
.where((Pokemon.latitude >= swLat) &
(Pokemon.longitude >= swLng) &
(Pokemon.latitude <= neLat) &
(Pokemon.longitude <= neLng)
query = query.dicts()
uniq = set() # to filter duplicate spawns location at same time
spawns = []
count = 0
dupes = 0
print "Getting list of spawns"
for i in iter(list(query)):
m = i['disappear_time'].minute
s = i['disappear_time'].second
spawn_sec = ((m) * 60 + (s) + 2710) % 3600
k = (i['spawnpoint_id'], spawn_sec)
if k not in uniq: # SQL group by, because peewee can't handle group by on aliased fields (thx Xcelled)
spawns.append( { 'lat': i['latitude'], 'lng': i['longitude'], 'time': spawn_sec})
count += 1
dupes += 1
print "Total unique spawns: " + str(count) + " Duplicates excluded: " + str(dupes)
choice = 'y'
if os.path.isfile(outputFile):
prompt = ("%s exists, overwrite? [Y or N] " ) % outputFile
choice = raw_input(prompt)
if choice.lower() in 'y':
f = open(outputFile, 'w')
else :
print 'Canceled writing file'
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