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Created October 21, 2014 10:34
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PublicHandler for a nbviewer/download in jupyterhub
from tornado import gen, web
from IPython.nbformat import current as nbformat
from IPython.nbconvert.exporters import HTMLExporter, PDFExporter
import re
import os
import glob
import mimetypes
from .handlers.base import BaseHandler
class PublicHandler(BaseHandler):
def get(self, user, filename):
## filename can have a path on it
next = "/hub/%s/public/%s" % (user, filename)
if filename: # download, raw, or view notebook
command = "view"
if len(self.get_arguments("view")) > 0:
command = "view"
elif len(self.get_arguments("download")) > 0:
command = "download"
elif len(self.get_arguments("copy")) > 0:
command = "copy"
elif len(self.get_arguments("pdf")) > 0:
command = "pdf"
elif len(self.get_arguments("raw")) > 0:
command = "raw"
# else: view
if filename.endswith(".ipynb"):
if command in ["view", "pdf"]:
# first, make a notebook html:
with open("/home/%s/Public/%s" % (user, filename)) as fp:
notebook_content =
if command == "view":
exporter = HTMLExporter(template_file='full')
exporter = PDFExporter(latex_count=1)
nb_json = nbformat.reads_json(notebook_content)
if command == "pdf":
# If pdf, remove heading numbering:
for cell in nb_json["worksheets"][0]["cells"]:
if cell["cell_type"] == "heading":
cell["source"] = re.sub("^([0-9]+\.?)+\s", "", cell["source"])
(body, resources) = exporter.from_notebook_node(nb_json)
# where to get css, images?
if command == "pdf":
self.set_header('Content-Type', "application/pdf")
base_filename = os.path.basename(filename)
self.set_header('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename="%s"' % base_filename)
elif command == "download": # download notebook json, filename, "text/plain")
elif command == "copy": # copy notebook json, if logged in
if self.get_current_user():
self.copy_file(user, filename, self.get_current_user())
self.write("Please <a href=\"/hub/login?next=%s\">login</a> to allow copy." % next)
else: # raw, just get file contents
with open("/home/%s/Public/%s" % (user, filename), "rb") as fp:
else: # some other kind of file
# FIXME: how to get all of custom stuff?
if command == "copy":
if self.get_current_user():
self.copy_file(user, filename, self.get_current_user())
self.write("Please <a href=\"/hub/login?next=%s\">login</a> to allow copy." % next)
else: # whatever, just get or download it
base_filename = os.path.basename(filename)
base, ext = os.path.splitext(base_filename)
if base_filename == "custom.css":
file_path = "/home/%s/.ipython/profile_default/static/custom/custom.css" % user
self.set_header('Content-Type', "text/css")
with open(file_path, "rb") as fp:
elif ext in ["txt", "html", "js", "css", "pdf"]: # show in browser
self.set_header('Content-Type', mimetypes.guess_type(filename))
with open("/home/%s/Public/%s" % (user, filename), "rb") as fp:
else:, filename)
else: # directory listing
# filename can have a full path
url_path = "/hub/%s/public" % user
path, base_filename = os.path.split(filename)
files = glob.glob("/home/%s/Public%s/*" % (user, path))
self.write("<h1>Jupyter Project at Bryn Mawr College</h1>\n")
self.write("[<a href=\"/hub/login\">Home</a>] ")
if self.get_current_user():
self.write("[<a href=\"/user/%(current_user)s/tree\">%(current_user)s</a>] " % {"current_user": self.get_current_user()})
self.write("<p>Public files for <b>%s</b>:</p>\n" % user)
for absolute_filename in sorted(files):
if os.path.isdir(absolute_filename):
dir_path, dir_name = absolute_filename.rsplit("/", 1)
self.write("<li><a href=\"%(url_path)s/%(dir_path)s\">%(dir_name)s</a></li>\n" % {"url_path": url_path, "dir_name": dir_name})
file_path, filename = absolute_filename.rsplit("/", 1)
variables = {"user": user, "filename": filename, "url_path": url_path, "next": next}
if filename.endswith(".ipynb"):
if self.get_current_user():
self.write(("<li><a href=\"%(url_path)s/%(filename)s\">%(filename)s</a> "+
"(<a href=\"%(url_path)s/%(filename)s?raw\">raw</a>, " +
"<a href=\"%(url_path)s/%(filename)s?download\">download</a>, " +
"<a href=\"%(url_path)s/%(filename)s?copy\">copy</a>" +
((", <a href=\"/user/%s/notebooks/Public/%s\">edit</a>" % (user, filename)) if self.get_current_user() == user else ", edit") +
")</li>\n") % variables)
self.write(("<li><a href=\"%(url_path)s/%(filename)s\">%(filename)s</a> "+
"(<a href=\"%(url_path)s/%(filename)s?raw\">raw</a>, " +
"<a href=\"%(url_path)s/%(filename)s?download\">download</a>, " +
"copy, edit) " +
"[<a href=\"/hub/login?next=%(next)s\">login</a> to copy]</li>\n") % variables)
# some other kind of file (eg, .zip, .css):
self.write("<li><a href=\"%(url_path)s/%(filename)s\">%(filename)s</a></li>\n" % variables)
self.write("<p><i>Please see <a href=\"/hub/dblank/public/Jupyter Help.ipynb\">Jupyter Help</a> for more information about this server.</i></p>\n")
def download(self, user, filename, mime_type=None):
self.download_file(filename, "/home/%s/Public/%s" % (user, filename), mime_type)
def download_file(self, filename, file_path, mime_type=None):
# just download it
# filename can be a full path + filename
if os.path.exists(file_path):
if mime_type is None:
mime_type, encoding = mimetypes.guess_type(filename)
base_filename = os.path.basename(filename)
self.set_header('Content-Type', mime_type)
self.set_header('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename="%s"' % base_filename)
fp = open(file_path, "rb")
# file read/write issue
print("File IO issue")
raise web.HTTPError(404)
def copy_file(self, user, filename, current_user):
## filename can have a path on it
base_filename = os.path.basename(filename)
with open("/home/%s/Public/%s" % (user, filename), "rb") as in_fp:
# FIXME: write to root, new version to not overwrite old
with open("/home/%s/Incoming/%s" % (current_user, base_filename), "wb") as out_fp:
self.write("<h1>Jupyter Project at Bryn Mawr College</h1>\n")
self.write("[<a href=\"/hub/login\">Home</a>] ")
if self.get_current_user():
self.write("[<a href=\"/user/%(current_user)s/tree\">%(current_user)s</a>] " % {"current_user": self.get_current_user()})
self.write("<p>Copy completed! You'll find your copy in your Incoming folder.</p>")
self.write("<p><i>Please see <a href=\"/hub/dblank/public/Jupyter Help.ipynb\">Jupyter Help</a> for more information about this server.</i></p>\n")
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