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Forked from anonymous/gist:2466748
Created April 26, 2012 21:16
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Save dunkfordyce/2503314 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# hideFoodBar - sets whether to hide the hunger value from the player, number is the amount of drumsticks to show them, 0-20 to show the 10 bars
# cancelRegen - whether to cancel the automatic regen from a full hunger bar
# deathMessage - whether to show the custom death message saying how long on the server
# playerListHealth - whether to show the health in the player list menu
# transmitDamage - whether to show the damage taken in the chat
# forceHardMode - whether to force difficulty 3 in the worlds specified, comma seperated list of worlds
# removeRecipies - whether to remove the golden apple and glistering melon recipies
# addRecipies - whether to add the new golden apple and glistering melon recipies
# kickBan - whether to kick and ban a player on death, message is the message shown on kick
# randomFirstSpawn:
# enabled: - whether the random spawn is enabled
# radius: - radius in which to spawn the player
# circle: - whether the area spawned in is circular or square, circle uses polar coordinates and as such means more probablity of spawning near the center but still spawns at the edges. Square is an even spread over a square of length radius*2 centered on the spawn
# minradius: - minimum distance from spawn to spawn
# center:
# enabled: -whether to use a custom center for the spawn
# x:
# y: - coordinates for the custom center
# z:
# boundaries:
# ticker: 1 - how often in seconds to check positions
# worlds:
# WORLDNAMEHERE: - name of the world to place borders on
# enabled: true -whether its enabled or not
# radius: 800 - the distance from the centre point players can travel freely
# circle: true - the shape, uses same as randomFirstSpawn rules
# center:
# overrideCenter: false - set to true if you dont want the center to be the world spawn point
# x: 0 - coordinates to use if overrideCenter is true
# z: 0
# ...e.t.c....
# ticker:
# delayOnRespawn: 500 - the milliseconds delay after respawn that the playerlist and food bar are updated for the player
# delayOnJoin: 500 - the milliseconds delay after join that the playerlist and food bar are updated for the player
# initDelay: 20 - the initial delay after plugin start before the ticker starts, in ticks
# period: 20 - the period between updates in ticks
# portals:
# creationRadius: 14 - the radius in which to place a new portal if one isnt found, default 14
# searchRadius: 128 - the radius to search for another portal, default 128
# initialItems: - items to give new players
# enabled: true - whether this is enabled
# itemIDs: 278-1,35-3&4,5-3 - the items to give in the format ITEMID-AMOUNT&DAMAGE or ITEMID-AMOUNT if no damage value needed
enabled: false
number: 10
enabled: true
enabled: true
enabled: true
transmitDamage: true
enabled: true
worlds: world,world_nether,world_the_end
removeGoldenApple: false
removeGlisteringMelon: false
enabled: false
enabled: false
enabled: true
message: You died! Bad luck.
enabled: true
minradius: 0
enabled: false
x: 0
z: 0
radius: 300
circle: true
enabled: false
itemIDs: 278-1,35-3&4,5-3
ticker: 1
enabled: true
radius: 200
circle: true
overrideCenter: false
x: 0
z: 0
enabled: false
radius: 100
circle: true
overrideCenter: false
x: 0
z: 0
enabled: false
radius: 800
circle: true
overrideCenter: false
x: 0
z: 0
delayOnRespawn: 500
delayOnJoin: 500
initDelay: 20
period: 20
creationRadius: 14
searchRadius: 15
teamsEnabled: false
- etc
- player5
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