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Created August 22, 2022 01:59
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475 Eric Normand Newsletter

Least common multiple

Write a function that finds the least common multiple of a collection of numbers. Remember that the least common multiple is the smallest integer that is evenly divisible by all the numbers in the collection.


(lcm []) ;=> nil (undefined)
(lcm [10]) ;=> 10
(lcm [2 4]) ;=> 4
(lcm [3 7]) ;=> 21
(lcm [2 4 10]) ;=> 20
(lcm [15 2 4]) ;=> 60

Thanks to this site for the problem idea, where it is rated Very Hard in Java. The problem has been modified.

Please submit your solutions as comments on this gist.

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Toni-zgz commented Aug 22, 2022

(ns lcm)
(require '[clojure.test :as test])

(defn lcm [vect]
    (if (= vect [])
        (let [mcd (fn [a b]
                    (loop [a1 a
                           b1 b]
                        (if (= b1 0)
                            (recur b1 (mod a1 b1)))))
              mcm (fn [a b] (/ (* a b) (mcd a b)))]
          (reduce mcm vect))))

(test/deftest lcm-test
  (test/is (= nil (lcm [])))
  (test/is (= 10  (lcm [10])))
  (test/is (= 4   (lcm [2 4])))
  (test/is (= 21  (lcm [3 7])))
  (test/is (= 20  (lcm [2 4 10])))
  (test/is (= 60  (lcm [15 2 4]))))

(test/run-tests 'lcm)

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(defn gcd [a b]
    (= 0 b) a
    (< a b) (gcd b a)
    :else   (gcd b (mod a b))))

(defn lcm
  ([]    nil)
  ([a b] (/ (* a b) (gcd a b)))
  ([xs]  (reduce lcm xs)))

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gerritjvv commented Aug 22, 2022

;; Finding the least common multiplier for a list of numbers
;; Reference material

(defn euclid-gcd [^long a ^long b]
      "Simple eclidean gcd"
      (loop [a' (long (max a b)) b' (long (min a b))]
            (if (zero? b')
              (recur b' (mod a' b')))))

(def ^:dynamic *gcd* euclid-gcd)

(defn lcm
      ([^long a ^long b]
       (* a (/ b (*gcd* a b))))
       (reduce lcm ls)))

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mchampine commented Aug 22, 2022

(defn lcm [[f & r]]
  (loop [i f]
    (if (every? #(zero? (mod i %)) r) i
      (recur (+ i f)))))

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miner commented Aug 22, 2022

I'm assuming all positive ints. Supporting zero or negatives would require more defensive code.

(defn lcm [nums]
  #_ {:pre [(every? pos-int? nums)]}
  (let [gcd (fn [x y]
              (if (zero? y)
                (recur y (rem x y))))]
    (when (seq nums)
      (reduce (fn [x y] (quot (* x y) (gcd x y))) 1 nums))))

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