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Last active May 18, 2024 08:30
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Boilerplate for running Clojure as a shebang script
#_DEPS is same format as deps.edn. Multiline is okay.
{:deps {clj-time {:mvn/version "0.14.2"}}}
#_You can put other options here
-J-Xms256m -J-Xmx256m -J-client
exec clojure $OPTS -Sdeps "$DEPS" "$0" "$@"
(println "Hello!")
(require '[clj-time.core :as t])
(prn (str (t/now)))
(prn *command-line-args*)
(println (.. (Runtime/getRuntime)
$ cp script.clj ~/bin/cljtest2
# ~/bin is on my $PATH
$ chmod +x ~/bin/cljtest2
$ time cljtest2 "Yo" "Hey" 1 3 4 - -ff
("Yo" "Hey" "1" "3" "4" "-" "-ff")
real 0m2.073s
user 0m6.073s
sys 0m0.297s
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piranha commented Dec 22, 2022

Just in case somebody is looking at this and is okay with having separate deps.edn (I do, mainly for cider-jack-in-clj), then this could be simplified to a single string:

":";exec clojure -M -m $(basename $0 .clj)

This should be a first line of a file. From Clojure's point of view, it's a string ":" and then a comment (since it starts with ;), so a no-op practically.

From shell's point of view, if there is no shebang and no pound sign as a first character of a file, then this file is going to be run with /bin/sh. : is an empty command (try it out in your shell), then ; is a command separator and then next command is exec effectively handing control over to clojure.

All this stuff here is to pass -m namespace to clojure, so that it will call function -main in that script. This means you can safely eval this in REPL how many times you want without re-executing initialization code. This is done by $(basename $0 .clj), of course.

Babashka sets "babashka.file" system property to a file being run, which simplifies all that machinery. clojure does nothing similar, so this is the way I came up with. Would love to find out if there is a way like Python's if __name__ == "__main__".

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yogsototh commented Apr 24, 2023

I just figured out a way to make it even more portable by adding a step that install a specific version of Clojure local to the script.


   #_DEPS is same format as deps.edn. Multiline is okay.
   {:deps {
           clj-http/clj-http {:mvn/version "3.12.3"}
           cheshire/cheshire {:mvn/version "5.11.0"}

   #_You can put other options here
   -J-Xms4m -J-Xmx256m

if [[ ! -x .local/bin/clojure ]]; then
  [[ ! -d .local ]] && mkdir .local
  pushd .local
  curl -O
  chmod +x
  ./ -p $PWD

exec .local/bin/clojure $OPTS -Sdeps "$DEPS" "$0" "$@"

  '[clj-http.client :as client]
  '[clojure.pprint :as pp])

(defn -main [& args]
  (pp/pprint (:body (client/get "" {}))))

(apply -main *command-line-args*)

So with this small block added, your only dependency is java.

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