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Created April 13, 2019 18:06
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// blog.cpp --- Simple example demonstrating GTIRB usage
// Search a GTIRB instance printing the calls preceeding `system' calls.
// Compiled with (with system installs):
// g++ --std=c++17 -lgtirb blog.cpp
// or with (with explicit includes):
// g++ -I/gtirb/build/include/ -I/gtirb/build/protobuf-src/include/ \
// --std=c++17 -lgtirb blog.cpp
#include <gtirb/gtirb.hpp>
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <set>
#include <vector>
using namespace gtirb;
// Create a context to manage memory for gtirb objects
Context context;
// Print Addrs in hex format
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& Os, Addr A) {
auto Flags = Os.flags();
Os << "0x" << std::hex << std::setw(8) << std::setfill('0') << uint64_t(A);
return Os;
template <class T> T* nodeFromUUID(Context& C, UUID id) {
return dyn_cast_or_null<T>(Node::getByUUID(C, id));
// Return the string name of the plt function at addr.
std::optional<Symbol> forwardSymbol(const std::map<UUID, UUID>* forwarding,
Symbol* symbol) {
auto found = forwarding->find(symbol->getUUID());
if (found != forwarding->end()) {
Symbol* destSymbol = nodeFromUUID<Symbol>(context, found->second);
if (destSymbol)
return *destSymbol;
return std::nullopt;
} else {
return std::nullopt;
// Walk backwards in a graph printing all symbols
class BackwardsScan {
using Vertex = CFG::vertex_descriptor;
BackwardsScan(Module& M, std::map<UUID, UUID>& fwd, CFG& G, int depth)
: Graph(G), M(M), fwd(fwd), Depth(depth) {}
void visit(Vertex V, int length) {
if ((length >= Depth))
length += 1;
// Process this vertex (if not previously visited).
if (Visited.find(V) == Visited.end()) {
auto block = dyn_cast<Block>(Graph[V]);
auto BStart = block->getAddress();
std::cout << "Predecessor " << BStart << " references ";
auto BEnd = BStart + block->getSize();
auto E = M.findSymbolicExpression(BStart, BEnd);
std::find_if(E.begin(), E.end(), [this](auto& arg) {
return std::visit(
[this](auto&& arg) {
using T = std::decay_t<decltype(arg)>;
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, SymAddrConst>) {
auto fwded = forwardSymbol(&fwd, arg.Sym);
if (fwded)
std::cout << fwded->getName();
std::cout << arg.Sym->getName();
return true;
} else {
return false;
std::cout << std::endl;
// Continue along all incoming edges.
for (auto [edge, end] = in_edges(V, Graph); edge != end; ++edge) {
visit(source(*edge, Graph), length);
CFG& Graph;
Module& M;
std::map<UUID, UUID> fwd;
int Depth;
std::set<Vertex> Visited;
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
if (argc < 3) {
std::cerr << "Usage " << argv[0] << " GTIRB-FILE PATH-LENGTH" << std::endl;
std::ifstream in(argv[1]);
int depth = std::stoi(argv[2]);
// Get the module
auto I = IR::load(context, in);
auto& M = *I->begin();
auto* fwd = I->modules().begin()->getAuxData<std::map<UUID, UUID>>(
if (!fwd) {
std::cerr << "No symbolForwarding table." << std::endl;
// Find the block calling system. This constitutes the back door.
auto& Cfg = M.getCFG();
auto Blocks = blocks(Cfg);
auto SystemBlockIt =
std::find_if(Blocks.begin(), Blocks.end(), [&M, fwd](auto& B) {
auto BStart = B.getAddress();
auto BEnd = BStart + B.getSize();
auto E = M.findSymbolicExpression(BStart, BEnd);
return E.end() != std::find_if(E.begin(), E.end(), [fwd](auto& arg) {
return std::visit(
[fwd](auto&& arg) {
using T = std::decay_t<decltype(arg)>;
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, SymAddrConst>) {
auto fwded = forwardSymbol(fwd, arg.Sym);
auto s = arg.Sym->getName();
if (fwded)
s = fwded->getName();
return s == "system";
} else {
return false;
if (SystemBlockIt == Blocks.end()) {
std::cerr << "No block referencing \"system\" was found." << std::endl;
auto BackDoorBlock = &*SystemBlockIt;
std::cout << "Basic Block calling system found at "
<< BackDoorBlock->getAddress() << std::endl;
// Walk backwards in the CFG printing called functions.
BackwardsScan(M, *fwd, Cfg, depth).visit(*getVertex(BackDoorBlock, Cfg), 0);
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