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Last active June 30, 2022 22:04
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# No Signup uuid is known.
# These requests are parameterized by email address.
No Signup*
Create Signup request -> Create Signup Response?
Get Redirect to Google OAuth Signup -> TODO
Create Signup via Google OAuth -> TODO
# A Signup uuid is known. An Incomplete Signup satisfies `find-active-signup-id`
Incomplete Signup
Complete Signup request -> Complete Signup Response?
Delete Signup request -> No Signup
Get Signup request -> Get Signup Response?
# Update Signup only updates :signup/generic-qas (question-and-answer) data (no effect on state)
Update Signup -> Incomplete Signup
Completed Signup
# Update Signup only updates :signup/generic-qas (question-and-answer) data (no effect on state)
Update Signup request -> Completed Signup
Get Signup Response?
# Error response: Logout Required
# (Get Signup can only be accessed while not authenticated.)
authenticated? -> Incomplete Signup
# Error response: Signup email already in use.
user has signup email? -> Incomplete Signup
# Emits App Event scope/signup-verify
verify signup? -> Completed Signup
Create Signup Response?
bad request? -> Create Signup Error?
# Side effects: Update :signup/sent-at, resend email
signup exists for email and no email sent in last 24 hours? -> Update Signup sent-at?
no signup exists for email and no user owns email? -> Create Signup Record?
# Check conditions *in this order*
Create Signup Error?
banned email domain? -> No Signup
email has user already? -> TODO
completed signup for email already? -> Completed Signup
unusable legacy referral code? -> No Signup
unknown Saasquatch referral code? -> No Signup
signup exists for email and email sent in last 24 hours? -> Incomplete Signup
Update Signup sent-at?
sent-at updated? -> Send Signup Email?
Send Signup Email?
# A signup email contains a link like${signup-uuid}
# The frontend page at that link will post to the Complete Signup REST endpoint
email sent? -> Incomplete Signup
Create Signup Record?
# See
signup created? -> Send Signup Email?
Complete Signup Response?
bad request? -> Complete Signup Error?
# Check conditions *in this order*
Complete Signup Error?
oauth signup with password? -> Incomplete Signup
password does not conform to policy? -> Incomplete Signup
user exists already for requested username -> Incomplete Signup
terms of service not accepted? -> Incomplete Signup
requested org slug is reserved? -> Incomplete Signup
requested org slug in use by an org -> Incomplete Signup
requested org slug in use by a workspace -> Incomplete Signup
## Signup REST operations:
# Signup Check Parameter
# Delete Signup
# Get Signup
# Get auto-join workspaces
# Complete Signup
# Get Signup Invites
# Join workspaces via invite and/or domain
# Join SSO workspaces via invite and/or domain
# Update Signup
# Create Signup
# Signup Check Parameter
# Verify signup code
# /oauth/signup(-return) routes:
# Get Redirect to Google OAuth Signup
# Create Signup via Google OAuth
function render(model){
let current_state_name = model.active_states[0].name;
return $("h1",
{style: {color: "darkBlue"}},
`The current state is: ${current_state_name}`);
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