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Last active March 17, 2023 21:15
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Utilities to construct or decompose datomic entity ids on on-prem systems using bit arithmetic
(ns favila.eid-utils
"Utilities to construct or decompose entity ids on on-prem systems.
Many of these utilities replicate datomic.api functions because the peer api
lacks them.
The entity id format is:
sign-bit, reserved-bit, 20-partition-bits, 42-t-bits
1. The sign-bit is on for tempids, off otherwise.
2. Reserved-bit must be 0.
3. The 20 partition bits are the t-bits of the partition eid this eid
belongs in.
4. The lowest 42 bits are \"t\" or \"idx\" bits. These bits are unique
across all entity ids.")
(def ^:const ^long MASK-20
(def ^:const ^long MASK-42
(def ^:const ^long MASK-PART
(def ^:const ^long TX-PART-BITS
(defn make-eid ^long [^long partition-eid ^long t]
(bit-shift-left partition-eid 42)
(bit-and MASK-42 t)))
(defn part ^long [^long eid]
(bit-shift-right (bit-and eid MASK-PART) 42))
(defn tx->t ^long [^long t]
(bit-and MASK-42 t))
(defn t->tx ^long [^long t]
(bit-or TX-PART-BITS (bit-and MASK-42 t)))
(defn entid-at ^long [^long part-eid ^long t]
{:pre [(== (bit-and part-eid MASK-20) part-eid)]}
(make-eid part-eid t))
(defn partition-start ^long [^long part-eid]
(entid-at part-eid 0))
(defn partition-end ^long [^long part-eid]
(entid-at part-eid MASK-42))
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