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Last active October 28, 2019 02:21
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訊飛科技機器翻譯 WebAPI Node.js Demo
const crypto = require('crypto');
const rq = require('request-promise');
class Translate {
constructor(host) {
// 应用 ID(到控制台获取)
this.APPID = '*******';
// 接口 APIKey(到控制台机器翻译服务页面获取)
this.APIKey = '**************';
// 接口 APISercet(到控制台机器翻译服务页面获取)
this.Secret = '**************';
// 以下为 POST 请求
this.Host = host;
this.RequestUri = '/v2/ots';
// 设置url
// console.log(host)
this.url = `https://${host}${this.RequestUri}`;
this.HttpMethod = 'POST';
this.Algorithm = 'hmac-sha256';
this.HttpProto = 'HTTP/1.1';
// 设置当前时间 (format: Wed, 23 Oct 2019 12:36:57 GMT)
const currentTimeUTC = new Date().toUTCString();
this.Date = currentTimeUTC;
// 设置业务参数
// 语种列表参数值请参照接口文档:
this.Text = '你';
this.BusinessArgs = {
from: 'ch',
to: 'en'
this.Header = {};
sha256SignBody(res) {
const m = crypto
const result = `SHA-256=${m}`;
// console.log(result);
return result;
generateSignature(digest) {
let signatureStr = `host: ${this.Host}\n`;
signatureStr += `date: ${this.Date}\n`;
signatureStr += `${this.HttpMethod} ${this.RequestUri} ${this.HttpProto}\n`;
signatureStr += `digest: ${digest}`;
const signature = crypto
.createHmac('sha256', this.Secret)
return signature;
initHeader(data) {
const digest = this.sha256SignBody(data);
// console.log(digest);
const sign = this.generateSignature(digest);
const authHeader = `api_key="${this.APIKey}", algorithm="${
}", headers="host date request-line digest", signature="${sign}"`;
const headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
Accept: 'application/json',
Method: 'POST',
Host: this.Host,
Date: this.Date,
Digest: digest,
Authorization: authHeader
return headers;
getBody() {
const content = Buffer.from(this.Text).toString('base64');
// console.log(content);
const postdata = {
common: { app_id: this.APPID },
business: this.BusinessArgs,
data: {
text: content
const body = JSON.stringify(postdata);
// console.log(body);
return body;
async callUrl() {
if (this.APPID === '' || this.APIKey === '' || this.Secret === '') {
console.log('Appid 或 APIKey 或 APISecret 为空!');
} else {
const body = this.getBody();
const headers = this.initHeader(body);
const options = {
method: 'POST',
uri: this.url,
body: JSON.parse(body),
timeout: 600000, // 8 or 10000 will cause timeout
json: true
try {
const response = await rq(options);
* { code: 0,
* data: { result: { from: 'ch', to: 'en', trans_result: { dst: 'You ', src: '你' } } },
* message: 'success',
* sid: '*****' }
// 以下仅用于调试
// const code = response.code;
// if(code !== '0'){
// console.log(`请前往${code} 查询解决办法`)
// }
} catch (err) {
return {};
(async () => {
const host = '';
// 初始化类
const gClass = new Translate(host);
const result = await gClass.callUrl();
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