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Created September 28, 2019 22:32
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Setting up dash button without Amazon App
import requests
import re
import sys
# Initial work from:
h = requests.Session()
def wait_for_device():
print("* Long press the dash button until LED light blinks in blue")
print("* Connect to Wifi with SSID \"Amazon ConfigureMe\"")
print("* Waiting for connection...")
while True:
r = h.get(BASE_URL, timeout=1)
if 'Amazon Dash' in r.content:
print("+ Connected!")
content = r.content
serial = re.findall('Serial Number</th>[^/]+>([A-Z0-9_]+)</td', content, re.DOTALL)[0]
mac = re.findall('MAC Address</th>[^/]+>([A-Z0-9_]+)</td', content, re.DOTALL)[0]
firmware = re.findall('Firmware</th>[^/]+>([A-Z0-9_]+)</td', content, re.DOTALL)[0]
battery = re.findall('Battery</th>[^/]+>([A-Z0-9_]+)</td', content, re.DOTALL)[0]
print("* Serial: %s, MAC: %s, Firmware: %s, Battery: %s" % (serial, mac, firmware, battery))
return mac
def configure_wifi(ssid, password):
print("* Configure Dash button to connect to \"%s\"" % ssid)
# is the ssid in range ?
r = h.get(BASE_URL, headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'}, timeout=5)
amzn_networks = r.json()['amzn_networks']
found = False
for amzn_network in amzn_networks:
if amzn_network['ssid'] == ssid:
found = True
if not found:
print("- SSID %s is not discoverable by Dash button" % ssid)
print("%s/?amzn_ssid=%s&amzn_pw=%s" % (BASE_URL, ssid, password))
r = h.get("%s/?amzn_ssid=%s&amzn_pw=%s" % (BASE_URL, ssid, password), timeout=5)
if r.status_code == 200:
print("+ Dash button configured!")
return True
if __name__ == '__main__':
if len(sys.argv) < 3:
configure_wifi(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2])
except KeyboardInterrupt:
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sidoh commented Apr 1, 2020

@mattia2007, if the exploit didn't work, I'm not aware of another way to recover your buttons. Sorry. :(


I read that the buttons delete everything incl. the customer secret when the battery is low, so opening it up, inserting a very low battery and letting it delete the secret could help?

Unfortunately it only clears user data when low battery is detected. It'll stay on the same firmware version.

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so i can’t use them anymore?

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so i can’t use them anymore?

Unfortunely if your button does not work with this script and/or the audio exploit you are out of luck. (see @ALL below for further info if not already done)


hey so what i can do with my dash buttons? i want to connect them to hassio for switch on or off a light. can someone help me?

For your automation purposes you could buy some zigbee button (konke, xiaomi aquara, ...) and a usb/wifi/... zigbee bridge (like zigate, ...) see zha module compatibility list in the home assistant site ( It will probably be more expensive but reliable.

If the script hangs :

  1. Replace r.content by r.content.decode('utf-8')
  2. If still doesn't work see sidoh's blog post for further reference on setting
  3. If it still won't work : welcome to planned obsolecence !

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mattia2007 commented Apr 2, 2020

hey, i've retested and for one works but i forgot to blacklist it is there a way to resolve?

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what i do then?
Senza titolo

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corv45 commented Apr 4, 2020

bonjour je n'arrive pas a détermine ou je dois rentre le ssid et le pass dans le script merci

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sangohandbz commented Apr 4, 2020

bonjour je n'arrive pas a détermine ou je dois rentre le ssid et le pass dans le script merci

-1. Pense a récupérer l'adresse MAC du bouton cf. messages précédent et/ou le post sur le blog de sidoh (connexion au wifi amazon configure me et consulter le site avec ton navigateur).
0. Blacklist l'accès à internet de ton bouton en utilisant son adresse MAC dans ton routeur

  1. Installe Python3.xx
  2. Modifie les lignes contenant r.content cf. messages précédents
  3. Ouvre le python shell
  4. Navigue dans le dossier de ton script
  5. Tappe "Ton SSID" "Ton pass" après les 3 chevrons (les " sont particulièrement important si ton SSID et/ou ton PASS contiennent des espaces)

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my Dash button (Firmware 60019520_EU) suddenly doesn't work anymore, from one day to the next it only lights up a blue light for about 10 seconds, and then flashes red. I doubt it was bricked by Amazon, because I use this button in the local intranet only to control some smart home devices, my Router does not allow the device to communicate with the internet. So I am not sure what actually bricked it.

The audio-hack didn't work, and also trying to access does not do anything at all, in fact, nothing happens in the browser when I call that URL.

When I access only, i can at least get the firmware version and MAC, serial, battery status, but that's all.

So my questions are:

1.) How could the device have become bricked? It has no internet access
2.) Is there any chance to unbrick?


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my Dash button (Firmware 60019520_EU) suddenly doesn't work anymore, from one day to the next it only lights up a blue light for about 10 seconds, and then flashes red. I doubt it was bricked by Amazon, because I use this button in the local intranet only to control some smart home devices, my Router does not allow the device to communicate with the internet. So I am not sure what actually bricked it.

The audio-hack didn't work, and also trying to access does not do anything at all, in fact, nothing happens in the browser when I call that URL.

When I access only, i can at least get the firmware version and MAC, serial, battery status, but that's all.

So my questions are:

1.) How could the device have become bricked? It has no internet access
2.) Is there any chance to unbrick?



My best bet is low battery.
Check the battery percentage in the webUI. The firmware erases the customer secret when the battery becomes to low (don't know the exact value). As the device is suposed to be trashed when it runs out if battery this is probably a safety feature to preserve your amazon account and wifi credential. From there if the audio hack doesn't work : there is no known recovery ...

To avoid this issue you have to swap the battery before it reaches the threshold -> that isnt causing a reset because the device isn't powered between press to save power.

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I am a total noob with Python and faced similar issues as others here but finally it worked!

Firmware Version: 60019520_EU

On a windows machine I did the following:

  • Install Python

Then open a Windows cmd line and go to the path of your python installation. Example:

  • install "requests" there:
    python -m pip install requests or py -m pip install requests

Save the script from above as py file at this path under the name "". In the script replace the
r.content with r.content.decode('utf-8') in line 18 and line 25.

in the windows cmd line run the programm by

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I´ve installed old amazon app apk version wich has still the function to add new dash buttons.

I just tried the mentioned App version in the German region but no Dash menus or settings are visible to add a new button.

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  • Long press the dash button until LED light blinks in blue
  • Connect to Wifi with SSID "Amazon ConfigureMe"
  • Waiting for connection...
  • Connected!
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "D:\", line 60, in
    File "D:\", line 26, in wait_for_device
    serial = re.findall('Serial Number[^/]+>([A-Z0-9_]+)</td', content, re.DOTALL)[0]
    File "C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\PythonSoftwareFoundation.Python.3.10_3.10.2800.0_x64__qbz5n2kfra8p0\lib\", line 240, in findall
    return _compile(pattern, flags).findall(string)
    TypeError: cannot use a string pattern on a bytes-like object

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elysweyr commented May 5, 2023

File "D:\", line 26, in wait_for_device

You may need to append .decode('utf-8') to line 25.

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elysweyr commented May 5, 2023

I am on FW version 60019520_EU and it worked.
The problem in my case was that I had to url encode the SSID and password because it contained spaces and special characters.

Note: Don't forget to block internet access for your dash buttons otherwise they will get an OTA update and brick themselves.

Seems like my button is connection to the wireless network but isn't able to acquire a DHCP lease - odd.

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