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Created December 11, 2012 03:29
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Save fkuehnel/4255709 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Fast Sudoku Solver
module Main where
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as V
import qualified Data.Vector as BV (generate,(!))
import Data.List (foldl',sort,group)
import Data.Char (chr, ord)
import Data.Word
import Data.Bits
import Control.Monad
import Data.Maybe
import System (getArgs)
-- Types
type Alphabet = Word8
type Hypothesis = Word32
-- Hypotheses space is a matrix of independed hypoteses
type HypothesesSpace = V.Vector Hypothesis
-- Set up spatial transformers / discriminators to reflect the spatial
-- properties of a Sudoku puzzle
ncells = 81
-- vector rearrangement functions
rows :: HypothesesSpace -> HypothesesSpace
rows = id
columns :: HypothesesSpace -> HypothesesSpace
columns vec = (\cidx -> vec `V.unsafeIndex` cidx) cIndices
where cIndices = V.fromList [r*9 + c | c <-[0..8], r<-[0..8]]
subGrids :: HypothesesSpace -> HypothesesSpace
subGrids vec= (\idx -> vec `V.unsafeIndex` idx) sgIndices
where sgIndices = V.fromList [i + bc + br | br <- [0,27,54], bc <- [0,3,6], i<-[0,1,2,9,10,11,18,19,20]]
-- needs to be boxed, because vector elements are not primitives
peersDiscriminators = BV.generate ncells discriminator
discriminator idx1 = V.zipWith3 (\r c s -> (r || c || s)) rDscr cDscr sDscr
rDscr = V.generate ncells (\idx2 -> idx1 `div` 9 == idx2 `div` 9)
cDscr = V.generate ncells (\idx2 -> idx1 `mod` 9 == idx2 `mod` 9)
sDscr = V.generate ncells (\idx2 -> subGridOfidx1 == subGrid idx2)
subGridOfidx1 = subGrid idx1
subGrid idx = (idx `div` 27, (idx `div` 3) `mod` 3)
-- Let's implement the logic
-- Level 0 logic (enforce consistency):
-- We can't have multiple same solutions in a peer unit,
-- eliminate solutions from other hypotheses
enforceConsistency :: HypothesesSpace -> Maybe HypothesesSpace
enforceConsistency hypS0 = do
V.foldM solutionReduce hypS0 $ V.findIndices newSingle hypS0
solutionReduce :: HypothesesSpace -> Int -> Maybe HypothesesSpace
solutionReduce hypS0 idx =
let sol = hypS0 V.! idx
peers = peersDiscriminators BV.! idx
hypS1 = V.zipWith reduceInUnit peers hypS0
reduceInUnit p h
| p && (h == sol) = setSolution sol
| p = h `minus` sol
| otherwise = h
in if V.any empty hypS1
then return hypS1
else if V.any newSingle hypS1
then enforceConsistency hypS1 -- constraint propagation
else return hypS1
-- Level 1 logic is rather simple:
-- We tally up all unknown values in a given unit,
-- if a value occurs only once, then it must be the solution!
localizeSingles :: HypothesesSpace -> Maybe HypothesesSpace
localizeSingles unit = let known = maskChoices $ accumTally $ V.filter single unit
in if dups known
then Nothing
case (filterSingles $ accumTally $ V.filter (not . single) unit) `minus` known of
0 -> return unit
sl -> return $ replaceWith unit sl
replaceWith :: V.Vector Hypothesis -> Hypothesis -> V.Vector Hypothesis
replaceWith unit s = (\u -> if 0 /= maskChoices (s .&. u) then s `Main.intersect` u else u) unit
-- Level 2 logic is a bit more complicated:
-- Say in a given unit, we find exactly two places with the hypothesis {1,9}.
-- Then obviously, the value 1 and 9 can only occur in those two places.
-- All other ocurrances of the value 1 and 9 can eliminated.
localizePairs :: HypothesesSpace -> Maybe HypothesesSpace
localizePairs unit = let pairs = V.toList $ V.filter pair unit
in if nodups pairs
then return unit
case map head $ filter lpair $ tally pairs of
[] -> return unit
pl@(p:ps) -> return $ foldl' eliminateFrom unit pl
where -- "subtract" pair out of a hypothesis
eliminateFrom :: V.Vector Hypothesis -> Hypothesis -> V.Vector Hypothesis
eliminateFrom unit p = (\u -> if u /= p then u `minus` p else u) unit
-- Level 3 logic resembles the level 2 logic:
-- If we find exactly three places with the hypothesis {1,7,8} in a given unit, then all other ...
-- you'll get the gist!
localizeTriples :: HypothesesSpace -> Maybe HypothesesSpace
localizeTriples unit = let triples = V.toList $ V.filter triple unit
in if nodups triples
then return unit
case map head $ filter ltriple $ tally triples of
[] -> return unit
tl@(t:ts) -> return $ foldl' eliminateFrom unit tl
where -- "subtract" triple out of a hypothesis
eliminateFrom :: V.Vector Hypothesis -> Hypothesis -> V.Vector Hypothesis
eliminateFrom unit t = (\u -> if u /= t then u `minus` t else u) unit
-- Even higher order logic is easy to implement, but becomes rather useless in the general case!
-- Implement the whole nine yard: constraint propagation and search
applySameDimensionLogic :: HypothesesSpace -> Maybe HypothesesSpace
applySameDimensionLogic hyp0 = do
res1 <- logicInDimensionBy rows chainedLogic hyp0
res2 <- logicInDimensionBy columns chainedLogic res1
logicInDimensionBy subGrids chainedLogic res2
chainedLogic = localizeSingles >=> localizePairs >=> localizeTriples
logicInDimensionBy :: (HypothesesSpace -> HypothesesSpace) -> (HypothesesSpace -> Maybe HypothesesSpace) -> HypothesesSpace -> Maybe HypothesesSpace
logicInDimensionBy trafo logic hyp = liftM (trafo . V.concat) $ mapM (\ridx -> do logic $ V.unsafeSlice ridx 9 hyp') [r*9 | r<- [0..8]]
hyp' :: HypothesesSpace
hyp' = trafo hyp
prune :: HypothesesSpace -> Maybe HypothesesSpace
prune hypS0 = do
hypS1 <- applySameDimensionLogic =<< enforceConsistency hypS0
if V.any newSingle hypS1
then prune hypS1 -- effectively implemented constraint propagation
else do
hypS2 <- applySameDimensionLogic hypS1
if hypS1 /= hypS2
then prune hypS2 -- effectively implemented a fix point method
else return hypS2
search :: HypothesesSpace -> Maybe HypothesesSpace
search hypS0
| complete hypS0 = return hypS0
| otherwise = do msum [prune hypS1 >>= search | hypS1 <- expandFirst hypS0]
-- guessing order makes a big difference!!
expandFirst :: HypothesesSpace -> [HypothesesSpace]
expandFirst hypS
| suitable == [] = []
| otherwise = let (_, idx) = minimum suitable -- minimum is the preferred strategy!
in map (\choice -> hypS V.// [(idx, choice)]) (split $ hypS V.! idx)
suitable = filter ((>1) . fst) $ V.toList $ V.imap (\idx e -> (numChoices e, idx)) hypS
-- Some very useful tools:
-- partition a list into sublists
chop :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
chop n [] = []
chop n xs = take n xs : chop n (drop n xs)
-- when does a list have no duplicates
nodups :: Eq a => [a] -> Bool
nodups [] = True
nodups (x:xs) = not (elem x xs) && nodups xs
dups :: Hypothesis -> Bool
dups t = (filterDups t) /= 0
tally :: Ord a => [a] -> [[a]]
tally = group . sort
empty :: Hypothesis -> Bool
empty n = (maskChoices n) == 0
single :: Hypothesis -> Bool
single n = (numChoices n) == 1
lsingle :: [a] -> Bool
lsingle [n] = True
lsingle _ = False
pair :: Hypothesis -> Bool
pair n = numChoices n == 2
lpair :: [a] -> Bool
lpair (x:xs) = lsingle xs
lpair _ = False
triple :: Hypothesis -> Bool
triple n = (numChoices n) == 3
ltriple :: [a] -> Bool
ltriple (x:xs) = lpair xs
ltriple _ = False
complete :: HypothesesSpace -> Bool
complete = V.all single
-- The bit gymnastics (wish some were implemented in Data.Bits)
-- bits 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 .. 27 28 29 30 31 represents
-- h - h - h - h - h - h - h - h - h - .. s l l l l
-- with
-- h : 1 iff element is part of the hypothesis set
-- l : 4 bits for the cached number of h bits set
-- s : 1 iff a single solution for the cell is found
-- experiment with different strategies
split :: Hypothesis -> [Hypothesis]
split 0 = []
split n = [n `minus` bit1, (bit 28) .|. bit1]
where bit1 = (bit $ firstBit n)
minus :: Hypothesis -> Hypothesis -> Hypothesis
xs `minus` ys
| maskChoices (xs .&. ys) == 0 = xs
| otherwise = zs .|. ((countBits zs) `shiftL` 28)
where zs = maskChoices $ xs .&. (complement ys)
numChoices :: Hypothesis -> Word32
numChoices n = (n `shiftR` 28)
newSingle :: Hypothesis -> Bool
newSingle n = (n `shiftR` 27) == 2
isSolution :: Hypothesis -> Bool
isSolution n = n `testBit` 27
setSolution :: Hypothesis -> Hypothesis
setSolution n = n `setBit` 27
maskChoices :: Hypothesis -> Hypothesis
maskChoices n = n .&. 0x07FFFFFF
intersect :: Hypothesis -> Hypothesis -> Hypothesis
intersect x y = z .|. ((countBits z) `shiftL` 28)
where z = maskChoices $ x .&. y
countBits :: Word32 -> Word32 -- would be wonderful if Data.Bits had such a function
countBits 0 = 0
countBits n = (cBLH 16 0xFFFF . cBLH 8 0xFF00FF . cBLH 4 0x0F0F0F0F . cBLH 2 0x33333333 . cBLH 1 0x55555555) n
cBLH :: Int -> Word32 -> Word32 -> Word32
cBLH s mask n = (n .&. mask) + (n `shiftR` s) .&. mask
firstBit :: Hypothesis -> Int -- should also be in Data.Bits
firstBit 0 = 0 -- stop recursion !!
firstBit n
| n .&. 1 > 0 = 0
| otherwise = (+) 1 $ firstBit $ n `shiftR` 1
accumTally :: V.Vector Hypothesis -> Hypothesis
accumTally nl = V.foldl' accumTally2 0 nl
accumTally2 :: Word32 -> Word32 -> Word32
accumTally2 t n = (+) t $ n .&. (((complement t) .&. 0x02AAAAAA) `shiftR` 1)
filterSingles :: Hypothesis -> Hypothesis
filterSingles t = t .&. (((complement t) .&. 0x02AAAAAA) `shiftR` 1)
filterDups :: Hypothesis -> Hypothesis
filterDups t = (t .&. 0x02AAAAAA) `shiftR` 1
defaultHypothesis :: Hypothesis
defaultHypothesis = 0x90015555 -- all nine alphabet elements are set
mapAlphabet :: V.Vector Hypothesis
mapAlphabet = V.replicate 256 defaultHypothesis V.// validDigits
validDigits :: [(Int, Hypothesis)]
validDigits = [(ord i, (bit 28) .|. (bit $ 2*(ord i - 49))) | i <- "123456789"]
toChar :: Hypothesis -> [Char]
toChar s
| single s = [normalize s]
| otherwise = "."
normalize s = chr $ (+) 49 $ (firstBit s) `shiftR` 1
toCharDebug :: Hypothesis -> [Char]
toCharDebug s
| isSolution s = ['!', normalize s]
| single s = [normalize s]
| otherwise = "{" ++ digits ++ "}"
normalize s = chr $ (+) 49 $ (firstBit s) `shiftR` 1
digits = zipWith test "123456789" $ iterate (\e -> e `shiftR` 2) s
test c e
| e.&.1 == 1 = c
| otherwise = '.'
-- Initial hypothesis space
initialize :: String -> Maybe HypothesesSpace
initialize g = if all (`elem` "0.-123456789") g
hints = zip [0..] translated
translated = map (\c -> mapAlphabet V.! ord c) $ take ncells g
in Just $ (V.replicate ncells defaultHypothesis) V.// hints
else Nothing
-- Display (partial) solution
printResultD :: HypothesesSpace -> IO ()
printResultD = putStrLn . toString
toString :: HypothesesSpace -> String
toString hyp = unlines $ map translate . chop 9 $ V.toList hyp
translate = concatMap (\s -> toCharDebug s ++ " ")
printResult :: HypothesesSpace -> IO ()
printResult = putStrLn . toString
toString :: HypothesesSpace -> String
toString hyp = translate (V.toList hyp)
translate = concatMap (\s -> toChar s ++ "")
-- The entire solution process!
solve :: String -> Maybe HypothesesSpace
solve str = do
initialize str >>= prune >>= search
main :: IO ()
main = do
[f] <- getArgs
sudoku <- fmap lines $ readFile f -- "test.txt"
mapM_ printResult $ mapMaybe solve sudoku
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