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Last active December 22, 2015 01:59
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  • Save gauthamnair/6400293 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save gauthamnair/6400293 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Instructions: you would have to download and format the Marks et al. data from
their supplement first. Then, save this file as an .Rnw, Stangle and
source the resulting .R file.
Import data from Marks et al. Cell 2012.
dat <- read.table('./marks2i.serum.example.txt')
# > head(dat)
# GeneSymbol log2Fold pval
# 1 0610007C21Rik -1.0501235 0.02
# 2 0610007L01Rik 0.3659197 0.11
# 3 0610007P08Rik 0.4903256 0.23
# 4 0610007P14Rik -0.2574317 0.20
# 5 0610007P22Rik -0.3934814 0.19
# 6 0610009B22Rik 0.2751580 0.07
all.genes.universe <- as.character(dat$GeneSymbol)
Get GO list from bioConductor-curated database:
# replace line below with the org database for your genome of interest
goannotlist <- goseq::getgo( all.genes.universe, 'mm9', 'geneSymbol',
fetch.cats = 'GO:BP' )
Turn list into a two column data frame (actually data table):
require(data.table) <- function(goannot){
gonames <- unlist(goannot,use.names=FALSE)
genenames <- ldply(goannot, length)
genenames <- rep( genenames[['.id']], genenames[['V1']])
goannotlong <- data.frame( GeneSymbol = genenames, Category = gonames)
return( data.table(goannotlong) )
goannotlong <- goannotlist )
Apply criteria used by Marks et al. for differential expression.
genes.high2i <- subset(dat, log2Fold < -1 & pval <0.2,
select = 'GeneSymbol', drop = TRUE)
genes.highserum <- subset(dat, log2Fold > 1 & pval <0.2,
select = 'GeneSymbol', drop = TRUE)
go.highserum <- f.makegreedyGOtable( genehits = genes.highserum,
gotable = goannotlong, gosizecutoff = 300, abbrlength = 50)
go.high2i <- f.makegreedyGOtable( genehits = genes.high2i,
gotable = goannotlong, gosizecutoff = 300, abbrlength = 50)
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