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This will only work if they are aggregating logs to a central syslog server. Even though not ideal, Splunk will do.
# become root
sudo -i
# install script dependencies
apt-get install -y dstat jq
# in the background, run a shell process that will send system metrics to syslog every 30s
(dstat -clmdn --nocolor --tcp 30 | logger -t dstat) &
# in the background, run a shell process that will send ets table info to syslog every 30s
(while sleep 30; do curl -u USER:PASSWORD -s --connect-timeout 25 "" | jq -c '.ets_tables[] | {owner: .owner_name, name: .name, memory: (.memory/(1024*1024))}'; done | logger -t ets-tables) &
# e.g. (while sleep 30; do curl -u admin:24jzhfJhVpBCt7o0Qalg -s --connect-timeout 25 "" | jq -c '.ets_tables[] | {owner: .owner_name, name: .name, memory: (.memory/(1024*1024))}'; done | logger -t ets-tables) &
# stop being root
# disconnect from bosh ssh
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