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Last active November 28, 2015 19:59
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(defn digits
"Generate a list of digits contained in the number"
(loop [found-digits '() base (quot number 10) digit (rem number 10)]
(let [found-digits (conj found-digits (if (neg? digit) (- digit) digit))]
(if (zero? base)
(recur found-digits (quot base 10) (rem base 10))))))
(defn divisible-digits
"Return the count of digits that evenly divide into the given number"
(let [divisible (filter (fn [n] (and (not (zero? n)) (= 0 (rem number n)))) (digits number))]
(count divisible)))
(map divisable-digits '(1024 2048 64))
digits n =
findDigits (rem n 10) [] (quot n 10)
where addDigit d ds = (abs d): ds
findDigits d ds 0 = addDigit d ds
findDigits d ds b = findDigits (rem b 10) (addDigit d ds) (quot b 10)
divisableDigits n =
length (filter divisable (digits n))
where zero 0 = True
zero _ = False
divisable d | zero d = False
divisable d | not (zero d) = mod n d == 0
map divisableDigits [1024, 2048, 64]
def digits(base)
[].tap { |digits|
base, digit = base.divmod(10)
digits << digit
end while base != 0
def divisible_digits(number)
digits(number).count { |d| ! && (number % d == 0) }
[1024, 2048, 64].map { |n| divisible_digits(n) }
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Haskell version is by far the most interesting to me. It's compact, clear and typesafe. There are also no conditionals. They're all eliminated by pattern matching.

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