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Last active August 29, 2015 14:26
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" Vim filetype plugin file
" Language: julia
autocmd! BufLeave,FocusLost * nested silent! update
nmap <buffer> <silent> <space> <esc>:call Send_to_iterm()<cr>j
noremap <leader>ae <esc>:w<cr>:call Send_input_file_to_iterm()<cr>
noremap <leader>rf <esc>:w<cr>:call New_julia_repl()<cr>
noremap <leader>pd <esc>:w<cr>:call Get_paragraph()<cr>
function! Send_to_iterm()
let current_line= getline('.')
silent exec "!osascript ~/.vim/scripts/sendtoiterm.applescript " . shellescape(current_line, 1)
function! Send_input_file_to_iterm()
let current_file = '"' . "%:p" . '"'
let include_file = "include\(" . current_file . "\)"
let include_file = "'" . include_file . "'"
silent exec "!osascript ~/.vim/scripts/sendtoiterm.applescript " . include_file
function! New_julia_repl()
let current_directory = "%:p:h"
silent exec "!open -a iTerm %:p:h"
silent exec "!osascript ~/.vim/scripts/sendtoiterm.applescript julia"
function! Get_paragraph()
let start = line('.')
let end = search("^$")
let lines = getline(start, end)
for line in lines
silent exec "!osascript ~/.vim/scripts/sendtoiterm.applescript " . shellescape(line, 1)
on run argv
set command to item 1 of argv
tell application "iTerm"
--make new terminal
tell the current terminal
--activate current session
--launch session "Default Session"
tell the last session
write text command
end tell
end tell
end tell
end run
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