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Created April 20, 2024 19:26
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Mockup of a modded DSlite specifically to play the game MaBoShi
// MaBoShi DSlite mod idea
$fn = 50;
module roundedcube_simple(size = [1, 1, 1], center = false, radius = 0.5) {
size = (size[0] == undef) ? [size, size, size] : size;
translate = (center == false) ?
[radius, radius, radius] :
radius - (size[0] / 2),
radius - (size[1] / 2),
radius - (size[2] / 2)
translate(v = translate)
minkowski() {
cube(size = [
size[0] - (radius * 2),
size[1] - (radius * 2),
size[2] - (radius * 2)
sphere(r = radius);
$pink = [253/255, 223/255, 225/255];
$dark = [233/255, 203/255, 205/255];
roundedcube_simple([133,74,21.5], true, 5.5);
translate([40,0,12]) {
cube([15,5,2], true);
cube([5,15,2], true);
translate([0,0,10]) {
cube([51,38.2,2], true);
translate([-17.5,0,0.3]) {
translate([0,0,8.5]) {
cube([51,38.2,2], true);
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