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Created March 22, 2024 16:18
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parallel version of script in the Alfred Remove Quarantine workflow
# Helpers
function app_as_json {
/usr/bin/osascript -l JavaScript -e 'function run(argv) { return JSON.stringify({
title: $(argv[0]).stringByDeletingPathExtension.lastPathComponent.js,
subtitle: argv[0],
type: "file",
icon: { type: "fileicon", path: argv[0] },
arg: argv[0]
})}' "${1}"
# Grab all apps as reported by Spotlight
[[ "${only_root_applications}" -eq 1 ]] && readonly filter=(-onlyin '/Applications')
readonly all_apps=("${(@f)$(/usr/bin/mdfind "${filter[@]}" "kMDItemContentTypeTree == ''")}")
# Declare an array to store background processes' outputs
declare -a json_outputs=()
# Separate quarantined apps
for app in "${all_apps[@]}"
# Initialize local variable to store JSON output
local json_item
# Skip unquarantined apps
/usr/bin/xattr -p '' "${app}" &> /dev/null || exit
# Skip signed and notarized apps, if option is enabled
[[ "${ignore_signed}" -eq 1 ]] && /usr/sbin/spctl --assess --type install "${app}" && exit
# Create JSON item
json_item=$(app_as_json "${app}")
# Output JSON item
echo "${json_item}"
} &
done | while IFS= read -r line; do
# Wait for all background processes to finish
# Exit early if nothing to do
if [[ "${#json_outputs[@]}" -eq 0 ]]
printf '{ "items": [{
"title": "No quarantined applications found",
"subtitle": "Use this workflow’s File Action if you need more granularity"
exit 0
# List quarantined apps
printf '{ "items": ['
printf '%s,' "${json_outputs[@]}" | sed 's/,$//'
printf ']}'
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