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Last active March 14, 2018 22:22
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Routing Problem
import Foundation
// This is the equivalent to `CellDescriptor`
struct Handler {
// This is the problem... What I really need is `type` to be a concrete type that conforms to Decodable.
// I don't want to force users to have to conform to some arbitrary class of mine.
// In the case of UITableViewCell this worked out fine bc of the already-required inheritance. Is there a work around?
let type: Decodable.Type
let handle: (Decodable) -> Void
init<T: Decodable>(handler: @escaping (T) -> Void) {
type = T.self
handle = { codable in
handler(codable as! T)
// Here's where I set up the (simplified) routing aka try to store functions in a dictionary keyed by "endpoints":
var handlers = [String: Handler]()
func register<T: Decodable>(
endpoint: String,
with handle: @escaping (T) -> Void)
handlers[endpoint] = Handler(handler: handle)
// I'd like to do something like this at the callsite:
register(endpoint: "hello") { (object: String) in
// handle receiving messages for this endpoint here
// Here's what I'd like to do once I have data and know the endpoint:
func didReceive(data: Data, for endpoint: String) throws {
guard let handler = handlers[endpoint] else { return }
let object = try JSONDecoder().decode(handler.type, from: data) // Cannot invoke 'decode' with an argument list of type '(Decodable.Type, from: Data)'. Expected an argument list of type '(T.Type, from: Data)'
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