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Created November 22, 2011 05:40
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An basic base implementation of the RoleObjectPattern
package net.deardeuff.roleobject;
* A Key based on a Class
public final class ClassKey<T> implements View.Key<T> {
private final Class<T> delegate;
public static <T> ClassKey<T> of(Class<T> delegate) {
return new ClassKey<T>(delegate);
private ClassKey(Class<T> delegate) {
this.delegate = delegate;
public boolean equals(Object object) {
return (object instanceof ClassKey<?>) && equals((ClassKey<?>) object);
public String toString() {
return "ClassKey(" + delegate.getName() + ")";
public boolean equals(ClassKey<?> other) {
return delegate.equals(other.delegate);
public int hashCode() {
return delegate.hashCode();
package net.deardeuff.roleobject;
* Conversions from Class<T> to Key<T>
public abstract class ClassKeyOperations implements View {
public final <T> boolean hasView(Class<T> key) {
return hasView(ClassKey.of(key));
public final <T> T getView(Class<T> key) {
return getView(ClassKey.of(key));
public final <T> T putView(Class<T> key, T value) {
return putView(ClassKey.of(key), value);
public final <T> T putView(Class<T> key, Supplier<? extends T> value) {
return putView(ClassKey.of(key), value);
public final <T> void putViewIfAbsent(Class<T> key, T value) {
putViewIfAbsent(ClassKey.of(key), value);
public final <T> void putViewIfAbsent(Class<T> key, Supplier<? extends T> value) {
putViewIfAbsent(ClassKey.of(key), value);
package net.deardeuff.roleobject;
* Supporting implementation for views that are not the core view.
* <p>Suggested use:<br/>
* Extend this class and implement your own view interface (see notes in {@link View}); it will be the abstract base class for your views.
* As such, you only need to implement the methods defined in your custom view class, forwarding them *all* to the coreView()
* <p>Example:
* <pre>
* public class AbstractUserView extends ForwardingView implements User {
* public AbstractUserView(User user) {
* super(user);
* }
* ....
* public User coreView() {
* return (User) coreView();
* }
* public final long id() {
* return coreView().id();
* }
* public final String name() {
* return;
* }
* public final boolean equals(User other) {
* return coreView().equals(other);
* }
* }
* </pre>
public class ForwardingView extends ClassKeyOperations implements View {
private final View core;
public ForwardingView(View core) {
this.core = core.coreView();
* Default implementation: just a View
public View coreView() {
return core;
public final <T> boolean hasView(Key<T> key) {
return core.hasView(key);
public final <T> T getView(Key<T> key) {
return core.getView(key);
public final <T> T putView(Key<T> key, T value) {
return core.putView(key, value);
public final <T> T putView(Key<T> key, Supplier<? extends T> value) {
return core.putView(key, value);
public final <T> void putViewIfAbsent(Key<T> key, T value) {
core.putViewIfAbsent(key, value);
public final <T> void putViewIfAbsent(Key<T> key, Supplier<? extends T> value) {
core.putViewIfAbsent(key, value);
public final boolean equals(Object obj) {
return core.equals(obj);
public final boolean equals(View other) {
return core.equals(other);
public final int hashCode() {
return core.hashCode();
package net.deardeuff.roleobject;
* A view of an object.
* <p>Most implementations use a class as a key, so methods accepting classes as keys are explicitly added to the interface.
* <p>Allows <em>suppliers</em> of views to support lazily-loaded views.
* <p>Suggested use:<br/>
* Extend this interface, adding common methods for your object; also overriding coreView() to return your interface:
* <p>Example:
* <pre>
* public interface User extends View {
* long id();
* String name();
* ...
* User coreView();
* boolean equals(User other);
* }
* </pre>
* <p>Implementation Note: to make things more flexible, this implemntation does _not_ require that
* only views are stored inside.
public interface View {
interface Key<T> {}
<T> boolean hasView(Class<T> key);
<T> boolean hasView(Key<T> key);
<T> T getView(Class<T> key);
<T> T getView(Key<T> key);
<T> T putView(Class<T> key, T value);
<T> T putView(Key<T> key, T value);
<T> T putView(Class<T> key, Supplier<? extends T> value);
<T> T putView(Key<T> key, Supplier<? extends T> value);
<T> void putViewIfAbsent(Class<T> key, T value);
<T> void putViewIfAbsent(Key<T> key, T value);
<T> void putViewIfAbsent(Class<T> key, Supplier<? extends T> value);
<T> void putViewIfAbsent(Key<T> key, Supplier<? extends T> value);
View coreView();
boolean equals(View other);
package net.deardeuff.roleobject;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap;
* <p>Supporting implementation for core Views.
* <p>Suggested use:<br/>
* Extend this class and implement your own view interface (see notes in {@link View}). Override equals to use logical equality
* <p>Example:
* <pre>
* public class UserCore extends ViewCore implements User {
* public UserCore(long id, String name) {
* = id;
* = name;
* }
* ....
* public boolean equals(View other) {
* return (other instanceof User) && equals((user) other);
* }
* public boolean equals(User other) {
* return id ==;
* }
* public long hashCode() {
* return id;
* }
* }
* </pre>
public class ViewCore extends ClassKeyOperations implements View {
public class UnknownKeyException extends RuntimeException {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public UnknownKeyException(String message) {
private final ConcurrentMap<Key<?>, Supplier<?>> views = new ConcurrentHashMap<View.Key<?>, Supplier<?>>();
public final <T> boolean hasView(Key<T> key) {
return views.containsKey(key);
public final <T> T getView(Key<T> key) {
Supplier<T> view = (Supplier<T>) views.get(key);
if (view == null)
throw new UnknownKeyException("Unknown key: " + key);
synchronized (view) {
return view.get(); // may be a long loading operation, thus the lock
public final <T> T putView(Key<T> key, T value) {
return putView(key, Suppliers.ofInstance(value));
public final <T> T putView(Key<T> key, Supplier<? extends T> value) {
views.put(key, value);
return value.get();
public final <T> void putViewIfAbsent(Key<T> key, T value) {
views.putIfAbsent(key, Suppliers.ofInstance(value));
public final <T> void putViewIfAbsent(Key<T> key, Supplier<? extends T> value) {
views.putIfAbsent(key, value);
public View coreView() {
return this;
public final boolean equals(Object other) {
return (other instanceof View) && equals((View) other);
* Default implementation: equality based on same coreView()
public boolean equals(View other) {
return coreView() == other.coreView();
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Start with the documentation of View, then ViewCore, and ForwardingView. Examples are included in the documentation

This particular implementation uses Google Guava's Supplier. This is not necessary, but supports lazy-loading views. This works especially well if you have your view factory inject the suppliers after creation.

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