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Created April 11, 2024 22:45
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All known ped reset config flags | SetPedResetFlag SET_PED_RESET_FLAG |
PRF_DisablePlayerJumping = 46, -- Disable jumping
PRF_DisablePlayerVaulting = 47, -- Disable climbing / vaulting
PRF_AllowUpdateIfNoCollisionLoaded = 55, -- Don't freeze this ped for not having bounds loaded around it
PRF_DisableSecondaryAnimationTasks = 58, -- Disable upper body animtion tasks such as shove ped and open door anims
PRF_SearchForClosestDoor = 60, -- Will check for the closest door in proximity and store it off
PRF_SupressGunfireEvents = 62, -- Supresses AI generating fire events, so civilians wont be shocked or react, for use in a shooting range for example
PRF_InfiniteStamina = 63, -- Currently just for mounts, but could be expanded to anything with stamina
PRF_BlockWeaponReactionsUnlessDead = 64, -- Stops the ped from reacting to damage events (such as shots / fires, etc). The ped will still take damage while this flag is active. Note: this does not block explosion reactions.
PRF_ForcePlayerFiring = 65, -- Forces player to fire even if they aren't pressing fire
PRF_ForcePeekFromCover = 67, -- Forces an actor that is in cover to continue (or start if they haven't yet) peeking
PRF_ForcePedToStrafe = 69, -- Forces an actor to strafe
PRF_UseKinematicPhysics = 71, -- Enables kinematic physics mode on this ped. This stops other physical objects from pushing the ped around, and causes the ped to push any physical objects out of its way when it moves into them.
PRF_ClearLockonTarget = 72, -- Clear the players lockon target next frame
PRF_ForcePedToUseScripCamHeading = 77, -- forces a ped to the scripted camera heading instead of gameplay
PRF_IgnoreTargetsCoverForLOS = 85, -- When doing LOS checks to other peds we won't use the cover vantage position as the "target" position
PRF_DisableCrouchWhileInCover = 88, -- Force the crouch flag to return true while in cover.
PRF_ForceRunningSpeedForFragSmashing = 91, -- Forces a ped to apply forces to frags as if running on contact, to guarantee peds will smash through frag objects when playing custom anims
PRF_ExtraLongWeaponRange = 95, -- Force the bullets gun range to increase to 250m
PRF_ForcePlayerToEnterVehicleThroughDirectDoorOnly = 96, -- Forces the player to only use direct access when entering vehicles
PRF_TaskCullExtraFarAway = 97, -- Disable a ped getting cull from a vehicle from pretend occupants.
PRF_DisablePlayerAutoVaulting = 102, -- If this flag is set on a ped it will not attempt to autovault
PRF_UseBulletPenetration = 107, -- If this flag is set on a ped it will use the bullet shoot through code
PRF_ForceAimAtHead = 108, -- Force all attackers to target the head of this ped
PRF_IsInStationaryScenario = 109, -- Inform avoidance code that this ped isn't going anywhere and should be steered around rather than waited for
PRF_DisableSeeThroughChecksWhenTargeting = 112, -- Any targeting LoS checks will fail if any materials with 'see through' materials found.
PRF_PuttingOnHelmet = 113, -- When set, the ped is putting on a helmet.
PRF_PanicInVehicle = 120, -- When set, the ped will play panic animations if in a vehicle
PRF_CannotBeTargetedByAI = 124, -- When set, this ped cannot be added to the targeting list of AI peds, will be removed if already in the list and is thought of as not able to be attacked
PRF_ForceInjuryAfterStunned = 126, -- Forces this ped to the injured state after being stunned
PRF_BlockWeaponFire = 128, -- Prevent the ped from shooting a weapon
PRF_ExpandPedCapsuleFromSkeleton = 129, -- Set the ped capsule radius based on skeleton
PRF_DisableWeaponLaserSight = 130, -- Toggle the weapon laser sight off for this frame
PRF_SuspendInitiatedMeleeActions = 149, -- Temporarily suspend any melee actions this frame
PRF_SuppressInAirEvent = 150, -- Prevents ped from getting the in air event the next frame
PRF_AllowTasksIncompatibleWithMotion = 151, -- If set, allows ped to have tasks incompatible with its current motion
PRF_SuppressLethalMeleeActions = 155, -- This will suppress any melee action that is considered lethal
PRF_InstantBlendToAim = 156, -- Blend straight into an aim instantly, if starting a gun task this frame
PRF_MakeHeadInvisble = 166, -- If set, scale the head of the ped to 0.001
PRF_NoAutoRunWhenFiring = 167, -- Don't auto run when NoAutoRunWhenFiring is set
PRF_DisableSteeringAroundNavMeshEdges = 172,-- Don't let this ped take navmesh edges into account when performing their low-level steering/avoidance code
PRF_DisableTakeOffParachutePack = 177, -- Disable taking off the parachute pack
PRF_ForceCombatTaunt = 179, -- If this ped has the INSULT special ability, and this flag is set, he will always use the combat taunt when the special is activated
PRF_IgnoreCombatTaunts = 180, -- This ped will ignore combat taunts
PRF_PreventAllMeleeTakedowns = 187, -- Will temporarily prevent any takedown from being performed on this ped
PRF_PreventFailedMeleeTakedowns = 188, -- Will temporarily prevent any failed takedown from being performed on this ped
PRF_UseTighterAvoidanceSettings = 190, -- Will temporarily force min avoidance on this ped. will brush other peds but avoid a bit
PRF_DisableDropDowns = 195, -- Disable drop downs for this ped
PRF_DisableTakeOffScubaGear = 197, -- Disable taking off the scuba gear
PRF_DisableActionMode = 200, -- Disable combat anims for ped.
PRF_UseHeadOrientationForPerception = 206, -- Use the ped's head orientation for perception tests
PRF_DisableJumpRagdollOnCollision = 210, -- The player will no longer auto-ragdoll when colliding with objects, peds, etc. while jumping
PRF_DisableParachuting = 217, -- Disable parachuting for the ped
PRF_KeepParachutePackOnAfterTeleport = 222, -- Keep the parachute pack on after a teleport
PRF_DontRaiseFistsWhenLockedOn = 223, -- Disable the first person hands up animation (i think)
PRF_PreferMeleeBodyIkHitReaction = 224, -- This will prefer all melee hit reactions to use body ik hit reactions if ragdoll is not selected
PRF_DisableFriendlyGunReactAudio = 227, -- If set, disables friendly responses to gunshots/being aimed at.
PRF_DisableAgitationTriggers = 228, -- Disables agitation triggers
PRF_DisableNMForRiverRapids = 234, -- Disable NM reactions to fast moving water for this ped
PRF_PreventGoingIntoStillInVehicleState = 236, -- If set, the ped will not go into the still in vehicle pose
PRF_UseFastEnterExitVehicleRates = 237, -- If set, the ped will get in and out of vehicles faster
PRF_DisableAgitation = 239, -- Disables agitation
PRF_DisableTalk = 240, -- Disables talking
PRF_UseProbeSlopeStairsDetection = 247, -- Uses more expensive slope/stairs detection
PRF_DisableVehicleDamageReactions = 248, -- Disables vehicle damage reactions
PRF_DisablePotentialBlastReactions = 249, -- Disables potential blast reactions
PRF_OnlyAllowLeftArmDoorIk = 250, -- When set along side open door ik, will only use the left hand
PRF_OnlyAllowRightArmDoorIk = 251, -- When set along side open door ik, will only use the left hand
PRF_DisableFlashLight = 253, -- When set, the flash light on a Ai weapon will be turned off
PRF_ForceEnableFlashLightForAI = 258, -- When set, the ai ped will enable their flash light
PRF_DisableCombatAudio = 262, -- Disables combat audio
PRF_DisableCoverAudio = 263, -- Disables cover audio
PRF_EnablePressAndReleaseDives = 271, -- Player has to press and hold dive button to dive in water
PRF_OnlyExitVehicleOnButtonRelease = 272, -- Only allows player to exit vehicle when button is released rather than pressed or held
PRF_ConsiderAsPlayerCoverThreatWithoutLOS = 282, -- Considered as a threat as part of player cover search even if they can't see the player
PRF_BlockCustomAIEntryAnims = 283, -- Disables ped from using custom ai cover entry animations
PRF_IgnoreVehicleEntryCollisionTests = 284, -- Ignore the vehicle entry collision tests for this ped
PRF_PreventGoingIntoShuntInVehicleState = 287, -- If set, the ped will not go into the shunt in vehicle pose
PRF_EnableVoiceDrivenMouthMovement = 302, -- If set, turn on the voice driven mouth movement
PRF_UseTighterEnterVehicleSettings = 304, -- To have peds do better vehicle entries when in a group and interfered by other peds, use carefully though
PRF_InRaceMode = 305, -- Set when the player is in the races to make the player more interesting to look at.
PRF_DisableAmbientMeleeMoves = 306, -- Disable ambient melee moves (something to do with idle things)
PRF_AllowSpecialAbilityInVehicle = 308, -- Allows the player to trigger the special ability while in a vehicle
PRF_DisableInVehicleActions = 309, -- Prevents ped from doing in vehicle actions like closing door, hotwiring, starting engine, putting on helmet etc
PRF_ForceInstantSteeringWheelIkBlendIn = 310, -- Forces ped to blend in steering wheel ik instantly rather than over time
PRF_IgnoreThreatEngagePlayerCoverBonus = 311, -- Ignores the bonus score for selecting cover that the player can engage the enemy at
PRF_DontCloseVehicleDoor = 313, -- Prevents the ped from closing the vehicle door of the car they're inside
PRF_SkipExplosionOcclusion = 314, -- Explosions can't be blocked by map collision when damaging this ped
PRF_MeleeStrikeAgainstNonPed = 316, -- Set when the ped has performed a melee strike and hit any non ped material
PRF_IgnoreNavigationForDoorArmIK = 317, -- We will not attempt to walk around doors when using arm IK
PRF_DisableAimingWhileParachuting = 318, -- Disable aiming while parachuting
PRF_DisablePedCollisionWithPedEvent = 319, -- Disable hit reaction due to colliding with a ped
PRF_IgnoreVelocityWhenClosingVehicleDoor = 320, -- Will ignore the vehicle speed threshold and close the door anyway
PRF_SkipOnFootIdleIntro = 321, -- Skip idle intro
PRF_DontWalkRoundObjects = 322, -- Don't walk round objects that we collide with whilst moving
PRF_DisablePedEnteredMyVehicleEvents = 323, -- Disable ped entered my vehicle events
PRF_DisableInVehiclePedVariationBlocking = 326, -- Will allow ped variations to be rendered in vehicles, even if marked otherwise
PRF_ReduceEffectOfVehicleRamControlLoss = 327, -- When on a mission this reset flag will slightly reduce the amount of time the player loses control of their vehicle when hit by an AI ped
PRF_DisablePlayerMeleeFriendlyAttacks = 328,-- Another flag to disable friendly attack from the player. Set on the opponent you would like it to be disabled on.
PRF_IsMeleeTargetUnreachable = 330, -- Set when the melee target has been deemed unreachable (AI only)
PRF_DisableAutoForceOutWhenBlowingUpCar = 331, -- Disable automatically forcing player to exit a vehicle in a network game when blowing up vehicle
PRF_DisableDustOffAnims = 334, -- Disable amient dust off animations
PRF_DisableMeleeHitReactions = 335, -- This ped will refrain from ever performing a melee hit reaction
PRF_AllowHeadPropInVehicle = 337, -- ALlow the player to enter vehicle with ped props
PRF_OpenDoorArmIK = 342, -- Use Inverse kinematics for vehicle doors
PRF_UseTighterTurnSettingsForScript = 343, -- Force use of tighter turn settings in locomotion task
PRF_DisableVoiceDrivenMouthMovement = 346, -- If set, turn off the voice driven mouth movement
PRF_SteerIntoSkids = 347, -- If set, steer into skids while driving
PRF_AllowOpenDoorIkBeforeFullMovement = 348,-- When set, code will ignore the logic that requires the ped to be in CTaskHumanLocomotion::State_Moving
PRF_AllowHomingMissileLockOnInVehicle = 349, -- When set, code will bypass rel settings and allow a homing lock on to this ped when they are in a vehicle
STILL_UNK_CAMERA_THINGS = 350, -- Still Unkown camera thing?
PRF_DisableHighHeels = 351, -- Force the high heels DOF to be 0
PRF_DontUseSprintEnergy = 353, -- Player does not get tired when sprinting
PRF_DisableMaterialCollisionDamage = 355, -- Don't be damaged by touching dangerous material, For like eletrical things
PRF_DisableMPFriendlyLockon = 356, -- Don't target friendly players in MP
PRF_DisableMPFriendlyLethalMeleeActions = 357,-- Don't melee kill friendly players in MP
PRF_IfLeaderStopsSeekCover = 358, -- If our leader stops, try and seek cover if we can
PRF_UseInteriorCapsuleSettings = 362, -- Use Interior capsule settings
PRF_IsClosingVehicleDoor = 363, -- Ped is closing a vehicle door
PRF_DisableWallHitAnimation = 371, -- Disable stuck wall hit animation for the ped this frame
PRF_PlayAgitatedAnimsInVehicle = 372, -- When set, the ped will play panic animations if in a vehicle
PRF_IsSeatShuffling = 373, -- Ped is shuffling seat
PRF_AllowControlRadioInAnySeatInMP = 376, -- Allows ped in any seat to control the radio
PRF_DisableSpycarTransformation = 377, -- Blocks ped from manually transforming spycar to/from car/sub modes
PRF_BlockHeadbobbingToRadio = 379, --Blocks ped from headbobbing to radio music in vehicles
PRF_ForceExtraLongBlendInForPedSkipIdleCoverTransition = 381, --When putting a ped directly into cover, the ped will blend in the new cover anims slowly to prevent a pose pop, see B*1788366
PRF_DisableAssistedAimLockon = 390, -- Don't ever try to lock on to this ped with cinematic aim
PRF_NoCollisionDamageFromOtherPeds = 394, -- Any ped this is set on won't register damage from collisions against other peds.
PRF_DontSuppressUseNavMeshToNavigateToVehicleDoorWhenVehicleInWater = 398, -- For thing that inherit from boats only
PRF_InstantBlendToAimNoSettle = 401, -- If true it avoids playing the settle anim when aiming
PRF_ForceScriptedCameraLowCoverAngleWhenEnteringCover = 406, -- For first person mode, when the player enters low cover, will orientate camera to face left or right rather than into cover
PRF_DisableMeleeWeaponSelection = 417, -- Disables weapon wheel melee's
PRF_WaypointPlaybackSlowMoreForCorners = 418,-- Allows peds following waypoint recordings to slow down more for corners. (
PRF_UseBulletPenetrationForGlass = 420, --Ped will use bullet penetration code when glass material is hit.
PRF_CanBePinnedByFriendlyBullets = 423, -- If set on a ped then they are allowed to be pinned by bullets from friendly peds
PRF_DisableSpikeStripRoadBlocks = 425, -- Blocks road blocks with spike strips from spawning
PRF_IsLowerPriorityMeleeTarget = 428, -- Peds marked with this flag will only be able to be hit by the player if the player explicitly presses the melee button
PRF_ForceScanForEventsThisFrame = 429, -- Disable timeslicing of event scanning this frame
PRF_ForceAutoEquipHelmetsInAicraft = 432, -- Forces ped to auto-equip a helmet when entering an aircraft.
PRF_BlockRemotePlayerRecording = 433, -- Flag used by replay editor to disable recording specified remote players
PRF_UseFirstPersonVehicleAnimsIfFPSCamNotDominant = 435, -- allow FPS vehicle anims even if FPS camera isn't dominant
PRF_ForceIntoStandPoseOnJetski = 436, -- allow FPS vehicle anims even if FPS camera isn't dominant
PRF_SuppressTakedownMeleeActions = 438, -- This will suppress all takedown melee actions
PRF_InvertLookAroundControls = 439, -- Inverts lookaround controls (right stick / mouse) for this player
PRF_IgnoreCombatManager = 440, -- Allows attacking ped to engage another entity without waiting for its turn
PRF_UseBlendedCamerasOnUpdateFpsCameraRelativeMatrix = 441, --Check if there is an active camera blending and use the blended camera frame when compute the FPS camera relative matrix.
PRF_ForceMeleeCounter = 442, --Forces the ped to perform a dodge and a counter move if it's attacked.
PRF_SuppressNavmeshForEnterVehicleTask = 444, --Suppress navmesh navigation in TaskEnterVehicle. Will use gotopoint or bail if cant use that
PRF_DisableShallowWaterBikeJumpOutThisFrame = 445, -- Prevents the ped from jumping out of the vehicle in shallow water if the bike is submerged
PRF_DisablePlayerCombatRoll = 446, -- Prevents the player from performing a combat roll.
PRF_IgnoreDetachSafePositionCheck = 447, -- Will ignore safe position check on detaching the ped
PRF_DisableEasyLadderConditions = 448, -- Prevents the more forgiving MP ladder detection settings from being used, and forces SP settings.
PRF_PlayerIgnoresScenarioSpawnRestrictions = 449, -- Makes local player ignore certain scenario spawn restrictions on scenarios that respect this flag
PRF_UsingDrone = 450, -- Check if the player is using a drone, hasn't been tested but found in decomps
PRF_UseScriptedWeaponFirePosition = 452, -- Will use scripted firing position on the clones of this ped on other machines
PRF_UseExtendedRagdollCollisionCalculator = 454, -- Use extended logic for determining damage instigator for ragdoll collisions
PRF_PreventLockonToFriendlyPlayers = 455, -- Prevent the player locking on to friendly players
PRF_OnlyAbortScriptedAnimOnMovementByInput = 456, -- Modifies AF_ABORT_ON_PED_MOVEMENT to only trigger an abort when movement would be caused by player input
PRF_PreventAllStealthKills = 457, -- Prevents stealth take downs from being preformed on a ped
PRF_BlockFallTaskFromExplosionDamage = 458, -- Prevent peds from entering a fall task if affected by explosion damage
PRF_AllowPedRearEntry = 459 -- Allower the player to enter any seat in a vehicle
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