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Last active May 28, 2020 09:46
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김동현님 질문 코드
function* filter(f, iter) {
for (const a of iter) if (f(a)) yield a;
function* take(limit, iter) {
for (const a of iter) if (limit--) yield a;
const head = iter => take(1, iter).next().value;
const find = (f, iter) => head(filter(f, iter));
function* map(f, iter) {
for (const a of iter) yield f(a);
const zipWithCount = (iter, cnt = 1) => map(a => [a, cnt++], iter);
function* infinity(f, acc) {
while (true) yield (acc = f(acc));
const isOdd = a => a % 2;
const calc = a => isOdd(a) ? a * 3 + 1 : a / 2;
const iter = zipWithCount(infinity(calc, 1));
console.log(; // [4, 1]
console.log(; // [2, 2]
console.log(; // [1, 3]
console.log(; // [4, 4]
console.log(; // [2, 5]
const [num, count] =
find(([a]) => a == 1,
infinity(calc, 1)));
console.log(num, count); // 1, 3
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