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Created October 22, 2008 20:02
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Automatic configuration for local Insoshi Git repository
# Automatic configuration for local Insoshi Git repository
# Requirements:
# 1. Working git installation
# 2. Fork of insoshi repository on GitHub
# Usage:
# configure_insoshi_local [GitHub Account Name]
# This script will create a local clone of the official Insoshi Git
# repository located on GitHub. The specified Insoshi fork will be
# added as an addtional remote repository and a new branch created to
# track local development.
# Verify number of arguments to script
if [ $# -ne "1" ]
echo "Usage: configure_insoshi_local [GitHub Account Name]"
exit 1
MAIN_REPOSITORY=`echo git://`
# Error handling function
catch_error() {
if [ $1 -ne "0" ]
echo "ERROR encountered $2"
exit 1
# Clone official insoshi repository
# This sets the local master branch to be equal to the official insoshi
# master
echo "Cloning official insoshi repository..."
catch_error $? "cloning official insoshi repository"
# Change directory into local insoshi repository
cd insoshi
# Create a local branch that tracks the forked master branch
echo "Creating local tracking branch for edge..."
git branch --track edge origin/edge
catch_error $? "creating local tracking branch for edge"
# Create a local branch based off edge
echo "Creating local branch $BRANCH..."
git branch $BRANCH edge
catch_error $? "creating local branch $BRANCH"
git checkout $BRANCH
catch_error $? "checking out local branch $BRANCH"
# Add forked repository as a remote repository connection
# The GitHub account name will be used to refer to this repository
echo "Adding remote connection to forked repository..."
git remote add $REMOTE $REMOTE_URL
catch_error $? "adding remote $REMOTE"
# Fetch branch information
echo "Fetching remote branch information..."
git fetch $REMOTE
catch_error $? "fetching branches from remote $REMOTE"
# Create the matching remote branch on the forked repository
# We need to explicitly create the branch via a push command
echo "Pushing local branch $BRANCH to remote $REMOTE..."
git push $REMOTE $BRANCH:refs/heads/$BRANCH
catch_error $? "pushing local branch $BRANCH to remote $REMOTE"
# Configure the remote connection for the local branch
echo "Configuring remote connection for local branch $BRANCH..."
git config branch.$BRANCH.remote $REMOTE
catch_error $? "configuring remote $REMOTE for local branch $BRANCH"
git config branch.$BRANCH.merge refs/heads/$BRANCH
catch_error $? "configuring merge tracking for local branch $BRANCH"
exit 0
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