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Created February 8, 2012 23:17
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Desktopography downloader
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# desktopography-dl.rb
# Requires: nokogiri
# Downloads /everything/ from a given Desktopography exhibition. Assumes we're on
# something unixy, with mkdir and wget available for use.
require 'open-uri'
require 'nokogiri'
# pull down list of exhibitions
exhibitions_doc = Nokogiri::HTML(open '')
exhibitions = Hash[exhibitions_doc.css('#exhibitions .exhibition').map { |e| [e.text.strip.to_i, e['href']] }]
# which one, which one...
print "Exhibition year? (#{exhibitions.keys.join(', ')})\n> "
year = gets.strip.to_i
# grab wallpaper list for this exhibition
wallpapers_doc = Nokogiri::HTML(open "{exhibitions[year]}")
wallpapers = wallpapers_doc.css('#wallpapers .wallpaper')
puts "#{wallpapers.count} wallpapers found."
# for each wallpaper...
wallpapers.each do |wallpaper|
# requisite info
wallpaper_doc = Nokogiri::HTML(open "{wallpaper['href']}")
# name appropriately
name = wallpaper_doc.css('#title').text.gsub(/[^\w]/, '_').gsub(/(^_+|_+$)/, '') + '.jpg'
# download each resolution - stored in Desktopography/:year/:ratio/:resolution/:name.jpg
wallpaper_doc.css('.download select option').each do |option|
path = ['Desktopography', year, option.parent['label'], option.text, name].join('/')
# skip if possible
if File.exists? path
puts "#{path} exists - skipping..."
# proceed
puts "Downloading #{path}..."
`mkdir -p "#{File.dirname path}"`
`wget -O "#{path}" "{option['value']}"`
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