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Created January 25, 2011 20:22
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Convert an lxml.etree node tree into a dict.
def elem2dict(node):
Convert an lxml.etree node tree into a dict.
d = {}
for e in node.iterchildren():
key = e.tag.split('}')[1] if '}' in e.tag else e.tag
value = e.text if e.text else elem2dict(e)
d[key] = value
return d
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Note that this implementation doesn't handle newlines and indentation correctly. My version:

def elem2dict(node):
    Convert an lxml.etree node tree into a dict.
    result = {}

    for element in node.iterchildren():
        # Remove namespace prefix
        key = element.tag.split('}')[1] if '}' in element.tag else element.tag

        # Process element as tree element if the inner XML contains non-whitespace content
        if element.text and element.text.strip():
            value = element.text
            value = elem2dict(element)

        result[key] = value

    return result

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ITJamie commented Jul 26, 2019

warning. nether of the above account for xml that might have multiple items with the same key name and thus overwring the the key with new values. patch below

def elem2dict(node):
    Convert an lxml.etree node tree into a dict.
    result = {}

    for element in node.iterchildren():
        # Remove namespace prefix
        key = element.tag.split('}')[1] if '}' in element.tag else element.tag

        # Process element as tree element if the inner XML contains non-whitespace content
        if element.text and element.text.strip():
            value = element.text
            value = elem2dict(element)
        if key in result:

            if type(result[key]) is list:
                tempvalue = result[key].copy()
                result[key] = [tempvalue, value]
            result[key] = value
    return result

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warning. nether of the above account for xml that might have multiple items with the same key name and thus overwring the the key with new values. patch below

Very well! it works perfectly.

Thank You

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Here's a version that introduces also element attributes into the dictionary.

def elem2dict(node, attributes=True):
    Convert an lxml.etree node tree into a dict.
    result = {}
    if attributes:
        for item in node.attrib.items():
            key, result[key] = item

    for element in node.iterchildren():
        # Remove namespace prefix
        key = element.tag.split('}')[1] if '}' in element.tag else element.tag

        # Process element as tree element if the inner XML contains non-whitespace content
        if element.text and element.text.strip():
            value = element.text
            value = elem2dict(element)
        if key in result:
            if type(result[key]) is list:
                result[key] = [result[key], value]
            result[key] = value
    return result

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tyler-8 commented Dec 28, 2022

Version with key parsing done using lxml.etree's QName method

from lxml import etree
def elem2dict(node, attributes=True):
    Convert an lxml.etree node tree into a dict.
    result = {}
    if attributes:
        for item in node.attrib.items():
            key, result[key] = item

    for element in node.iterchildren():
        # Remove namespace prefix
        key = etree.QName(element).localname

        # Process element as tree element if the inner XML contains non-whitespace content
        if element.text and element.text.strip():
            value = element.text
            value = elem2dict(element)
        if key in result:
            if type(result[key]) is list:
                result[key] = [result[key], value]
            result[key] = value
    return result

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The function doesn't convert root tag into a dict. So you should care about a root tag outside a recursion if you need it.
for ex. testtest2 will be converted to {a: test1, b: test2} NOT {'root': {a: test1, b: test2}}

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