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Created May 20, 2017 02:36
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package dao
import (
type Mongodb struct {
Standard string
Userid string
IsJob bool
IsGroupJob bool
// Job *Job
RstNum int
RstKeyArray []string
IsMailJobRst bool
MaxExecutionTime time.Duration
// Ctx *ripple.Context
Head bson.M
Output interface{}
Url string
const (
TDD_URL = ""
FDD_URL = ""
var (
mongodb *Mongodb
MgoSession *mgo.Session
func GetMongodbInstance() *Mongodb {
if nil == mongodb{
mongodb = new(Mongodb)
return mongodb
func (this *Mongodb) HandleError(err error, parentInfo string, returnVal []bson.M) {
errInfo := err.Error()
if strings.Contains(errInfo, "Sort operation used more than the maximum 33554432 bytes of RAM. Add an index, or specify a smaller limit.") {
returnVal[0]["statusCode"] = "500"
returnVal[0]["errorInfo"] = "本次操作结果大小超过32M,系统排序失败,请缩小 筛选范围 或 增加筛选条件 后再尝试此操作"
this.Output = returnVal
log.Fatal("panic in location: ", parentInfo)
panic("Fatal error in " + parentInfo)
}else if strings.Contains(errInfo, "operation exceeded time limit") || strings.Contains(errInfo, "i/o timeout") {
returnVal[0]["statusCode"] = "500"
returnVal[0]["errorInfo"] = "目前系统繁忙,导致您本次操作耗时太长而失败,请稍后再尝试此操作"
this.Output = returnVal
log.Fatal("panic in location: ", parentInfo)
panic("Fatal error in " + parentInfo)
}else if strings.Contains(errInfo, "not found") {
log.Fatal("error in location: " + parentInfo)
}else {
log.Fatal("panic in location: " + parentInfo)
func (this *Mongodb) HandleErrorTwo(err error, parentInfo string, returnVal bson.M) {
errInfo := err.Error()
if strings.Contains(errInfo, "Sort operation used more than the maximum 33554432 bytes of RAM. Add an index, or specify a smaller limit.") {
returnVal["statusCode"] = "500"
returnVal["errorInfo"] = "本次操作结果大小超过32M,系统排序失败,请缩小 筛选范围 或 增加筛选条件 后再尝试此操作"
this.Output = returnVal
log.Fatal("panic in location:", parentInfo)
panic("Fatal error in " + parentInfo)
} else if strings.Contains(errInfo, "operation exceeded time limit") || strings.Contains(errInfo, "i/o timeout") {
returnVal["statusCode"] = "失败"
returnVal["errorInfo"] = "目前系统繁忙,导致您本次操作耗时太长而失败,请稍后再尝试此操作"
this.Output = returnVal
log.Fatal("panic in location:", parentInfo)
panic("Fatal error in " + parentInfo)
} else if strings.Contains(errInfo, "not found") {
log.Fatal("error in location:", parentInfo)
} else {
returnVal["statusCode"] = "失败"
returnVal["errorInfo"] = "未知错误"
this.Output = returnVal
log.Fatal("panic in location:", parentInfo)
panic("Fatal error in " + parentInfo)
func (this *Mongodb) HandleMutiRoutineError(err error, parentInfo string) {
errInfo := err.Error()
if strings.Contains(errInfo, "Sort operation used more than the maximum 33554432 bytes of RAM. Add an index, or specify a smaller limit.") {
log.Fatal("panic in location:", parentInfo)
} else if strings.Contains(errInfo, "operation exceeded time limit") || strings.Contains(errInfo, "i/o timeout") {
log.Fatal("panic in location:", parentInfo)
} else if strings.Contains(errInfo, "not found") {
log.Fatal("error in location:", parentInfo)
} else {
log.Fatal("panic in location:", parentInfo)
func (this *Mongodb) Catch(methodName string) {
if r := recover(); nil != r {
log.Println("At method:", methodName,
", Runtime error caught:", r)
func (this *Mongodb) SetMaxExecutionTime (userid string) {
this.Userid = userid
if true == this.IsJob{
this.MaxExecutionTime = time.Minute * 20
// 公共方法,获取session 如果存在则拷贝一份
func (this *Mongodb) GetSession() *mgo.Session {
if MgoSession == nil{
var err error
MgoSession, err = mgo.Dial(this.Url)
if err != nil {
MgoSession.SetSocketTimeout(time.Minute * 20)
// 最大连接池默认4096
return MgoSession.Clone()
func (this *Mongodb) WithCollection(dataBase string, collection string, s func(*mgo.Collection)error) error {
session := this.GetSession()
defer session.Close()
c := session.DB(dataBase).C(collection)
return s(c)
func (this *Mongodb) WithGridFS(dataBase string, s func(*mgo.GridFS) error) error {
session := this.GetSession()
defer session.Close()
gridsFS := session.DB(dataBase).GridFS("fs")
return s(gridsFS)
func (this *Mongodb) GetOneRecord(dataBase, collection string, queryCondition, selector bson.M) (result bson.M, err error) {
query := func(c *mgo.Collection) error {
return c.Find(queryCondition).SetMaxTime(this.MaxExecutionTime).Select(selector).One(&result)
err = this.WithCollection(dataBase, collection, query)
if err != nil {
log.Println("mongodb GetOneRecord, query failed! db:", dataBase,
", Collection:", collection,
", queryCondition:", queryCondition,
", selector:", selector,
", ErrInfo:", err)
func (this *Mongodb) GetOneRecordWithSort(dataBase, collection string, queryCondition, selector bson.M, fields ...string) (result bson.M, err error) {
query := func(c *mgo.Collection) error {
return c.Find(queryCondition).SetMaxTime(this.MaxExecutionTime).Select(selector).Sort(fields...).One(&result)
err = this.WithCollection(dataBase, collection, query)
if err != nil {
log.Println("mongodb GetOneRecordWithSort, query failed! db:", dataBase,
", Collection:", collection,
", queryCondition:", queryCondition,
", selector:", selector,
", sort:", fields,
", ErrInfo:", err)
func (this *Mongodb) GetMultiRecord(dataBase, collection string, queryCondition, selector bson.M) (result []bson.M, err error) {
query := func(c *mgo.Collection) error {
return c.Find(queryCondition).SetMaxTime(this.MaxExecutionTime).Select(selector).All(&result)
err = this.WithCollection(dataBase, collection, query)
if err != nil {
log.Println("mongodb GetMultiRecord, query failed! db:", dataBase,
", Collection:", collection,
", queryCondition:", queryCondition,
", selector:", selector,
", ErrInfo:", err)
func (this *Mongodb) GetMultiRecordWithSort(dataBase, collection string, queryCondition, selector bson.M, fields ...string) (result []bson.M, err error) {
query := func(c *mgo.Collection) error {
return c.Find(queryCondition).SetMaxTime(this.MaxExecutionTime).Select(selector).Sort(fields...).All(&result)
err = this.WithCollection(dataBase, collection, query)
if err != nil {
log.Println("mongodb GetMultiRecordWithSort, query failed! db:", dataBase,
", Collection:", collection,
", queryCondition:", queryCondition,
", selector:", selector,
", sort:", fields,
", ErrInfo:", err)
func (this *Mongodb) DeleteCollection(dataBase, collection string) (err error) {
deleteOperetion := func(c *mgo.Collection) error {
return c.DropCollection()
err = this.WithCollection(dataBase, collection, deleteOperetion)
if err != nil {
log.Println("mongodb DeleteCollection, deleteOperation failed! db:", dataBase,
", Collection:", collection,
", ErrInfo:", err)
func (this *Mongodb) Count(dataBase, collection string, queryCondition bson.M) (total int, err error) {
query := func(c *mgo.Collection) (err error) {
total, err = c.Find(queryCondition).SetMaxTime(this.MaxExecutionTime).Count()
err = this.WithCollection(dataBase, collection, query)
if err != nil {
log.Println("mongodb Count, count failed, db:", dataBase,
", Collection:", collection,
", QueryCondition:", queryCondition,
", ErrInfo:", err)
func (this *Mongodb) Pipe(dataBase, collection string, pipelineStage []bson.M) (result []interface{}, err error) {
aggregate := func(c *mgo.Collection) error {
return c.Pipe(pipelineStage).All(&result)
err = this.WithCollection(dataBase, collection, aggregate)
if err != nil {
log.Println("mongodb Pipe, pipe failed, db:", dataBase,
", Collection:", collection,
", PipelineStage:", pipelineStage,
", ErrInfo:", err)
func (this *Mongodb) PipeAllowDiskUse(dataBase, collection string, pipelineStage []bson.M) (result []interface{}, err error) {
aggregate := func(c *mgo.Collection) error {
return c.Pipe(pipelineStage).AllowDiskUse().All(&result)
err = this.WithCollection(dataBase, collection, aggregate)
if err != nil {
log.Println("mongodb Pipe, PipeAllowDiskUse failed, db:", dataBase,
", Collection:", collection,
", PipelineStage:", pipelineStage,
", ErrInfo:", err)
func (this *Mongodb) Distinct(dataBase, collection, fieldName string, queryCondition bson.M) (out []interface{}, err error) {
query := func(c *mgo.Collection) error {
return c.Find(queryCondition).SetMaxTime(this.MaxExecutionTime).Distinct(fieldName, &out)
err = this.WithCollection(dataBase, collection, query)
if err != nil {
log.Println("mongodb Distinct, distinct failed, db:", dataBase,
", Collection:", collection,
", FieldName:", fieldName,
", QueryCondition:", queryCondition,
", ErrInfo:", err)
func (this *Mongodb) UpdateOne(dataBase, collection string, selector interface{}, updater interface{}) (err error) {
update := func(c *mgo.Collection) error {
return c.Update(selector, updater)
err = this.WithCollection(dataBase, collection, update)
if err != nil {
log.Println("mongodb UpdateOne, updateOne Failed, db:", dataBase,
", Collection:", collection,
", Selector:", selector,
", Updater:", updater,
", ErrInfo:", err)
func (this *Mongodb) UpdateAll(dataBase, collection string, selector interface{}, updater interface{}) (err error) {
update := func(c *mgo.Collection) error {
_, err := c.UpdateAll(selector, updater)
return err
err = this.WithCollection(dataBase, collection, update)
if err != nil {
log.Println("mongodb UpdateAll, UpdateAll Failed, db:", dataBase,
", Collection:", collection,
", Selector:", selector,
", Updater:", updater,
", ErrInfo:", err)
func (this *Mongodb) InsertOne(dataBase, collection string, oneRecord interface{}) (err error) {
insert := func(c *mgo.Collection) error {
return c.Insert(oneRecord)
err = this.WithCollection(dataBase, collection, insert)
if err != nil {
log.Println("mongodb InsertOne, InsertOne Failed, db:", dataBase,
", Collection:", collection,
", OneRecord:", oneRecord,
", ErrInfo:", err)
func (this *Mongodb) Upsert(dataBase, collection string, selector interface{}, updater interface{}) (err error) {
upsert := func(c *mgo.Collection) error {
_, err := c.Upsert(selector, updater)
return err
err = this.WithCollection(dataBase, collection, upsert)
if err != nil {
log.Println("mongodb Upsert, Upsert Failed, db:", dataBase,
", Collection:", collection,
", Selector:", selector,
", Updater:", updater,
", ErrInfo:", err)
func (this *Mongodb) BulkInsert(dataBase, collection string, allRecords []interface{}) (err error) {
if 0 == len(allRecords) {
log.Println("bulkInsert: 0 == len(allRecords)! db:", dataBase, "collection:", collection)
bulkInsert := func(c *mgo.Collection) error {
bulk := c.Bulk()
_, err := bulk.Run()
return err
err = this.WithCollection(dataBase, collection, bulkInsert)
if err != nil {
log.Println("mongodb BulkInsert, BulkInsert Failed, db:", dataBase,
", Collection:", collection,
", ErrInfo:", err)
func (this *Mongodb) RemoveOne(dataBase, collection string, selector interface{}) (err error) {
remove := func(c *mgo.Collection) error {
return c.Remove(selector)
err = this.WithCollection(dataBase, collection, remove)
if err != nil {
log.Println("mongodb RemoveOne, RemoveOne Failed, db:", dataBase,
", Collection:", collection,
", Selector:", selector,
", ErrInfo:", err)
func (this *Mongodb) RemoveAll(dataBase, collection string, selector interface{}) (err error) {
removeAll := func(c *mgo.Collection) (err error) {
removeAllInfo, err := c.RemoveAll(selector)
if nil != err {
log.Println("mongodb RemoveAll, RemoveAll Failed, info:", *removeAllInfo)
err = this.WithCollection(dataBase, collection, removeAll)
if err != nil {
log.Println("mongodb RemoveAll, RemoveAll Failed, db:", dataBase,
", Collection:", collection,
", Selector:", selector,
", ErrInfo:", err)
func (this *Mongodb) InsertOneFile(dataBase, fileName string, fileData []byte) (fileSize int, err error) {
create := func(gridFS *mgo.GridFS) error {
file, err := gridFS.Create(fileName)
if nil != err {
return err
fileSize, err = file.Write(fileData)
if nil != err {
return err
return file.Close()
err = this.WithGridFS(dataBase, create)
if nil != err {
log.Println("mongodb GetOneFile, GetOneFile Failed, db:", dataBase,
", FileName:", fileName,
", ErrInfo:", err)
func (this *Mongodb) GetOneFileInfo(dataBase string, queryCondition, selector bson.M) (result bson.M, err error) {
query := func(gridFS *mgo.GridFS) error {
return gridFS.Find(queryCondition).Select(selector).One(&result)
err = this.WithGridFS(dataBase, query)
if nil != err {
log.Println("mongodb GetOneFile, GetOneFile Failed, db:", dataBase,
", QueryCondition:", queryCondition,
", Selector:", selector,
", ErrInfo:", err)
func (this *Mongodb) GetMultiFileInfo(dataBase string, queryCondition, selector bson.M) (result []bson.M, err error) {
query := func(gridFS *mgo.GridFS) error {
return gridFS.Find(queryCondition).Select(selector).All(&result)
err = this.WithGridFS(dataBase, query)
if nil != err {
log.Println("mongodb GetOneFile, GetOneFile Failed, db:", dataBase,
", QueryCondition:", queryCondition,
", Selector:", selector,
", ErrInfo:", err)
func (this *Mongodb) OpenFileByName(dataBase, fileName string, fileSize int) (result []byte, err error) {
openFile := func(gridFS *mgo.GridFS) error {
file, err := gridFS.Open(fileName)
if nil != err {
return err
result = make([]byte, fileSize)
_, err = file.Read(result)
if nil != err {
return err
return file.Close()
err = this.WithGridFS(dataBase, openFile)
if nil != err {
log.Println("mongodb OpenFile, OpenFile Failed, db:", dataBase,
", FileName:", fileName,
", FileSize:", fileSize,
", ErrInfo:", err)
func (this *Mongodb) RemoveFileByName(dataBase, fileName string) (err error) {
removeFile := func(gridFS *mgo.GridFS) error {
return gridFS.Remove(fileName)
err = this.WithGridFS(dataBase, removeFile)
if nil != err {
log.Println("mongodb RemoveFile, RemoveFile Failed, db:", dataBase,
", FileName:", fileName,
", ErrInfo:", err)
func (this *Mongodb) RemoveFileById(dataBase string, id interface{}) (err error) {
removeFile := func(gridFS *mgo.GridFS) error {
return gridFS.RemoveId(id)
err = this.WithGridFS(dataBase, removeFile)
if nil != err {
log.Println("mongodb RemoveFile, RemoveFile Failed, db:", dataBase,
", Id:", id,
", ErrInfo:", err)
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