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players / spoken to
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
7 66% 40% 80% 60% 100%
8 71% 48% 86% 71% 100%
9 75% 53% 89% 79% 100%
10 67% 42% 77% 60% 88% 76% 100%
11 70% 47% 82% 67% 92% 83% 100%
12 73% 51% 85% 72% 94% 88% 100%
13 66% 42% 76% 59% 85% 73% 93%
14 69% 46% 80% 65% 88% 78% 95%
jamie / attendease.yml
Created August 2, 2019 20:28
tmuxinator configuration
# /.config/tmuxinator/attendease.yml
name: attendease
root: ~/code/attendease
# Optional tmux socket
# socket_name: foo
# Note that the pre and post options have been deprecated and will be replaced by
# project hooks.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<ArrayOfBasicSetCollectionInfo xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
class Deck
attr_accessor :needs_shuffle
def initialize(cards = [%w(x2 miss), %w(2 -2), %w(1 -1) * 5, %w(0) * 6].flatten)
@orig_cards = cards
def add(cards)
@orig_cards += cards
[aka. "Project RHUA"]
require 'fileutils'
require 'sqlite3'
require 'uri'
require 'net/http'
require 'set'
require 'thread'
chrome_history_location = "#{ENV['HOME']}/Library/Application\ Support/Google/Chrome/Default/History"
temp_location = "/tmp/Chrome_history"
FileUtils.cp(chrome_history_location, temp_location)
jamie / gist:543f53e77f1dfc8bf24362206156a5d7
Created November 3, 2016 22:21
WoW fel-corrupted apexis spawns
/way Tanaan Jungle 27.4 69.3
/way Tanaan Jungle 27.5 69.2
/way Tanaan Jungle 29 72.6
/way Tanaan Jungle 29.1 67.6
/way Tanaan Jungle 31 73.6
/way Tanaan Jungle 31.2 72.7
/way Tanaan Jungle 31.3 67.1
/way Tanaan Jungle 31.6 69
/way Tanaan Jungle 32 70.2
/way Tanaan Jungle 32.1 75
jamie /
Created June 9, 2016 22:28
A thought for WoW Legacy/Progression servers

What I think Blizzard should do, regarding legacy servers.

Announce two new "Progression" realms (one or more, depending on expected load). These servers should be segregated from the rest of the content on an account - no shared pets, mounts, heirlooms, cross-realm mail, or other unlocks. All toons are starting from scratch.

One of these realms will be Serious Progression, with all the modern conveniences of life removed. No more group/dungeon finder, dungeon journals, etc. The other will be Casual Progression, with those conveniences. Anyone who wants to relive the past can choose their level of comfort. Trying to work through a dungeon tier in 1/3 the time people actually got is enough pressure, I'd think.

Both of these realms will launch on the same date (for our example, Jan 1), containing only WoW 1.0 world data (zones + dungeons, so up to BRD/MC). After launch, the server will roll through one PvE content patch every month. Patches with just world bosses or non-dungeon events will be rolled into the

jamie / risk.rb
Created April 14, 2016 17:51
Simple math simulation for risk legacy combat
require 'pp'
require 'csv'
def attack(attackers, defenders, defending=2)
while defenders > 0 and attackers > 1
this_attack = [attackers-1, 3].min
this_defense = [defenders, defending].min
attack = ([0]*this_attack).map{rand(6)+1}.sort
defense = ([0]*this_defense).map{rand(6)+1}.sort
jamie / analyze.rb
Created November 27, 2015 18:55
Some board analysis for Pandemic (and Pandemic Legacy).
require 'pp'
def compute(paths)
out = []
paths.keys.combination(3).each do |src|
next if src.include?(:atla)
next if src.include?(:hong)
next if src.include?(:cair)
next if src.include?(:saop)
seen = [src]