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Created August 17, 2015 20:05
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An implementation of the Recursive Backtracker maze generation algorithm in Erlang
% Generate and return a maze of width W and height H.
generate(W,H) -> try_directions(random:uniform(W)-1, random:uniform(H)-1, directions(), {width,W,height,H,0}).
% Returns true if there is a passage north from the given position in the maze.
north(X,Y,Maze) -> at(X,Y,Maze) band 2#1 =/= 0.
% Returns true if there is a passage south from the given position in the maze.
south(X,Y,Maze) -> at(X,Y,Maze) band 2#10 =/= 0.
% Returns true if there is a passage west from the given position in the maze.
west(X,Y,Maze) -> at(X,Y,Maze) band 2#100 =/= 0.
% Returns true if there is a passage east from the given position in the maze.
east(X,Y,Maze) -> at(X,Y,Maze) band 2#1000 =/= 0.
% Return a list of the available direction bits, in random order.
directions() -> lists:sort(fun(_,_) -> random:uniform(2) == 1 end, [1, 2, 4, 8]).
% Return the bitmask representing the exit directions available at the given
% location in the maze.
at(X,Y,{width,W,height,_,Data}) -> (Data bsr ((W * Y + X) * 4)) band 2#01111.
% Indicate that a passage exits the given maze position in the given Direction
% (a bitmask).
set(Direction,X,Y,{width,W,height,H,Data}) ->
{width,W,height,H,(Data bor (Direction bsl ((W * Y + X) * 4)))}.
opposite(1) -> 2;
opposite(2) -> 1;
opposite(4) -> 8;
opposite(8) -> 4.
dx(4) -> -1;
dx(8) -> 1;
dx(_) -> 0.
dy(1) -> -1;
dy(2) -> 1;
dy(_) -> 0.
valid(X, Y, Maze={width,W,height,H,_}) when X >= 0, Y >= 0, X < W, Y < H -> at(X, Y, Maze) == 0;
valid(_, _, _) -> false.
try_directions(_, _, [], Maze) -> Maze;
try_directions(X, Y, [Direction|Directions], Maze) ->
case valid(X+dx(Direction), Y+dy(Direction), Maze) of
true ->
try_directions(X, Y, Directions,
try_directions(X+dx(Direction), Y+dy(Direction), directions(),
set(Direction, X, Y,
set(opposite(Direction), X+dx(Direction), Y+dy(Direction), Maze))));
false -> try_directions(X, Y, Directions, Maze)
% Build an ASCII-art visualization of the given maze.
visualize(Maze={width,W,height,_,_}) ->
io:format("+~s~n", [string:copies("-+", W)]),
visualize(H,{width,_,height,H,_}) -> [];
visualize(Y,Maze) ->
visualizeCell1(W,_,{width,W,height,_,_}) -> io:format("~n");
visualizeCell1(X,Y,Maze) ->
case east(X,Y,Maze) of
true -> io:format(" ");
false -> io:format(" |")
visualizeRow2(Y,Maze) ->
visualizeCell2(W,_,{width,W,height,_,_}) -> io:format("~n");
visualizeCell2(X,Y,Maze) ->
case south(X,Y,Maze) of
true -> io:format(" +");
false -> io:format("-+")
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