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Last active August 29, 2015 14:27
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An implementation of the Recursive Backtracker maze generation algorithm in Haskell
{- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- A naive random maze generator.
- $ ghc -o maze Maze.hs
- $ maze 10 10
- Author: Jamis Buck (
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -}
module Main where
import System( getArgs )
import Random
import Array
import List( delete, find )
import Control.Monad.State
-- tiny kernel for our maze generation problem;
-- all it does is carry around our random-number generator
type MazeM a = State StdGen a -- our MazeM monad is just a State monad
rnd :: (Int, Int) -> MazeM Int
rnd rng = do -- kernel function to generate a random num
(x, gen') <- liftM (randomR rng) get
put gen'
return x
data Dir = North | West | East | South deriving (Eq, Enum)
data PointA a = Pt { x, y :: a } deriving (Eq, Ord, Ix)
type Point = PointA Int
type Maze = Array Point [Dir]
-- convert a String to an Int
readi :: String -> Int
readi = read
-- Get the next random Int less than ceil from the given generator
nexti :: Int -> MazeM Int
nexti ceil = rnd (0,ceil-1)
-- Return the width of the given maze
width :: Maze -> Int
width maze = x $ snd (bounds maze)
-- Return the height of the given maze
height :: Maze -> Int
height maze = y $ snd (bounds maze)
-- Find and return a random point in the maze that has already been visited
fixPos :: Maze -> MazeM Point
fixPos maze = do
x <- nexti (width maze)
y <- nexti (height maze)
let pt = Pt x y
if null (maze ! pt)
then fixPos maze
else return pt
-- Check to see whether moving in the given direction from the given point
-- does not take us beyond the bounds of the maze
moveIsInBounds :: Maze -> Point -> Dir -> Bool
moveIsInBounds maze pos North = (y pos) > 0
moveIsInBounds maze pos West = (x pos) > 0
moveIsInBounds maze pos East = (x pos) + 1 < width maze
moveIsInBounds maze pos South = (y pos) + 1 < height maze
-- Check to see whether the move from the given point in the given direction
-- is legal (meaning, it won't take us beyond the bounds of the array, and
-- the cell in that direction is unvisited)
availableDirection :: Maze -> Point -> Dir -> Bool
availableDirection maze pos dir = (moveIsInBounds maze pos dir) &&
(null $ maze ! movePos pos dir)
-- Update the maze such that a connection is created between the given cell
-- and the neighboring cell in the given direction
assertConnection :: Maze -> Point -> Dir -> Maze
assertConnection maze pos dir = maze // changes
where newPos = movePos pos dir
changes = [(pos, dir : (maze ! pos)), (newPos, (oppositeDir dir) : (maze ! newPos))]
-- Return True if the given list of directions includes the given direction
hasDir :: Dir -> [Dir] -> Bool
hasDir dir dirs = Nothing /= (find (== dir) dirs)
-- Return a new point that is the result of moving from the given point in the
-- given direction
movePos :: Point -> Dir -> Point
movePos (Pt x y) North = Pt x (y-1)
movePos (Pt x y) West = Pt (x-1) y
movePos (Pt x y) East = Pt (x+1) y
movePos (Pt x y) South = Pt x (y+1)
-- Given a direction, return the opposite direction
oppositeDir :: Dir -> Dir
oppositeDir North = South
oppositeDir West = East
oppositeDir East = West
oppositeDir South = North
-- Generate a maze using the given random generator. 'count' is the number of
-- cells that are still unvisited. 'maze' is the current state of the maze,
-- 'pos' is the current position in the maze, and 'dirs' is an array of
-- directions that have not been tried from the current position.
mazeGen :: Int -> Maze -> Point -> [Dir] -> MazeM Maze
-- if there are no more cells that need to be visited, we're done
mazeGen 0 maze _ _ = return maze
-- if there are no more directions that we can try, we need to choose a new
-- (visited) point and start fresh from there
mazeGen count maze _ [] = do
newPos <- fixPos maze
mazeGen count maze newPos [North .. South]
-- otherwise, choose a new direction from the list of untried directions.
-- If we can, move in that direction, otherwise recurse and try another
-- direction.
mazeGen count maze pos dirs = do
dirIdx <- nexti (length dirs)
let dir = dirs !! dirIdx
valid = availableDirection maze pos dir
if valid
-- move in the given direction
then mazeGen (count-1) (assertConnection maze pos dir)
(movePos pos dir) [North .. South]
-- can't move that way, so we try again
else mazeGen count maze pos (delete dir dirs)
-- generate a new maze (dimensions 'w' x 'h') using the given random generator.
maze :: StdGen -> Int -> Int -> Maze
maze gen w h =
-- this is the key; this is where the State gets created
evalState (mazeGen (w * h - 1) maze0 (Pt 0 0) [North .. South]) gen
maze0 = array (Pt 0 0, Pt w h) [(Pt i j, []) | i <- [0..w], j <- [0..h]]
-- return a string containing an ASCII rendering of the maze
render :: Maze -> String
render maze = renders maze 0
-- return a string containing an ASII rendering of the maze, starting at
-- the given row
renders :: Maze -> Int -> String
renders maze row =
if row < height maze then
(renderRow maze row) ++ "\n" ++
(renderUnderRow maze row) ++ "\n" ++
(renders maze (row+1))
where renderRow maze row = concat [ renderCell (maze ! (Pt x row)) | x <- [0..(width maze)-1] ]
renderCell dirs = (renderh West dirs) ++ "+" ++ (renderh East dirs)
renderh dir dirs = if hasDir dir dirs then "-" else " "
renderUnderRow maze row = concat [ renderUnderCell $ maze ! Pt x row | x <- [0..(width maze)-1] ]
renderUnderCell dirs = " " ++ (if hasDir South dirs then "|" else " ") ++ " "
-- the main function. Accepts exactly two command-line arguments describing
-- the dimensions of the maze ('w' x 'h').
main = do
x <- getArgs
gen <- getStdGen
putStrLn $ render $ maze gen (readi $ x!!0) (readi $ x!!1)
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